A reminder about the 'destruction' of the State of Israel.


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
So many times, when the tempers get hot, some 'claim' that Israel will be destroyed by the Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians.

So let us remember how good a fighting force Arab armies have become:

There is NO fucking way that the State of Israel will EVER be destroyed.
So many times, when the tempers get hot, some 'claim' that Israel will be destroyed by the Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians.

So let us remember how good a fighting force Arab armies have become:

There is NO fucking way that the State of Israel will EVER be destroyed.

Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.

Yep. Only one small shift until it's done. And that is restoring the rights of the Jewish people to worship at the Temple Mount.
So many times, when the tempers get hot, some 'claim' that Israel will be destroyed by the Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians.

So let us remember how good a fighting force Arab armies have become:

There is NO fucking way that the State of Israel will EVER be destroyed.

Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.

You managed to include most of your usual cut and paste slogans in that short and ineffectual tirade. The fact is, Israel is a parliamentary democracy. You don't understand that because it's just one more thing you don't understand.

Tell us about the totalitarian dictatorships that define Gaza'istan and Mahmoud'istan. How would you define those Islamic paradises where the primary beneficiaries of the UNRWA welfare fraud (the tip of the pyramid welfare fraud) refuse elections.

Have you considered that you place yourself among the true ignorant clowns with your silly blathering?
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... the people of Israel...

... are God's own peculiar people...

... says so inna Bible."
Nobody will defeat Israel. It will just rot out from the inside like a bad tooth.
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.

Of course the Palestinians want a secular state, they were both Muslim and Christian. They begged the British to accept their secular constitution since the 1920s.

Yes, please read my posts. They provide the facts, you Hasbara nutter.
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.

Of course the Palestinians want a secular state, they were both Muslim and Christian. They begged the British to accept their secular constitution since the 1920s.

Yes, please read my posts. They provide the facts, you Hasbara nutter.
Indeed, the Palestinians did not want a religious identity. They all just wanted to be classified as Palestinians.

It was the British/Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion. It was part of their settler colonial project.
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.

Of course the Palestinians want a secular state, they were both Muslim and Christian. They begged the British to accept their secular constitution since the 1920s.

Yes, please read my posts. They provide the facts, you Hasbara nutter.

Arab-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians chose Hamas to represent them. Hamas is clearly not secular.

Before you assign yourself as the talking turban who expresses the views of Arabs-Moslems, consider not doing that as you just make yourself the pompous buffoon.
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.

Of course the Palestinians want a secular state, they were both Muslim and Christian. They begged the British to accept their secular constitution since the 1920s.

Yes, please read my posts. They provide the facts, you Hasbara nutter.
Indeed, the Palestinians did not want a religious identity. They all just wanted to be classified as Palestinians.

It was the British/Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion. It was part of their settler colonial project.
Indeed, you are competing with The Monty for the title of Head Turban in Charge of not understanding what you're talking about.

It's interesting how Arabs-Moslems chose Islamic supremacists as their governing... sort of... body to represent them but here you are, safely ensconced in the Great Satan, waging your silly online gee-had telling Arabs-moslems what they do and do not want.
Correct, it will simply disappear as a theocracy and will hopefully become a democratic, secular state where people of all religions are treated equally.
You know monte, you make that sound good. Problem is, we all know that in your secret room where you support and plot your electronic intifada propaganda, that is not at all what you really desire.

The last thing the Palestinians want is a secular state. They want a one state solution all right, one state without ONE SINGLE Jew in it. And that is what you really mean. Do not deny it. You have posted enough for all to know that that is the actual solution you support.

I highly encourage any new readers to search out montelatici's posts for themselves to see that I am telling the truth.

Of course the Palestinians want a secular state, they were both Muslim and Christian. They begged the British to accept their secular constitution since the 1920s.

Yes, please read my posts. They provide the facts, you Hasbara nutter.
What a dufus! "The Palestinians want a secular state" Yup! As in the secular Islamic Caliphate of Palestine under barbaric Shariah law. The world really needs yet another Islamic terrorist shithole.
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":

The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":

Now come on, you guys did hurt their pride.
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":


So you don't believe in 'Greater Israel'?

The map you post is the current position of Israel, I said "Israels expansionist ideas"...
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":


So you don't believe in 'Greater Israel'?

The map you post is the current position of Israel, I said "Israels expansionist ideas"...
What's that, something you grabbed from some cockamamie site? :cuckoo:
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":


So you don't believe in 'Greater Israel'?

The map you post is the current position of Israel, I said "Israels expansionist ideas"...
What's that, something you grabbed from some cockamamie site? :cuckoo:

Oddly enough no...

Just from MANY of the pro Israel supporters right here!!! :cuckoo:
The greatest danger to Israel is Israel itself...

I'm not sure that the world is tolerant enough for, what I believe to be, Israels expansionist ideas...
"Israel's expansionist ideas"...woohoo! You guys are a joke! Israel is occupying less than 1% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently even that is too much for the greedy Muslims.

Here is a map of "expansionist Israel":


So you don't believe in 'Greater Israel'?

The map you post is the current position of Israel, I said "Israels expansionist ideas"...
What's that, something you grabbed from some cockamamie site? :cuckoo:

Oddly enough no...

Just from MANY of the pro Israel supporters right here!!! :cuckoo:
Be specific.
This is so funny. Everyone knows the bozos calling for a Greater Israel, Ruddy for one. But in line with the Hasbara manual, these Hasbara types are taught to ask for links to the actual messages so it wastes the poster's time.

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