A Republican nightmare seems about to become real


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’

“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
Wow Mrs Jones...did you just wake from a 2 year nap? Our party is doing just fine, exposing the crime family and drug and child trafficking operation in the White House currently.....watching the Poopeypants house of cards crumble. I think you better drink some of your lemming juice and wake up and see whaat is really happening instead of through your commie colored glasses.
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’

Your corrupt Shitler in the White House has been caught red handed taking million dollars bribes from China. His staff is doing cocaine in the White House. His son’s pics of him having sex with prostitutes and playing with children while near naked are all over the internet. Your party defends pedophiles and child mutilation surgeries.

And the worst you got on Trump is some old woman claiming she was “sexually assaulted” in a department store 40 years ago, and just recently decided to say something about it, after praising him on Twitter years before?
Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’

How true, Clay, there is no war on Trump!
  • 2016 - Hillary's Steele Dossier claiming Russian collusion.
  • 2017 - Boycott Trump's inauguration. IMPEACH 45! FISA court lies to promote an unwarranted investigation + Obama wiretapping and leaks.
  • 2018 - Mueller investigation to get to the bottom of something they already knew to be false.
  • 2019 - Impeach Trump for investigating Biden crimes we now know to be true. Investigate Trump's stolen tax records.
  • 2020 - Blame Trump for a global pandemic then steal his reelection and brag about it.
  • 2021 - Impeach Trump again for daring to challenge the fake election.
  • 2022 - 6 months of J6 hearings to present false and tampered evidence for a riot he tried to stop that you let happen knowing it was coming weeks in advance.
  • 2023 - Indict Trump for taking home his own presidential records.
That's not a war, it is merely a Trump Derangement Obsession!
How true, Clay, there is no war on Trump!
  • 2016 - Hillary's Steele Dossier claiming Russian collusion.
  • 2017 - Boycott Trump's inauguration. IMPEACH 45! FISA court lies to promote an unwarranted investigation + Obama wiretapping and leaks.
  • 2018 - Mueller investigation to get to the bottom of something they already knew to be false.
  • 2019 - Impeach Trump for investigating Biden crimes we now know to be true. Investigate Trump's stolen tax records.
  • 2020 - Blame Trump for a global pandemic then steal his reelection and brag about it.
  • 2021 - Impeach Trump again for daring to challenge the fake election.
  • 2022 - 6 months of J6 hearings to present false and tampered evidence for a riot he tried to stop that you let happen knowing it was coming weeks in advance.
  • 2023 - Indict Trump for taking home his own presidential records.
That's not a war, it is merely a Trump Derangement Obsession!
Russia aided the Trumpybear campaign and the Trumpybear's campaign gleefully accepted their aid.

Obama didn't boycott the Trumpybears inauguration and he provided a smooth transfer of power. Durham was suppose to uncover all that wiretapping suff. What happened to that?

Mueller found multiple instances of collusion between Russians and the Trumpybear campaign. He never found a Criminal Conspiracy between the Russian Government and the Trumpyberra campaign.

Biden committed no crime carrying out the foreign policy objective of the USA, the EU and the IMF.

Trumpyberra's owns his response to the Covid crisis.

We challenge our elections in the state where they were held. We don't send MAGAMOB's to Capitol Hill to intimidate Congress while they count the States certified votes.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

It's not that he took them so much as it is lying about them and playing 'Three Card Monty' with them after the subpoena was issued.
Your corrupt Shitler in the White House has been caught red handed taking million dollars bribes from China. His staff is doing cocaine in the White House. His son’s pics of him having sex with prostitutes and playing with children while near naked are all over the internet. Your party defends pedophiles and child mutilation surgeries.

And the worst you got on Trump is some old woman claiming she was “sexually assaulted” in a department store 40 years ago, and just recently decided to say something about it, after praising him on Twitter years before?
You are in a cult.
Solution: Both sides realize just how bad & corrupt Trump and Biden BOTH are.

The possibility of that happening. ZERO. You people just love to fight. You're so loyal to your own sides, that you overlook the lies and corruption from your own sides.
And so the end result is we'll keep getting lying corrupt politicians to run our government and the country. And things won't change one bit.

But hey, you'll still have something argue and fight over. Because that's what you love doing.
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
Great post. Spot on article. Offramps for GOPs appeared before J6. Taking the offramp at any time would be an admission that they were wrong. They can't do that anymore than Trump can.
a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll
Please link to the court case that found him guilty of that charge. He was found LIABLE not GUILTY. It was a CIVIL case with a DIFFERENT STANDARD OF PROOF and does not require UNANIMOUS agreement by the jury which is required in a CRIMINAL trial. Maybe you can rent out the upstairs of that shithouse you're practicing law from. Clearly, you are using the basement.
Please link to the court case that found him guilty of that charge. He was found LIABLE not GUILTY. It was a CIVIL case with a DIFFERENT STANDARD OF PROOF and does not require UNANIMOUS agreement by the jury which is required in a CRIMINAL trial. Maybe you can rent out the upstairs of that shithouse you're practicing law from. Clearly, you are using the basement.
“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

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“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
He still has a good chance of being president again if he's able to run against Biden. But the Dem party has to stick with Biden because the flawed system is stuck with a president. It's now become a question of when he'll be taken down and how. Then the problem of eliminating Kamela should be quick and easier.

Russia will likely apply pressure against Biden by hinting at the possibility of nuclear war, right up until Biden is gone.

Will Trump be any safer for the future of humanity? He at least probably won't be any worse. And will Newsom start suggesting that peace with Russia and China is in America's best interests?
Solution: Both sides realize just how bad & corrupt Trump and Biden BOTH are.

The possibility of that happening. ZERO. You people just love to fight. You're so loyal to your own sides, that you overlook the lies and corruption from your own sides.
And so the end result is we'll keep getting lying corrupt politicians to run our government and the country. And things won't change one bit.

But hey, you'll still have something argue and fight over. Because that's what you love doing.
There is no evidence of Biden “corruption”.
Benghazi 2.0
Please link to the court case that found him guilty of that charge. He was found LIABLE not GUILTY. It was a CIVIL case with a DIFFERENT STANDARD OF PROOF and does not require UNANIMOUS agreement by the jury which is required in a CRIMINAL trial. Maybe you can rent out the upstairs of that shithouse you're practicing law from. Clearly, you are using the basement.
Stop trying to split hairs on semantics my friend. Trump was guilty and it's only a question of whether his lowlife supporters care or not.
He still has a good chance of being president again if he's able to run against Biden. But the Dem party has to stick with Biden because the flawed system is stuck with a president. It's now become a question of when he'll be taken down and how. Then the problem of eliminating Kamela should be quick and easier.

Russia will likely apply pressure against Biden by hinting at the possibility of nuclear war, right up until Biden is gone.

Will Trump be any safer for the future of humanity? He at least probably won't be any worse. And will Newsom start suggesting that peace with Russia and China is in America's best interests?
Trump is toast.
You'd do well to just erase his name from your memory.
“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

You are clearly an associate in the basement of that shithouse. Criminal trials don't award civil penalties moron. He was not found LIABLE on the rape charge but on the simple assault charge. Regardless, there was never a criminal charge filed.

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