A real step up, unlike EV's

What about gasoline, diesel or CNG powered electric cars?

Not to mistaken with hybrids that need all the batteries, but cars that have a small internal combustion engine that power an electric motor.

All possible technologies need to be pursued.

As a Prius owner I can tell you that hybrid technology saves a lot of gasoline.
For whom are you saving all that gasoline?
I doubt anyone that purchases this vehicle has any interest in saving gasoline. For many it would be the newest toy on the block for others it would be about global warming.
I agree. I would put my money on batteries at this point in time.

Many high-ranking auto execs disagree.. The cost to move transport to the GRID is astronomical and not gonna happen with govts in hoc. And batteries are a huge toxic waste stream that we don't need.

Electrical generation and distribution is funded privately.

There are battery technologies with waste stream concerns and some without.

All current batteries have waste stream issues. Some, like lithium ion batteries, have an even more limited supply than the oil they wish to replace. Battery technology is at an impasse. They can make them into structural parts of vehicles but they still have the fundamental storage limit problems. Hydrogen fuel cells have the ability for a true quantum leap in technology.

Batteries don't.
All possible technologies need to be pursued.

As a Prius owner I can tell you that hybrid technology saves a lot of gasoline.
For whom are you saving all that gasoline?
I doubt anyone that purchases this vehicle has any interest in saving gasoline. For many it would be the newest toy on the block for others it would be about global warming.

I bought it to save gasoline.
Many high-ranking auto execs disagree.. The cost to move transport to the GRID is astronomical and not gonna happen with govts in hoc. And batteries are a huge toxic waste stream that we don't need.

Electrical generation and distribution is funded privately.

There are battery technologies with waste stream concerns and some without.

All current batteries have waste stream issues. Some, like lithium ion batteries, have an even more limited supply than the oil they wish to replace. Battery technology is at an impasse. They can make them into structural parts of vehicles but they still have the fundamental storage limit problems. Hydrogen fuel cells have the ability for a true quantum leap in technology.

Batteries don't.

All technologies have problems to solve.

The supply of lithium is not one of the big ones.

I doubt anyone that purchases this vehicle has any interest in saving gasoline. For many it would be the newest toy on the block for others it would be about global warming.

I bought it to save gasoline.
Opps! I thought we talking about the hydrogen fueled care.

It's a break through concept in saving gasoline. The gas engine meets the average power needs while the electrics take care of the variability. The bottom line is the gas engine stays running in its sweet spot.

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