A logical proposal to double the pay of Walmart CEO:

You think one company can take most of the retail jobs in the west?.

one or several, the fact is on line is growing 15% a year on off line is shrinking the same amount. Off line uses 15% of the employees for the same sales volume. Does your liberal bleeding heart want you to make online illegal so millions won't lose their retail jobs or do you want retail to get a raise so online can take over sooner??
Afraid to say???

Wait, you are calling ME a liberal? You are the one that wants the gov't to step in and decide who does business. You are the one who is anti-capitalism. I am the one who thinks the market will decide.

And no, the online shopping will NOT replace the entire brick & morter system.
If that is what the customers want, then paying the CEO more while robbing the employees will not change a thing.

so the lib is content to let million of retail employees lose their jobs??

This conservative is content to let the market do what it does. This conservative does not believe the federal gov't should impose laws requiring employees to fork over their money to pay their boss. This conservative does not believe the federal gov't should add additional taxes on all employees in what is one of the lowest paid markets to fund a pay raise for one CEO. Especially since most of those employees work for his competition.
You do realize that most of the board for Walmart are Dems now, right? Even the Hill was on it. Notice you don't hear them screaming about it much anymore? There is a reason why.
Meanwhile the amazon guy makes:

Amazon.com Inc. founder and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos received $1.68 million in total pay last year, unchanged from 2012, including $81,840 in salary and $1.6 million to cover security arrangements.

Granted that's 2014. But according to you they have been outpacing Walmart . Who's CEO makes Waaaaay more .

Kinda fucks up this stupid thread of yours .
You are the one that wants the gov't to step in and decide who does business.

I think liberals want govt to step in with an obvious solution to save millions of retail jobs that on line is destroying. Liberals care about how much retail employees make so care far more that they will make nothing at all when Amazon is done with them!!

So a $10 tax on each employee to double the Walmart CEO's salary seems like a good liberal idea. Failing that liberals could just make online illegal starting with Amazon.

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