Why is Trump afraid to testify on his own behalf!

No laughing matter. It’s clearly true.

Also tragic.

Sucks to be you.

By the way, I remind you of the error and ignorance of the mindless thread topic — in case you ever wish to post ON topic.

You coward.

It is still true that a decision not to testify is often smart but is not a sign of fear.
Remember how your boy at a deposition took the 5th 450 times? Was he too gutless to do that at this trial?
What happens if I do?

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Without his okay they'd be committing treason.

Well they already committed treason against this country many times before.
Trump is a gutless coward who resorts to whining like a little bitch every day following court rather then be man enough to take the stand in his own defense.

End of story.

How many billions of $ are you worth, gutless little bitch of a man?

Wouldn't you like having a supermodel wife and wonderful kids, instead of whatever ratbag and crotch fruit you're currently stuck with?

How many times were you elected to the highest political office of the United States, besides never?

End of story, loser.
Yes. Jasmine was located by an investigator from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She was in Mesa in a homeless camp.

I wrote an absolutely blistering letter and sent it to every supervisor in the system.

No they won't try Cohen again. There is nothing that could benefit democrats. If not for this, Cohen is old news boring.
I’m so glad to hear she was found. :)
How many billions of $ are you worth, gutless little bitch of a man?

Wouldn't you like having a supermodel wife and wonderful kids, instead of whatever ratbag and crotch fruit you're currently stuck with?

How many times were you elected to the highest political office of the United States, besides never?

End of story, loser.
How many pornstars have you shagged behind your wife's back, dickweed?

Ever ripoff classified docs from the Feds, asswipe?

Ever nailed for sexual assault in a civil trial, Skippy?

Get involved in a coup attempt, halfwit?

Ever blow thru hundreds of millions of $$$ that was handed to by your rich daddy, CLOWN?

End of story, Trump brown noser.
Is Trump AFRAID to testify?

He does not always listen to his lawyers & advisors, as we know from his “stolen election” lies. So why not mouth off some more in court vs outside??

Perhaps Trump is chicken to screw up his lies, or to voice “i can’t remember” too many times to win the demented contest with Biden. LOL 😂

Trump could make this all go away. Say yes he did it so what? What are they going to do? Certainly not put him in jail.

And the other 2 cases are being delayed by the Supreme Court. They couldn't/wouldn't help him steal 2020 it would have exposed them even more than they've already been exposed. But they have no problem stalling the classified documents case where he had top secret shit EVERYWHERE. Anyone consider asking what the fuck Trump was doing with all this stuff? I say he was selling it. Seems like something he and the Kushner family would do if they felt above the law.

So it's obvious he's guilty of that and the insurrection where a woman died. Trump's responsible.

Let's just assume I'm right that you know deep down he's guilty. You're still going to vote for him. That's what's scary. A Democrat would be suck with even one charge. Hillary would have been sunk if she was charged. And let's not forget Trump's warning about a guy like himself.

Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis​

Do you care? Nope.

Trump on people pleading the Fifth Amendment: 'Disgraceful'​

Years before Donald Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment during his deposition in New York, he criticised his political opponents for doing the same thing.

Do you care? Nope. You hold Democrats to a much higher standard.
Is Trump AFRAID to testify?

He does not always listen to his lawyers & advisors, as we know from his “stolen election” lies. So why not mouth off some more in court vs outside??

Perhaps Trump is chicken to screw up his lies, or to voice “i can’t remember” too many times to win the demented contest with Biden. LOL 😂

I did a search and as far back as 2017 people have been talking about Trump testifying under oath. Did he ever back then or now? I don't think he has.

In his Rape trial the jury found him not credible when he was being questioned. He said she was not his type but then in another picture mistook her for his ex wife. Clearly caught him lying. Right?

And I remember him once saying anyone who pleads the 5th is guilty, and then later plead the 5th. How can you Not See it? You Not See!
Is Trump AFRAID to testify?

He does not always listen to his lawyers & advisors, as we know from his “stolen election” lies. So why not mouth off some more in court vs outside??

Perhaps Trump is chicken to screw up his lies, or to voice “i can’t remember” too many times to win the demented contest with Biden. LOL 😂

You should not be permitted to vote, post on social media, or breed unless and until you pass a course in civics, and write a research paper of not less than five thousand words about how the US criminal court system works.

That's no way to talk about your next President.

Have you made arrangements to move to Canada yet?

They wouldn't take him.
Because there's no way in hell that even the second tier ambulance chasers that Trump is able to scrounge up for legal representation would ever consent to put him on the stand to testify. He would convict himself in less than 20 questions. :auiqs.jpg:
You would be completely incompetent as legal representation if you allowed this to happen.
His attorneys had no power to stop him from testifying, only advice.

When he stupidly said: "I'd testify, but I'm under a gag order." I knew that he was just trying to establish an excuse. The Judge corrected him, and left him excuse-less. Then, he said that he would testify while knowing full well that we wasn't going to. This is our beloved Donald to a tee.
Why would he? It is incumbent on the prosecution to make their case. Trump has no responsibility to prove his innocence. He is innocent until PROVEN guilty and the prosecution is sorely lacking in their ability to prove any wrong doing. This is a political hack job.
Looks like he was proven guilty by ALL 12 jurors based on the evidence presented.
Maybe he should have given his OWN testimony ... if he really was innocent.
If one is truly innocent, why not testify?
Especially Trump who loves to mouth off.

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