Praised by Faint Damnation


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Behind the SKS Curtain « Climate Audit

Poor Robert Way. He has been 'outed' for his scientific thinking at Climate Audit by Steve McIntyre. will he now be excommunicated by the secret cabal at Skeptical Science?


dont forget to read the comments to the article because they do an excellent job of showing the juxtaposition of views between skeptics and warmers.
if <ahem> skepticism about Mann's data, methods and hockeystick are present in SkS's secret forum then surely they must be present in a lot of climate scientists' minds. why is no one speaking up? oh, right. not very good for your career. at least that seems to be the worry of this one young PhD who is scampering about in fear because his begrudged special double secret admission of McIntyre's statistical correctness is being aired publically.
Made it through the intro to the actual SKS discussion.. Will finish it tonight..

This IS true progress. Skeptics trash things out in Public.. The SkS cabal have their rumbles in secret.
No surprise about the threats.. It mirrors the public discourse on this topic.. including the "throat ripping" --- dont it?

When you get to specifics like WHY certain papers are blocked or hindered -- it's probably pretty indefensible..
Is there any real point to all that conspiracy rambling?

I mean, other than how some people go to extreme lengths to proclaim their victimhood. I did get that much out of it.
Finished reading it.. Only need a little more to turn it into a screenplay.

LOTS of primadonna action in science. That's expected. But this is a running catfight. In the old days, you had to wait til the next conference and have these discussions in a bar somewhere. NOW -- they can continue day after day.

Wow.. Glad Steve Mc. did that. Shows the general attitude over at SkepScience with much more color.
This is my favorite.

Neal King, apparently agreeing with Way&#8217;s warning about the statistical power at Climate Audit, observed that he tried to stay away from real data and statistics as much as possible &#8211; doubtless
a wise precaution for an SKS participant:

""Real data and statistics are a subtle subject. I try to stay away from both, as far as possible.""

The NEW MOTTO and HEADLINE for skepticalscience ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
Which explains all the faked graphs and fabricated numbers coming out of SkS. Real data cant survive a day in that place.

But THIS is a keeper too. Think I'll save this for Abraham --- Mr 97%.. Here's his hero in action...

Cook&#8217;s Call to Action
As a last thread in today&#8217;s review, on March 3, 2011 (Climate Misinformers/2011-03-08-Call to
action &#8211; help collect quotes on skeptics), Cook called on the SKS team to collect adverse quotes
from targeted skeptics, including me in a list of five targets. (This enterprise appears to have
led to their Skeptics page here):

So skeptics that I suggest we focus on, assuming we launch with 12 skeptics (welcome changes):

&#8226;Pat Michaels
&#8226;Fred Singer
&#8226;Steve McIntyre
&#8226;Roger Pielke Sr
&#8226;Freeman Dyson
&#8226;Chris de Freitas
Unless you think others are more deserving of being on the list

Haven't seen lists like that since High School...
What a riot...
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No wonder our crop of warmers don't know how their heroes operate.. There's hardly ever a peep out them when threads like this are posted.

Evidentally, they want to continue to claim that they've never seen evidence of wrongdoing or propaganda generation at SKScience or in the Climate Science cartel...

No wonder our crop of warmers don't know how their heroes operate.. There's hardly ever a peep out them when threads like this are posted.

Evidentally, they want to continue to claim that they've never seen evidence of wrongdoing or propaganda generation at SKScience or in the Climate Science cartel...

True enough flac. But in this war over climate science I prefer to ignore the childish ad hom stuff and focus on the remarks about science. Like when Way warns the others to stop defending the rubbish produced by Mann in 98 99 and 08. They knew it was crap but they let the public believe it was true. What happened to their integrity?

No wonder our crop of warmers don't know how their heroes operate.. There's hardly ever a peep out them when threads like this are posted.

Evidentally, they want to continue to claim that they've never seen evidence of wrongdoing or propaganda generation at SKScience or in the Climate Science cartel...

True enough flac. But in this war over climate science I prefer to ignore the childish ad hom stuff and focus on the remarks about science. Like when Way warns the others to stop defending the rubbish produced by Mann in 98 99 and 08. They knew it was crap but they let the public believe it was true. What happened to their integrity?

I think I know where the integrity went.. There was a recent survey of climate scientists where about 35% (IIRC) said that their field was "not yet a mature science"..

And truly it's not -- when you see them discovering that the Earth's climate system contains storage of heat just last year.

But what happened to the integrity was that they got THRUST onto the public stage. And futile little primadonna princess fights AMPLIFIED into a desire to get your team front page coverage in the NY Times. When the cameras and the attention came in --- the integrity flew right the hell out...

No wonder our crop of warmers don't know how their heroes operate.. There's hardly ever a peep out them when threads like this are posted.

Evidentally, they want to continue to claim that they've never seen evidence of wrongdoing or propaganda generation at SKScience or in the Climate Science cartel...

True enough flac. But in this war over climate science I prefer to ignore the childish ad hom stuff and focus on the remarks about science. Like when Way warns the others to stop defending the rubbish produced by Mann in 98 99 and 08. They knew it was crap but they let the public believe it was true. What happened to their integrity?

I think I know where the integrity went.. There was a recent survey of climate scientists where about 35% (IIRC) said that their field was "not yet a mature science"..

And truly it's not -- when you see them discovering that the Earth's climate system contains storage of heat just last year.

But what happened to the integrity was that they got THRUST onto the public stage. And futile little primadonna princess fights AMPLIFIED into a desire to get your team front page coverage in the NY Times. When the cameras and the attention came in --- the integrity flew right the hell out...

I suppose you are right. Science by media press release has been a corrupting factor. Just look at Marcott. His legitimate PhD thesis got him little recognition until a Team member showed him hoe to illegitimately turn it into a hockeystick. Then he had more than his 15 minutes of fame.
Ive caught Marcott being brutally honest in a few interviews.. Admits the time resolution resulting from merging proxies really sucks. E.g. Doesnt seem to oversell as much as some.. But maybe he knows how tenuous that attention is and doesnt want to be as big a target as Mann and other divas...
So there's no point to the conspiracy rambling. Thanks for answering.

Conspiracy rambling? So how do you think that worked out for you guys?

First Cook and Lewandowsky took a poll of skeptics without actually polling skeptics. Then when that blew up in their faces they doubled down with a paper on blog comments laughing at their ineptitude and that backfired too. Their latest foray claims correlations on positions held by no one!! Mann must be helping them with their statistics.

Unfortunately the MSM always covers the initial press release but seldom has the necessary focus to report the obliteration of data and methodology that happens soon after the release.
If Skeptical Science was found worthy of hacking, it must have been reaming the denialist crap science big time. Oh wait, that's exactly the case. It made the denialist clowns look like the clowns that they are, so they set the hackers after it. This certainly does make the denialist community look bad. I mean, even worse than before.

Meanwhile, you can't even explain what the supposed problem is with the hacked data. And it's telling you have no compunctions against using hacked data. What other crimes do you justify in the name of your cult?
If Skeptical Science was found worthy of hacking, it must have been reaming the denialist crap science big time. Oh wait, that's exactly the case. It made the denialist clowns look like the clowns that they are, so they set the hackers after it. This certainly does make the denialist community look bad. I mean, even worse than before.

Meanwhile, you can't even explain what the supposed problem is with the hacked data. And it's telling you have no compunctions against using hacked data. What other crimes do you justify in the name of your cult?

First of all -- this wasn't a hack.. It was a private high level forum to which McIntyre was given access. And he simply decided to share with the public some of the juvenile diva moments from the Wizards of SkScience.

This is insight into the rivalries and high school level pranks that your heroes at SkS are constantly conjuring up..

Why don't you stick with all those wonderful threads about the 97% consensus crap that was manufactured at SkS or the thread on the US military plans for the Arctic melt. You really shouldn't see what goes on behind the curtains of your highest religious institutions..
If Skeptical Science was found worthy of hacking, it must have been reaming the denialist crap science big time. Oh wait, that's exactly the case. It made the denialist clowns look like the clowns that they are, so they set the hackers after it. This certainly does make the denialist community look bad. I mean, even worse than before.

Meanwhile, you can't even explain what the supposed problem is with the hacked data. And it's telling you have no compunctions against using hacked data. What other crimes do you justify in the name of your cult?

No one 'hacked' the private SkS forum. And what hacked data are you talking about?

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