"A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy"

Where were the parents? Kid is 4 years old and they aren't watching him? In a ZOO? Near a dangerous animal exhibit? They shoulda shot the idiot parents. Alas, the gorilla had to die due to lack of good parenting and since they can't shoot the parents...make them pay for the loss of the gorilla. Then take the kid away from them in case they decide to go to the end of a long pier over shark infested waters without a tether on the kid.
And...those parents better hope like hell their name is never released. They will be forever known as the Idiot Ones.
Whether the parents fucked up or not is not the point. The point is that many reactions to the event seem to put the animal's life ahead of that of the boy.
Whether the parents fucked up or not is not the point. The point is that many reactions to the event seem to put the animal's life ahead of that of the boy.
It was a wasted death due to the inaction of idiot parents controlling their kid. Nobody is saying the kids life is worth less. They are just PISSED that it came to this due to THE PARENTS of the kid.
To clarify...the point is.....people are PISSED OFF. And when they get PISSED OFF, they say shit and someone else puts an emotion or thought into those people they have no knowledge of. The POINT is....again....lousy parenting which is RAMPANT nowadays. From screaming kids on planes to bratty kids running around tipping over chairs or spitting food at patrons to kids being kids and the parent(s) are oblivious on what their kid is doing. It cost the death of this animal, that is endangered. THAT is the point.

I'm pissed too. Glad the kid is ok, but I sure would love to push both parents in a tigers cage.
Whether the parents fucked up or not is not the point. The point is that many reactions to the event seem to put the animal's life ahead of that of the boy.
Amen to this. No matter what the circumstances are, if the Lord wanted the animals to rule the planet, he never would have created people.

God bless you always!!!


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