A FOURTH New York Times Editor Revealed to be a Racist Anti-Semite


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Good Gawd, The NYT appears to be a nest of anti-Semitic racist Marxists.

Another New York Times Editor Made Racist, Anti-Semitic Comments

Jazmine Hughes, an associate editor of the New York Times Magazine, has made a series of racist and antisemitic comments on social media over a multi-year span. A number of the tweets came from Hughes’s personal account, which is associated with her Times email, after she was hired by the outlet in April 2015 and continued well into 2017.

Breitbart News has been able to confirm the authenticity of the tweets, which are still visible on Hughes’s page at the time of the publication of this story. While Twitter has not officially verified Hughes’ account, her official New York Times website biography links to the account, confirming it is in fact hers....

Hughes is a high-profile New York Times editor. Forbes highlighted her on its 2018 “30 Under 30” list of influential media figures. The business magazine even conducted a brief interview with her, where she promoted herself as a champion of “diverse storytelling,” in the words of Forbes......

The article in question discussed what Hughes saw as the “gentrification” of humor at “white people’s expense.” Hughes argued that “racialized humor is an instrument that people of color can use to placate themselves in the face of the overwhelming reality: It’s just better to be Caucasian.”

“By making fun of white people, people of color can, in a small way, push back against stereotypes, opposing racial humor by inverting it,” Hughes wrote, claiming such jokes “gain membership in a club open to all people of color, a space impervious to white hegemony.”

The article’s premise is that as white people become more aware of systematic inequalities, they begin to make light of their privilege in an effort to sympathize with communities of color. In most cases, however, Hughes argued such attempts at solidarity only reinforce the status quo at the expense of people of color.

“This is how the party ends—with white people wanting in on the joke so badly that they create a separate category of ‘cool’ white people who mock their own whiteness in an effort at solidarity,” she wrote.

The article appears to be the only one Hughes authored for the New Republic. Since joining the Times, she has occasionally written pieces centered on the intersection of race and culture. Her most recent project for the Times’ magazine was the 1619 Project, a comprehensive series of articles and essays arguing that slavery was the institution that fundamentally shaped the modern United States.​

Nolte: New York Times' Summer of Fake News and Public Meltdowns
blacks can't be racists--only whites can be racists

Pretty much. Racism requires the institutionalized ability to enforce your hatred.
yes, we know..the blacks are perfect and inhuman
THERE's your problem right there---you don't know what racism is !!!
rac·ism | \ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

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Good lord, fucking Breitbart. Offering up the same butthurt, humorless crap, year after year..
When did or was, Briebart ever a news source??

Compare Breitbart and the New York Once-Upon-a-Times, and Breitbart is towering over the NYT for accuracy, covering all the news and for integrity.

And they do not harbor anti-Semitic racists on their editorial staff like the NYT does.
You mean "Fake News" sources?
Did the NYT spend two years covering a fake Russiagate story? Yep.
Did the NYT give creedance to the Bret Kavanaugh slander mill? Yep.
Does the NYT cover up criminality by national Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Barney Frank and Joe Biden? You know it.

Is the NYT a piece of shyte extension of the leftwing Marxist Pravda Machine USA? Without a doubt.
Good Gawd, The NYT appears to be a nest of anti-Semitic racist Marxists.

Another New York Times Editor Made Racist, Anti-Semitic Comments

Jazmine Hughes, an associate editor of the New York Times Magazine, has made a series of racist and antisemitic comments on social media over a multi-year span. A number of the tweets came from Hughes’s personal account, which is associated with her Times email, after she was hired by the outlet in April 2015 and continued well into 2017.

Breitbart News has been able to confirm the authenticity of the tweets, which are still visible on Hughes’s page at the time of the publication of this story. While Twitter has not officially verified Hughes’ account, her official New York Times website biography links to the account, confirming it is in fact hers....

Hughes is a high-profile New York Times editor. Forbes highlighted her on its 2018 “30 Under 30” list of influential media figures. The business magazine even conducted a brief interview with her, where she promoted herself as a champion of “diverse storytelling,” in the words of Forbes......

The article in question discussed what Hughes saw as the “gentrification” of humor at “white people’s expense.” Hughes argued that “racialized humor is an instrument that people of color can use to placate themselves in the face of the overwhelming reality: It’s just better to be Caucasian.”

“By making fun of white people, people of color can, in a small way, push back against stereotypes, opposing racial humor by inverting it,” Hughes wrote, claiming such jokes “gain membership in a club open to all people of color, a space impervious to white hegemony.”

The article’s premise is that as white people become more aware of systematic inequalities, they begin to make light of their privilege in an effort to sympathize with communities of color. In most cases, however, Hughes argued such attempts at solidarity only reinforce the status quo at the expense of people of color.

“This is how the party ends—with white people wanting in on the joke so badly that they create a separate category of ‘cool’ white people who mock their own whiteness in an effort at solidarity,” she wrote.

The article appears to be the only one Hughes authored for the New Republic. Since joining the Times, she has occasionally written pieces centered on the intersection of race and culture. Her most recent project for the Times’ magazine was the 1619 Project, a comprehensive series of articles and essays arguing that slavery was the institution that fundamentally shaped the modern United States.​

Nolte: New York Times' Summer of Fake News and Public Meltdowns
Ummm..I didn't read the original article so, ...where is the anti-semite part?
Racism requires the institutionalized ability to enforce your hatred.

The KKK, as initially formed as ragtag gangs of vigilantes, wasn't racist - without the required institutional support? At the very least, those gang members weren't racist up until immediately before joining the group. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

I'd say, leave the definition of racism as kind of a personality defect alone, stemming from the need to place self above other groups. The next step would be to detect when and where institutions work hand in hand with, and in furtherance of, the prevailing racist group(s).

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