A Lesson for Cops and A Lesson for Blacks...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Perhaps there is truth to both sides here. Some cops have ego problems or race problems and some blacks just aren't smart enough to respect authority.

Neither side is right but theres lessons for each. Beware police officers, that you are being watched and will be put on trial at the drop of a hat. Mayors, governors are not always on your side and everyone has a video at their disposal. If you have an ego problem where you think you don't have to be respectful to everyone you come up against, you might as well get another job. Play everything by the book. YOur future is in that book.

And anyone who is stopped by the police black, Hispanic or white, teenager or adult had better show respect and for God's sakes ...don't run! If you haven't learned anything the last few months is that running is a death trap! Be smart! Show respect.

Is that really so very hard?
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.

That is just one of the problems police officers have to deal with. If they have a "slow down," the division could possibly be sued for not providing the services if someone dies when the department did not come and help. They are behind a rock and a hard place.
The difference is...if a black doesn't respect authority.l..they are killed. f a white disobeys authority...they are let go or allowed to do whatever. BIG DIFFERENCE.
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.

That is just one of the problems police officers have to deal with. If they have a "slow down," the division could possibly be sued for not providing the services if someone dies when the department did not come and help. They are behind a rock and a hard place.
:lol: A slow down means they aren't gong to pull over blacks for DWB or WWB. A slow down means that cops aren't going to pull over blacks because they have an air freshner hanging from their rear view window.
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.

That is just one of the problems police officers have to deal with. If they have a "slow down," the division could possibly be sued for not providing the services if someone dies when the department did not come and help. They are behind a rock and a hard place.
Not showing up in time to help isn't exactly being accused of murder is it. Junkies die in the street every day. Let them. In fact, why even arrest drug dealers. They are becoming little helpers.

The drugs on the streets now aren't cocaine, crack, meth, heroin and pot. There are drugs that kill relatively quickly. Flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts are all cheaper than the old standbys. Let it go. The streets will become self cleaning and the police need do nothing more than let it happen.
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.

That is just one of the problems police officers have to deal with. If they have a "slow down," the division could possibly be sued for not providing the services if someone dies when the department did not come and help. They are behind a rock and a hard place.
:lol: A slow down means they aren't gong to pull over blacks for DWB or WWB. A slow down means that cops aren't going to pull over blacks because they have an air freshner hanging from their rear view window.
Nope. They stay in the hood and no one cares.
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own.

That is just one of the problems police officers have to deal with. If they have a "slow down," the division could possibly be sued for not providing the services if someone dies when the department did not come and help. They are behind a rock and a hard place.
:lol: A slow down means they aren't gong to pull over blacks for DWB or WWB. A slow down means that cops aren't going to pull over blacks because they have an air freshner hanging from their rear view window.
Nope. They stay in the hood and no one cares.
Good for you...that means white people will start to get arrested and pulled over for the same things black people get pulled over for. You will love it...your KKK buddies...who are all probably convicts...wll be harrassed and arrested like a negro. Careful what you wish for...the chicken will come home to roost and your racist ass will be spreading her legs for a big black negrette named Saquisha.
Blacks are just being true to their primitive nature,
If the police continue to try to arrest or take into custody the obvious drug fueled lunatics the number of in custody deaths will rise along with accusations that the police murdered again. The police need to have a massive slow down. The policy should be one of watching and waiting until the person's heart just stops on its own
Why did the police arrest Freddy Gray?
Do you believe it was a legal arrest?
Can you tell us how you would feel if you were sitting on the steps of the house you had lived in your entire life, minding your own business, and the police told you go inside your house or you would be arrested?Would you say "yes sir/ma'am" and slink inside?
Freddy ran from the cops
"On May 1, 2015, after receiving a medical examiner's report ruling Gray's death a homicide,[10] state prosecutors said that they had probable cause to file criminal charges against the six officers involved. Marilyn Mosby, the state's attorney for Baltimore City, said that the Baltimore police had acted illegally and that 'No crime had been committed' (by Freddie Gray).[50]

"Mosby said that Gray 'suffered a critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside the BPD wagon.'[51][52]

"Mosby said officers had 'failed to establish probable cause for Mr. Gray's arrest, as no crime had been committed',[53] and charged officers with false imprisonment, because Gray was carrying a pocket knife of legal size, and not the switchblade police claimed he had possessed at the time of his arrest."
Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Freddie Gray case will go to trial where all of the evidence will be presented, not just the Mayor's side. I'm not sure if we have all of the evidence, but one part is true, he wasn't bound in a seat belt which is protocol. The officers will pay dearly for that. I am anxiously awaiting to hear the autopsy report.

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