A Tea Party Nation


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

For whatever reason, for whatever cause... there is a fuck ton of social unrest on the horizon in this once great nation.

2008... the beginning of the end of the United States of America.
And when the next Democrat moves into the White House in 2016 (and he/she will), Obama's 8-year old torch will be carried forward and downward into the abysmal spiral of the death of America.
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

And they are right on course
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For whatever reason, for whatever cause... there is a fuck ton of social unrest on the horizon in this once great nation.

2008... the beginning of the end of the United States of America.
After the civil war a lot of republicans moved south to build to farm to produce. Democrats moved to the cities for jobs and housing. So while republicans were rebuilding the south and defeating Jim Crow democrats were looting to coffers of what was at one time the most advanced pristine cities in the world.

They have now bled those coffers dry and sold both the history the people and the future of those cities. It's just the old question of how many ticks does it take to kill a dog?

It WOULD be far easier to rebuild the cities once they have burned them down. And some where along the way a certain percentage of citizens will opt for NOT burning NOT looting and THAT is when we can retake control and rebuild.

When the base citizenship displays and practices some form of pride of ownership. Because that is to a great degree what is truly missing from the cities and it's populace of citizens today.
People have FORGOT they own the cities the counties the state and the government.

There IS no such thing as "free" programs or stuff from government. It WAS bought by another PRIVATE citizen period.
Democrats have convinced government is some kind of stand alone person with tons of cash.

That's simply NOT the case. So pride plays a role, a HUGE role. Pride in self in city of people and country. Jimmy Carter and his "sweater" speech may have done MORE to destroy America's pride in the 20th century then anyone. He was the FIRST to shame Americans for wanting to live bigger and better then the rest of the world.

He was also the first to get on his knees and suck islamic {insert bad word}. And we find ourselves there again. What was TRULY the GREATEST thing Reagan ever did? He made us PROUD to have PRIDE again.

There is NO monetary value to that. You just CAN'T buy it. You NEED to earn it. He is not the greatest president ever because of economics thou he did GREAT! NO, he set FREE the pride of every American man woman or child.

It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

The Tea Party slogan is "Profit Over Humanity".

No party believes in "Sloth" or lazy people getting things for free. The ignorance of some to think a party actually wants this shows they have never spent 1 day in research beyond their bias media propaganda.

The Tea Party failed when it shut down America. It's dead now.
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It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

And they are right on course
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

The Tea Party slogan is "Profit Over Humanity".

No party believes in "Sloth" or lazy people getting things for free. The ignorance of some to think a party actually wants this shows they have never spent 1 day in research beyond their bias media propaganda.

The Tea Party failed when it shut down America. It's dead now.

Have you watched South Carolina the last few years? The Tea Party is growing and starting to take hold in cities and counties.
And it was Obama who shut down government.

Obama REFUSED to pass the House budget. And it.s the SWORN duty of the House to SET the budget NOT the president. Now he CAN refuse to sign the budget but he CANNOT set the budget. THAT power belongs STRICTLY to the House.

He FURTHER abused his power when he made THREATS to elders and disabled that THEY would not get their checks. THAT power lies with the Supreme Court. It's ACCOUNTABLE to pay ALL domestic debt FIRST. You may notice Greece has been going through that EXACT thing right now.

The fall of the cities will cause a power vacuum and that vacuum will NOT be filled by the party IN power in those cities no. It will be filled by whatever the strongest political force is out there. Could be Tea Party could be Libertarians or Republicans.

Greece as a last ditch effort switched BACK to ultra liberals for one LAST party. And they are already saying as the 5th of June they CANNOT make payroll. Not debt NOT loans PAYROLL.
You know what happens to a company that CANNOT make payroll? The cities WILL fall they WILL fail. You CAN'T stop it.

It's the natural selective evolution of money. It has a life span and it comes into and out of a populace just like a ocean tide.
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

And they are right on course
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

The Tea Party slogan is "Profit Over Humanity".

No party believes in "Sloth" or lazy people getting things for free. The ignorance of some to think a party actually wants this shows they have never spent 1 day in research beyond their bias media propaganda.

The Tea Party failed when it shut down America. It's dead now.

Have you watched South Carolina the last few years? The Tea Party is growing and starting to take hold in cities and counties.
And it was Obama who shut down government.

Obama REFUSED to pass the House budget. And it.s the SWORN duty of the House to SET the budget NOT the president. Now he CAN refuse to sign the budget but he CANNOT set the budget. THAT power belongs STRICTLY to the House.

He FURTHER abused his power when he made THREATS to elders and disabled that THEY would not get their checks. THAT power lies with the Supreme Court. It's ACCOUNTABLE to pay ALL domestic debt FIRST. You may notice Greece has been going through that EXACT thing right now.

The fall of the cities will cause a power vacuum and that vacuum will NOT be filled by the party IN power in those cities no. It will be filled by whatever the strongest political force is out there. Could be Tea Party could be Libertarians or Republicans.

Greece as a last ditch effort switched BACK to ultra liberals for one LAST party. And they are already saying as the 5th of June they CANNOT make payroll. Not debt NOT loans PAYROLL.
You know what happens to a company that CANNOT make payroll? The cities WILL fall they WILL fail. You CAN'T stop it.

It's the natural selective evolution of money. It has a life span and it comes into and out of a populace just like a ocean tide.

Ted Cruz shut down Government. He openly stated he was going to do so before it happened. There is signed paperwork showing he was going to do so.

The later "Obama made me force my hand" argument is stupid. Obama didn't do it. Cruz openly, directly did it.

Your perspective is years behind. Sweet Tea is good in the Carolina's. Bitter tea is not.
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

And they are right on course
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

The Tea Party slogan is "Profit Over Humanity".

No party believes in "Sloth" or lazy people getting things for free. The ignorance of some to think a party actually wants this shows they have never spent 1 day in research beyond their bias media propaganda.

The Tea Party failed when it shut down America. It's dead now.

Have you watched South Carolina the last few years? The Tea Party is growing and starting to take hold in cities and counties.
And it was Obama who shut down government.

Obama REFUSED to pass the House budget. And it.s the SWORN duty of the House to SET the budget NOT the president. Now he CAN refuse to sign the budget but he CANNOT set the budget. THAT power belongs STRICTLY to the House.

He FURTHER abused his power when he made THREATS to elders and disabled that THEY would not get their checks. THAT power lies with the Supreme Court. It's ACCOUNTABLE to pay ALL domestic debt FIRST. You may notice Greece has been going through that EXACT thing right now.

The fall of the cities will cause a power vacuum and that vacuum will NOT be filled by the party IN power in those cities no. It will be filled by whatever the strongest political force is out there. Could be Tea Party could be Libertarians or Republicans.

Greece as a last ditch effort switched BACK to ultra liberals for one LAST party. And they are already saying as the 5th of June they CANNOT make payroll. Not debt NOT loans PAYROLL.
You know what happens to a company that CANNOT make payroll? The cities WILL fall they WILL fail. You CAN'T stop it.

It's the natural selective evolution of money. It has a life span and it comes into and out of a populace just like a ocean tide.

Ted Cruz shut down Government. He openly stated he was going to do so before it happened. There is signed paperwork showing he was going to do so.

The later "Obama made me force my hand" argument is stupid. Obama didn't do it. Cruz openly, directly did it.

Your perspective is years behind. Sweet Tea is good in the Carolina's. Bitter tea is not.

Ted Cruz spun law to his advantage. Newt was a master of that.
Read the law, that's where the details are NOT any network. Read the rule book government uses NOT the media.

Do YOU have any idea how many LAWS House members and Senate members AND the oval office are EXEMPT from?
Read those exemptions and you will have the very cornerstone of why you are living the way you are living.
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

And they are right on course
It's growing closer and closer. There WILL be some growing pains though. We are going to HAVE to let major democrat cities FAIL nation wide. We are going to HAVE to allow them to shoot each other and loot each other and yes burn the cities down.

If we do not we will simply be propping up puppet democratic dictatorships. They NEED to go broke and they NEED to burn because in real world evolution of man failure does equal loss.

Chicago put forth a bill that would have FORCED the entire state to support it. Expect more of that as democrat controlled cities FAIL. The democrat political leeches of those cities have run out of citizens money FROM those cities and without state support or federally MANDATED state support will die.

Baltimore St Louis Detroit are the LAST areas of democratic dictatorship. You allow them to fall and you not only destroy the democrats you destroy their support systems. If companies like GM Ford Dodge and Boeing were smart they would drop ALL union healthcare and FORCE unions to take Obamacare.

Those unions plus many public unions opted OUT of Obozocare care but there is NO law stating companies OR cities must provide healthcare. Public sector unions would be destroyed and would truly have to go before the tax payer in good faith NOT threat.

That is when the Tea Party nation could be formed. Here's a short video from Bill to base that out. But the FIRST step is ours and the FIRST step is letting the democrat dictatorships DIE. And all we have to do is say NO.

The Tea Party slogan is "Profit Over Humanity".

No party believes in "Sloth" or lazy people getting things for free. The ignorance of some to think a party actually wants this shows they have never spent 1 day in research beyond their bias media propaganda.

The Tea Party failed when it shut down America. It's dead now.

Have you watched South Carolina the last few years? The Tea Party is growing and starting to take hold in cities and counties.
And it was Obama who shut down government.

Obama REFUSED to pass the House budget. And it.s the SWORN duty of the House to SET the budget NOT the president. Now he CAN refuse to sign the budget but he CANNOT set the budget. THAT power belongs STRICTLY to the House.

He FURTHER abused his power when he made THREATS to elders and disabled that THEY would not get their checks. THAT power lies with the Supreme Court. It's ACCOUNTABLE to pay ALL domestic debt FIRST. You may notice Greece has been going through that EXACT thing right now.

The fall of the cities will cause a power vacuum and that vacuum will NOT be filled by the party IN power in those cities no. It will be filled by whatever the strongest political force is out there. Could be Tea Party could be Libertarians or Republicans.

Greece as a last ditch effort switched BACK to ultra liberals for one LAST party. And they are already saying as the 5th of June they CANNOT make payroll. Not debt NOT loans PAYROLL.
You know what happens to a company that CANNOT make payroll? The cities WILL fall they WILL fail. You CAN'T stop it.

It's the natural selective evolution of money. It has a life span and it comes into and out of a populace just like a ocean tide.

Ted Cruz shut down Government. He openly stated he was going to do so before it happened. There is signed paperwork showing he was going to do so.

The later "Obama made me force my hand" argument is stupid. Obama didn't do it. Cruz openly, directly did it.

Your perspective is years behind. Sweet Tea is good in the Carolina's. Bitter tea is not.

Ted Cruz spun law to his advantage. Newt was a master of that.
Read the law, that's where the details are NOT any network. Read the rule book government uses NOT the media.

Do YOU have any idea how many LAWS House members and Senate members AND the oval office are EXEMPT from?
Read those exemptions and you will have the very cornerstone of why you are living the way you are living.

You planning on fixin that after your tea party revolution and you set up the USB.....United States of Bill?
The imaginary world in your head is getting more complex every day, isn't it? I wonder how long it will be before you have completely lost touch with this one? You seem pretty close to that now.
The cities will burn and fall under fiscal and social upheaval. Just like Rome. Just like Greece. You ALREADY have the social upset going on now.

YOUR little democrat dictatorships are DYING and the inner city folks are like rats on a sinking ship. They are gnawing {looting} chunks to float off on. They have stood there and WATCHED the democratic dictatorship do nothing for two decades but GIVE things away.

Company close and jobs are lost then homes go vacant and values drop and the intake of money falls but public services not only live but they grow further adding to the tax rate on a city with a company closed and and homes vacant.

It's a cycle. The next cycle is the death cycle. Google Josephine County Oregon. The county went BROKE about two years ago. Home prices went from say 75k to 13k. I'm getting ready to buy raw land there and just sit on it.

Those cities are ready to hit the bottom of the cycle and the best thing you can do is NOTHING. Because THEN and only THEN will you see the re-investment NEEDED to build a city.
For whatever reason, for whatever cause... there is a fuck ton of social unrest on the horizon in this once great nation.

2008... the beginning of the end of the United States of America.

God, Conservatives have such a hard on for our nation to collapse. Its like listening to Soviet Era propaganda.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. While you're stroking another one out to the latest issue of Guns and Ammo in your fallout shelter you dug in the backyard, we'll keep doing business, paying our taxes, and making sure this Great Nation is just fine.
The imaginary world in your head is getting more complex every day, isn't it? I wonder how long it will be before you have completely lost touch with this one? You seem pretty close to that now.
The cities will burn and fall under fiscal and social upheaval. Just like Rome. Just like Greece. You ALREADY have the social upset going on now.

YOUR little democrat dictatorships are DYING and the inner city folks are like rats on a sinking ship. They are gnawing {looting} chunks to float off on. They have stood there and WATCHED the democratic dictatorship do nothing for two decades but GIVE things away.

Company close and jobs are lost then homes go vacant and values drop and the intake of money falls but public services not only live but they grow further adding to the tax rate on a city with a company closed and and homes vacant.

It's a cycle. The next cycle is the death cycle. Google Josephine County Oregon. The county went BROKE about two years ago. Home prices went from say 75k to 13k. I'm getting ready to buy raw land there and just sit on it.

Those cities are ready to hit the bottom of the cycle and the best thing you can do is NOTHING. Because THEN and only THEN will you see the re-investment NEEDED to build a city.

You're sure hitting that word 'democratic dictatorship' like you're beating a drum. You do realize that the words are mutually exclusive, right? And that dictatorship doesn't mean what you think it means.

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