A Frenchman who doesn't practice any religion is just a Frenchman


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.
Judaism is an ethnoreligious group. The ethnicity, faith, and culture are closely bound together. You can become Jewish by conversion, but you can never become ethnically Jewish. An ethnic Jew who leaves the religion/culture still retains ethnic status. Your DNA and ancestry don't change based on what religion you practice or what nationality you are.
he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.

did someone ask YOU to define "ethnicity" for the world?. Decent and civilized persons preface statements of opinion phrases such as "in my opinion". In my opinion----YOUR opinion is worthless
Judaism is an ethnoreligious group. The ethnicity, faith, and culture are closely bound together. You can become Jewish by conversion, but you can never become ethnically Jewish. An ethnic Jew who leaves the religion/culture still retains ethnic status. Your DNA and ancestry don't change based on what religion you practice or what nationality you are.

Well then that would be the only religion where its also a nationality as no other religions are. If your saying a person born in America and grows up in American but is born to a couple who practice Judaism , but he does not is a Jew, no he is an American. If that person becomes a Christian then he is an American Christian. Jew is not a country , nor was it ever a country until now , and its not called Jew but Israeli, so anyone born and raised there are Israelites now, as the Palestinians are Palestinians as they were born in Palestine.

PM Bibi is trying to make it a nationality for saying that Israel can become a or is a Jewish state , that is not true. also there is no specific DNA Jewish genes. There may be a group of people who have similar genes do to the area they were raised, but that does not make on Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu.

Atheists Jews in American , are just American same as an ex Christian born in France is just French not a French Christian. I am sure you will fine the RC gene among an area of where its mainly RC's.

There is no Jew gene. Jew is someone who practices Judaism and if someone doesn't or is secular they are atheist.

Now one can say Hitler seen Jews as a race, because a race of people usually have something in common, but I think Hitler had more an issue with non religious Jews, or atheist Jews, so really they were Russian or German. A group of people from an area will have many of the same traditions. but we need to explain how the "True Torah Jews" are anti Zionist.
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he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.

did someone ask YOU to define "ethnicity" for the world?. Decent and civilized persons preface statements of opinion phrases such as "in my opinion". In my opinion----YOUR opinion is worthless

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

That pretty much leaves Jews out as an ethnic group. All those who are atheist and born in Israel are Israelites , not Jews. Just like with the Palestinians you have Muslim , Jew and Christian and just plain Palestinians.
he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.

did someone ask YOU to define "ethnicity" for the world?. Decent and civilized persons preface statements of opinion phrases such as "in my opinion". In my opinion----YOUR opinion is worthless

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

That pretty much leaves Jews out as an ethnic group. All those who are atheist and born in Israel are Israelites , not Jews. Just like with the Palestinians you have Muslim , Jew and Christian and just plain Palestinians.

Penelope has so written-----let it be ignored. I know lots of
americans of Italian background who do not ingest the eucharist on a regular basis------ie virtually nevah ----
they seem to consider themselves ethnic Italian Catholics----
they even get excited over the Pope----even the Hispanic guy.-----of course they are even more excited over pizza and spaghetti with clam sauce. I am a jew---born of two jewish parents-----I am considered a jew------no matter what I eat or
profess to believe. I was born in the USA as were my parents. and even my maternal grandma----the paternal one
was born in London-------but---- we is all jews----with Hebrew
letters on our-------Headstones (after we die, of course) I am curious, Penelope------what do people (ie your family, your friends, your community) understand that YOU ARE?----or what do you consider yourself to be??? do not be afraid to tell us-------vaguely if you must. (or----if you are
reluctant-----do not tell us----) I consider a person who farts and shits on this or that "group" but keeps her own a "secret"-----to be a craven lump of shit
he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.

did someone ask YOU to define "ethnicity" for the world?. Decent and civilized persons preface statements of opinion phrases such as "in my opinion". In my opinion----YOUR opinion is worthless

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

That pretty much leaves Jews out as an ethnic group. All those who are atheist and born in Israel are Israelites , not Jews. Just like with the Palestinians you have Muslim , Jew and Christian and just plain Palestinians.

Penelope has so written-----let it be ignored. I know lots of
americans of Italian background who do not ingest the eucharist on a regular basis------ie virtually nevah ----
they seem to consider themselves ethnic Italian Catholics----
they even get excited over the Pope----even the Hispanic guy.-----of course they are even more excited over pizza and spaghetti with clam sauce. I am a jew---born of two jewish parents-----I am considered a jew------no matter what I eat or
profess to believe. I was born in the USA as were my parents. and even my maternal grandma----the paternal one
was born in London-------but---- we is all jews----with Hebrew
letters on our-------Headstones (after we die, of course) I am curious, Penelope------what do people (ie your family, your friends, your community) understand that YOU ARE?----or what do you consider yourself to be??? do not be afraid to tell us-------vaguely if you must. (or----if you are
reluctant-----do not tell us----) I consider a person who farts and shits on this or that "group" but keeps her own a "secret"-----to be a craven lump of shit

If your not practicing Judaism your not a jew, simple, If I am no longer practicing a RC I'm cease to be a RC , simple. That doesn't mean your an atheist or I am, you might believe in God but not Yaweth, and I may believe in God but not Jesus as God. RC nor Judaism are a nationality, and there is not a country named Jew.

I find it absurd that Bibi wants only jews to live in Israel, which was never was in history a jewish state. Your not a race of people.
he is not a Jewish Frenchman, or a Muslim Frenchman or a Christian Frenchman. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism, a Muslim is someone who practices Islam and a Christian is someone who practices Christianity.

That person is also not a French Jew, a French Muslim or a French Christian. PM Bibi is out of his mind, he is not a Jew, he is a secular , atheist.

did someone ask YOU to define "ethnicity" for the world?. Decent and civilized persons preface statements of opinion phrases such as "in my opinion". In my opinion----YOUR opinion is worthless

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

That pretty much leaves Jews out as an ethnic group. All those who are atheist and born in Israel are Israelites , not Jews. Just like with the Palestinians you have Muslim , Jew and Christian and just plain Palestinians.

Penelope has so written-----let it be ignored. I know lots of
americans of Italian background who do not ingest the eucharist on a regular basis------ie virtually nevah ----
they seem to consider themselves ethnic Italian Catholics----
they even get excited over the Pope----even the Hispanic guy.-----of course they are even more excited over pizza and spaghetti with clam sauce. I am a jew---born of two jewish parents-----I am considered a jew------no matter what I eat or
profess to believe. I was born in the USA as were my parents. and even my maternal grandma----the paternal one
was born in London-------but---- we is all jews----with Hebrew
letters on our-------Headstones (after we die, of course) I am curious, Penelope------what do people (ie your family, your friends, your community) understand that YOU ARE?----or what do you consider yourself to be??? do not be afraid to tell us-------vaguely if you must. (or----if you are
reluctant-----do not tell us----) I consider a person who farts and shits on this or that "group" but keeps her own a "secret"-----to be a craven lump of shit

If your not practicing Judaism your not a jew, simple, If I am no longer practicing a RC I'm cease to be a RC , simple. That doesn't mean your an atheist or I am, you might believe in God but not Yaweth, and I may believe in God but not Jesus as God. RC nor Judaism are a nationality, and there is not a country named Jew.

I find it absurd that Bibi wants only jews to live in Israel, which was never was in history a jewish state. Your not a race of people.

Oh gee-----a new idea-----countries are designed to be "UNIRACIAL" -------does the UN KNOW?------the last time
I came across that idea was when I read exerpts from
penlope's sacred book-----Mein Kampf. In fact----Israel/Judea was a jewish state for a very long time in real
history-------but not in islamo Nazi revisionist history which
includes the notion that the prevalent language of
Israel/Judea was Arabic -------not that "arab" is a "race"
either. -------I wonder what the "race" of muslim
Saudi Arabia is???? The general translation of "PAKISTAN" ----is "pure Islamic state"--------"race"?????
anyone? That country does not even have an undisptuted official language. Most Pakistanis resort to English when in a group mixed up with Pakistanis of ???other races ???
Indian a race? also a language but when considering
hindu Indians-----far more a race than are Pakistanis------
well---lots are pastuni things. Is pashtuni thing a "race"?
Oh gee-----a new idea-----countries are designed to be "UNIRACIAL" -------does the UN KNOW?------the last time
I came across that idea was when I read exerpts from
penlope's sacred book-----Mein Kampf.
To be fair, the idea of a uniracial state is exactly what the OP is opposing here:
I find it absurd that Bibi wants only jews to live in Israel, which was never was in history a jewish state. Your not a race of people.
She's wrong in saying that Jews aren't an ethnic group, but let's not claim she said the exact opposite of what she actually said.

In fact----Israel/Judea was a jewish state for a very long time in real
history-------but not in islamo Nazi revisionist history which
includes the notion that the prevalent language of
Israel/Judea was Arabic -------not that "arab" is a "race"
You're right. Israel was a theocratic Jewish state almost two thousand years ago. It was also a Roman client state. It ceased to be either after the Jews proved to be so rebellious that the Romans literally had to deport almost the entire kingdom. I'm sure that Arabic had at least nominal presence in the region at the time though. I mean, Arabia is just next door and the Arabs did share in the pan-Semitic cultural heritage of maritime commerce.

The general translation of "PAKISTAN" ----is "pure Islamic state"--------"race"?????
"Land of the Pure", coming from "pak" (pure) and -stan (land/country of).

That country does not even have an undisptuted official language. Most Pakistanis resort to English when in a group mixed up with Pakistanis of ???other races ???
English and Urdu are Pakistan's official languages. Many others are spoken there as well, such as Punjabi and Balochi.
wrong pedro------peneloopie clearly stated that Israel cannot be a state because DA JOOOOS ain't an ethnic group----that silly concept was clearly expressed by the slut. The romans did not
deport all jews from Israel/Judea-----they enslaved lots but lots remained-----many of those who remained fled the stink and filth of Constantine and his code of law------later named the JUSTINIAN CODE----the legal code that rendered the Inquisition
a form of "justice"----and also formed the basis for the stench of
dhimmia AND the Nuremburg laws -------massive genocide in
Europe. But thanks for your keen insight
It seems the biggest issue is that she's confused about what "Jew" means. She seems to think it's a totally faith based religion like Christianity or Islam rather than a very tribal religion closely tied to an ethnicity and culture.

I didn't say all of them. I said almost all. There were still a few around, but the vast majority were told to GTFO because it was Roman land and they were no longer welcome there.

"Dhimmia"? Do you mean the Islamic legal term for a captive population that gained a measure of protection by/from the Muslim community through mutual contract?
It seems the biggest issue is that she's confused about what "Jew" means. She seems to think it's a totally faith based religion like Christianity or Islam rather than a very tribal religion closely tied to an ethnicity and culture.

I didn't say all of them. I said almost all. There were still a few around, but the vast majority were told to GTFO because it was Roman land and they were no longer welcome there.

"Dhimmia"? Do you mean the Islamic legal term for a captive population that gained a measure of protection by/from the Muslim community through mutual contract?

you have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda-----nothing
"mutual" about those enslavement contracts. Feel free to ask questions-----my very own husband was born into that
"mutual contract" From what are dhimmmis "protected"?
I grew up in the USA-----and was a child just before the civil rights era of the 1960s In my town fascists argued that
blacks were "protected" on the southern plantations----only
the most LUCKY Africans had that golden opportunity

back to rome------ Nope ---jews were not actually deported other than those who were sold into slavery with the
sack of Jerusalem. ------they were oppressed almost
out of existence by the "holy roman empire" circa the fourth
century AD and drifted away to nearby lands and later on to
more distant lands. There was no over-all explusion in 70 AD-----
Judaism is an ethnoreligious group. The ethnicity, faith, and culture are closely bound together. You can become Jewish by conversion, but you can never become ethnically Jewish. An ethnic Jew who leaves the religion/culture still retains ethnic status. Your DNA and ancestry don't change based on what religion you practice or what nationality you are.

I have encountered lots of converts to Judaism who are more
ETHNICALLY jewish than am I. They manage to get
"INCULCATED" to a remarkable degree
Oh gee-----a new idea-----countries are designed to be "UNIRACIAL" -------does the UN KNOW?------the last time
I came across that idea was when I read exerpts from
penlope's sacred book-----Mein Kampf.
To be fair, the idea of a uniracial state is exactly what the OP is opposing here:
I find it absurd that Bibi wants only jews to live in Israel, which was never was in history a jewish state. Your not a race of people.
She's wrong in saying that Jews aren't an ethnic group, but let's not claim she said the exact opposite of what she actually said.

In fact----Israel/Judea was a jewish state for a very long time in real
history-------but not in islamo Nazi revisionist history which
includes the notion that the prevalent language of
Israel/Judea was Arabic -------not that "arab" is a "race"
You're right. Israel was a theocratic Jewish state almost two thousand years ago. It was also a Roman client state. It ceased to be either after the Jews proved to be so rebellious that the Romans literally had to deport almost the entire kingdom. I'm sure that Arabic had at least nominal presence in the region at the time though. I mean, Arabia is just next door and the Arabs did share in the pan-Semitic cultural heritage of maritime commerce.

The general translation of "PAKISTAN" ----is "pure Islamic state"--------"race"?????
"Land of the Pure", coming from "pak" (pure) and -stan (land/country of).

That country does not even have an undisptuted official language. Most Pakistanis resort to English when in a group mixed up with Pakistanis of ???other races ???
English and Urdu are Pakistan's official languages. Many others are spoken there as well, such as Punjabi and Balochi.

the language issue in Pakistan REMAINS disputed -----when east and west were ---??ONE------Bengali was a big issue

Now one can say Hitler seen Jews as a race, because a race of people usually have something in common,

(rosie)>> Penelope---try not to discuss subjects that you do not understand------"race" is a term used by scientists----
social scientists and biologists

but I think Hitler had more an issue with non religious Jews, or atheist Jews, so really they were Russian or German.

(rosie) Penelope----try to avoid ---trying to think -----you tie
yourself in knots

A group of people from an area will have many of the same traditions. but we need to explain how the "True Torah Jews" are anti Zionist.

(rosie) who is "we"-------try not to ponder the cult that
calls itself "true torah jews"-------it is a topic you can never
grasp......but you can go right ahead and parrot the crap
you read. BTW-----I know lots of those people-----I have
lived amongst them. ------at times. ----ENTERTAIN ME--
with the jibberish you have gleaned from islamo Nazi

Now one can say Hitler seen Jews as a race, because a race of people usually have something in common,

(rosie)>> Penelope---try not to discuss subjects that you do not understand------"race" is a term used by scientists----
social scientists and biologists

but I think Hitler had more an issue with non religious Jews, or atheist Jews, so really they were Russian or German.

(rosie) Penelope----try to avoid ---trying to think -----you tie
yourself in knots

A group of people from an area will have many of the same traditions. but we need to explain how the "True Torah Jews" are anti Zionist.

(rosie) who is "we"-------try not to ponder the cult that
calls itself "true torah jews"-------it is a topic you can never
grasp......but you can go right ahead and parrot the crap
you read. BTW-----I know lots of those people-----I have
lived amongst them. ------at times. ----ENTERTAIN ME--
with the jibberish you have gleaned from islamo Nazi

You mean Muslims who fought for Germany?
Oh gee-----a new idea-----countries are designed to be "UNIRACIAL" -------does the UN KNOW?------the last time
I came across that idea was when I read exerpts from
penlope's sacred book-----Mein Kampf.
To be fair, the idea of a uniracial state is exactly what the OP is opposing here:
I find it absurd that Bibi wants only jews to live in Israel, which was never was in history a jewish state. Your not a race of people.
She's wrong in saying that Jews aren't an ethnic group, but let's not claim she said the exact opposite of what she actually said.

In fact----Israel/Judea was a jewish state for a very long time in real
history-------but not in islamo Nazi revisionist history which
includes the notion that the prevalent language of
Israel/Judea was Arabic -------not that "arab" is a "race"
You're right. Israel was a theocratic Jewish state almost two thousand years ago. It was also a Roman client state. It ceased to be either after the Jews proved to be so rebellious that the Romans literally had to deport almost the entire kingdom. I'm sure that Arabic had at least nominal presence in the region at the time though. I mean, Arabia is just next door and the Arabs did share in the pan-Semitic cultural heritage of maritime commerce.

The general translation of "PAKISTAN" ----is "pure Islamic state"--------"race"?????
"Land of the Pure", coming from "pak" (pure) and -stan (land/country of).

That country does not even have an undisptuted official language. Most Pakistanis resort to English when in a group mixed up with Pakistanis of ???other races ???
English and Urdu are Pakistan's official languages. Many others are spoken there as well, such as Punjabi and Balochi.

No it had the northern kingdom and southern kingdom, one was called Judea and the other Israel. It was never Israel. That is why the Sun Times from Britain said "Judea declares war on Germany? in 1933

Now PM Bibi was born to Polish parents even if his parents moved to then Palestine, and since he sees Judaism as a tradition and not a religion, he remains a Pole born to a polish woman in Palestine. Then his family moved to the US which is why he speaks Eng so well and his dad taught here, I guess Palestine wasn't quite good enough for them then.

Now one can say Hitler seen Jews as a race, because a race of people usually have something in common,

(rosie)>> Penelope---try not to discuss subjects that you do not understand------"race" is a term used by scientists----
social scientists and biologists

but I think Hitler had more an issue with non religious Jews, or atheist Jews, so really they were Russian or German.

(rosie) Penelope----try to avoid ---trying to think -----you tie
yourself in knots

A group of people from an area will have many of the same traditions. but we need to explain how the "True Torah Jews" are anti Zionist.

(rosie) who is "we"-------try not to ponder the cult that
calls itself "true torah jews"-------it is a topic you can never
grasp......but you can go right ahead and parrot the crap
you read. BTW-----I know lots of those people-----I have
lived amongst them. ------at times. ----ENTERTAIN ME--
with the jibberish you have gleaned from islamo Nazi

You mean Muslims who fought for Germany?

no. Most of the writings in the post world war II era were being done by Nazi war criminals who had fled to Syria and
Egypt-----they were not necessarily soldiers in the German
army------and those who converted to the stench of islam seemed to have done so after the war
really, read about secular Israel, Israel was born on secular jewism , which means atheists that were not jews. PM Bibi's parents did not practice Judaism so he is not jew but Polish born to a polish mother and I'm quite sure a German father.
really, read about secular Israel, Israel was born on secular jewism , which means atheists that were not jews. PM Bibi's parents did not practice Judaism so he is not jew but Polish born to a polish mother and I'm quite sure a German father.

Penelope---you were born on a pile of dog shit. "jewism" is not a word----you disgusting chunk of shit.

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