A sad thing I have seen in my nation

Yea, what riots. A thread thinly disguised and missed by most, more lies to denigrate Christians, more bigotry, more stereotyping to further divide the nation so that those in power can remain in power to protect us from ourselves.

....Especially when the clerics are much-more experienced at doing-so, right??

Marriage is nothing but a legal contract between two people that combines their assets and property.

As far as the fucking government is concerned that's all it should be.

It's time the government get out of the marriage business and out of the personal lives of people period.

Marriage is the holy union in the eyes of God between a man and a woman, and I agree, the damn government shouldn't have a fuckin' thing to do with it. It's a religious thing, and the old separation of church and state rule should apply.

If homos feel a need to sanctify their butt fucking, then they should dream up their own religion that condones men sucking each others cocks and ramming their meat up each others ass, because clearly the Christian God does NOT...

Leviticus 18:22

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."



I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

I've seen an entire party exploit the poor, war on poverty, trillions of dollars, for over 50 years and they're still poor. And the worst part, they continue to do it knowing that by adding more social programs that those people will continually vote for them.
.....While there's a SUCKER, born, at every Town Hall Meeting!!!!


I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

The POOR don't pay an income tax. How do you give a "TAX BREAK" to anyone who doesn't pay taxes??? THEREFORE, the ONLY people you can give a tax break to is the "rich" (rich being defined as anyone making more than you).
Yeah....we've heard....we've heard..... :rolleyes:


Why do the Christians here dislike the Westboro Church people so much?

Sure they should find other venues besides funerals to convey their message.

But what they say about God hating fags is straight out of the Bible. :cool:
There should be no income tax, this debate is the perfect example as to why there should be no income tax. What business is it of the politicians to know what we make, how we spend our money, what business is it of politicians to divide the nation by using taxes against one group of Americans.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, 'cause.....Everybody knows, the Teabaggers are more-than-happy to run-around, patching potholes & repairing bridges....for free....'cause o' their outstanding Patriotism.

One of the saddest things I've seen lately is that a lot of people in this country still think this is Presidential material:
How could we possibly resist listening to that angelic-voice, for four years??????


One of the saddest things I've seen lately is that a lot of people in this country still think this is Presidential material:


Why is Sarah not presidential material. Because MSNBC which is owned by GE, General Electric says so, the same GE that gave millions to Obama, the same GE that now receives billions from Obama to build Wind Power, the same GE that has successfully lobbied Oregon and California to pass laws mandating we buy Wind Turbines.

So why exactly is Sarah not qualified, because she is not the Washington elite.
That's (finally) obvious to you 'Baggers, huh??


I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

How about being specific on the jobs being moved overseas, during the eight years of president Clinton we lost over 45 million jobs to China, thats why we are in this mess.
oooooooooooooooooooooo.....how specific!!

Here.....let me help you get started......

I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

How about being specific on the jobs being moved overseas, during the eight years of president Clinton we lost over 45 million jobs to China, thats why we are in this mess.

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

The US gained 24 million jobs while Clinton was president, a historical record breaker that has yet to be beaten
Easy, now.....that might be a little too-specific, for mdn2000. :rolleyes:


How about being specific on the jobs being moved overseas, during the eight years of president Clinton we lost over 45 million jobs to China, thats why we are in this mess.

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

The US gained 24 million jobs while Clinton was president, a historical record breaker that has yet to be beaten
Easy, now.....that might be a little too-specific, for mdn2000. :rolleyes:



Nothing is "too specific" or even "too simple" for mdn2000 to misunderstand
Like it or not, "Marriage" is a RELIGIOUS union and has a definition. Two men or two women going through ANY ceremony doesn't make it "Marriage."

To "tolerate" this is to "tolerate" a sin God Himself called an ABOMINATION. IF you believe God is REAL, this ought to make you TREMBLE. NO nation has ever survived long after tampering with what we're tampering with--"NORMALIZING" this ABOMINATION.

As It Was In the Days of Sodom & Gomorrah
Fire From Heaven?

Well then...there are some of us who have been "married" religiously in church too.

But, I guess you are in support of a law striking down the term "marriage" in all legal documentation and licenses then.

Other than that...gays have been around since mammals have been around....when is the 'striking down' going to happen.

(Apparently you didn't read in the Bible where it is clearly stated that Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed for the Sin of Inhospitality)
Why is Sarah not presidential material. Because MSNBC which is owned by GE, General Electric says so, the same GE that gave millions to Obama, the same GE that now receives billions from Obama to build Wind Power, the same GE that has successfully lobbied Oregon and California to pass laws mandating we buy Wind Turbines.

So why exactly is Sarah not qualified, because she is not the Washington elite.

No, because she is a moron and a quitter

That is not much of an explanation, as far as I can see she is at least as intelligent as you, actually much more intelligent, she became Governor of Alaska and the Vice Presidential, candidate......
.....And, was (at least) as successful as Daddy's Lil' Dumbya!!!!!
I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

You believe the top earners don't pay enough? During 2007, the top 1 percent had paid more in federal income tax than the bottom 95 percent. That's not enough for you?

The saddest thing I've seen is that some people believe they're entitled to steal from someone who has worked harder in order to avoid doing it themselves. Jesus does not approve.
I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

You believe the top earners don't pay enough? During 2007, the top 1 percent had paid more in federal income tax than the bottom 95 percent. That's not enough for you?

I see another wingnut who thinks income taxes are the only taxes that people pay.:cuckoo:

The saddest thing I've seen is that some people believe they're entitled to steal from someone who has worked harder in order to avoid doing it themselves. Jesus does not approve.

And the funniest thing I've seen is christian morons like you who claim that Jesus opposed taxes. It like I said, no one knows less about christianity than the average christian
I think the saddest thing I've seen is an entire political party pandering to the rich. Just the fact that a party's leadership could hold millions of Americans hostage, denying them unemployment just before Christmas simply to guarantee the top 1.7% won't have to pay their fair share us just awful.

And the worst part? 2.4 million jobs that the same party helped move to China from 2001 to 2008. And this party, the party of wars and lies, calls itself "moral". To bad there isn't a magical Jesus, because if there were, he would punish them for using his name.

You believe the top earners don't pay enough? During 2007, the top 1 percent had paid more in federal income tax than the bottom 95 percent. That's not enough for you?

I see another wingnut who thinks income taxes are the only taxes that people pay.:cuckoo:

The saddest thing I've seen is that some people believe they're entitled to steal from someone who has worked harder in order to avoid doing it themselves. Jesus does not approve.

And the funniest thing I've seen is christian morons like you who claim that Jesus opposed taxes. It like I said, no one knows less about christianity than the average christian

Well, if working hard to secure my future and not relying on government handouts makes me a wingnut, then so be it. I, unlike some, would feel like a lesser person by taking what doesn't belong to me. I think what you'll find once you mature a bit, is that no one from the government is going to be there to take care of you forever. Just ask the "99ers".

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