80K new jobs in June; 85K more people on disability in June

Social Security Disability Fund A Last Resort For The Unemployed As Benefits Dry Up

As more jobless people run out of unemployment insurance, they are turning to a last resort to make ends meet: government disability benefits.

Two new studies cited by The Wall Street Journal find that when jobless Americans exhaust their unemployment benefits, they turn to Social Security disability benefits to survive. The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has risen to 10.6 million since 2002 -- an increase of 47 percent, the WSJ reports.

With more and more people coming to depend on Social Security, the program's long-term prospects are starting to seem endangered. Most people who start receiving disability insurance stay in the program until they retire, and the average person in the disability program ultimately receives more than $240,000 in benefits, according to a 2006 study by economists David Autor and Mark Duggan cited by the White House's Council of Economic Advisers.


But, of course, anything that counters Ed's view of the world as seen through his bellybutton since his head is so far up his ass, is a lie.

Is it any wonder we don't believe his claims about being a scientist ?
Once you are on disability....do you ever come off ?

This is starting to look like a huge scam.
Mindless CON$ervoFascist drones just parrot the lies of their MessiahRushie!

July 03, 2012
RUSH: You might be surprised to learn that you are never kicked off once you are enrolled. You are on it for life. So we now have 8.7 million "workers" (as the story says) on disability.
We have 8.7 million Americans who are living off of federal disability insurance payments, and can for the rest of their lives. I don't know how much money it is. I don't know what an average monthly benefit is. But all it takes to qualify for a disability now is a half-decent lawyer to make the case for you

Sick verses Disablement | Disability Condition
Of the 8 million collecting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, more than 57 thousand go back to work every year.* Sadly, over 231,000 terminate their benefits by dying.
Average benefit payment is $1090 per month and median payment is right at $1000 per month.* Maximum possible benefit is just over $2,300 per month; Hardly the kind of money to live in luxury, especially if you have high medical costs.
I seriously doubt that the 8 million beneficiaries want to be poor and dependent on others the rest of their lives would you?
Once you are on disability....do you ever come off ?

This is starting to look like a huge scam.
Mindless CON$ervoFascist drones just parrot the lies of their MessiahRushie!

July 03, 2012
RUSH: You might be surprised to learn that you are never kicked off once you are enrolled. You are on it for life. So we now have 8.7 million "workers" (as the story says) on disability.
We have 8.7 million Americans who are living off of federal disability insurance payments, and can for the rest of their lives. I don't know how much money it is. I don't know what an average monthly benefit is. But all it takes to qualify for a disability now is a half-decent lawyer to make the case for you

Sick verses Disablement | Disability Condition
Of the 8 million collecting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, more than 57 thousand go back to work every year.* Sadly, over 231,000 terminate their benefits by dying.
Average benefit payment is $1090 per month and median payment is right at $1000 per month.* Maximum possible benefit is just over $2,300 per month; Hardly the kind of money to live in luxury, especially if you have high medical costs.
I seriously doubt that the 8 million beneficiaries want to be poor and dependent on others the rest of their lives would you?

Do you realize that you're quoting a Blog started by a husband and wife team that are benefiting from Social Security Disability and that they fail to source ANY of their information?
Social Security Disability Fund A Last Resort For The Unemployed As Benefits Dry Up

As more jobless people run out of unemployment insurance, they are turning to a last resort to make ends meet: government disability benefits.

Two new studies cited by The Wall Street Journal find that when jobless Americans exhaust their unemployment benefits, they turn to Social Security disability benefits to survive. The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has risen to 10.6 million since 2002 -- an increase of 47 percent, the WSJ reports.

With more and more people coming to depend on Social Security, the program's long-term prospects are starting to seem endangered. Most people who start receiving disability insurance stay in the program until they retire, and the average person in the disability program ultimately receives more than $240,000 in benefits, according to a 2006 study by economists David Autor and Mark Duggan cited by the White House's Council of Economic Advisers.


But, of course, anything that counters Ed's view of the world as seen through his bellybutton since his head is so far up his ass, is a lie.

Is it any wonder we don't believe his claims about being a scientist ?
CON$ervoFascists are sooooooo predictable, they just keep repeating the same lies over and over again. This is the same discredited WSJ propaganda repeated by another source.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Adolf Hitler

The lie of
Hope and Change comes to mind

side not
it was actually the fascist Joseph Goebbels
who said it.

Just so you know

Peter Drucker said it best:

"the complete collapse of the belief in the attainability of freedom and equality through Marxism has forced Russia
to travel the same road toward a totalitarian society of un-freedom and inequality which Germany has been following.
Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same. Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion,
and it has proved as much an illusion in Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany."
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Once you are on disability....do you ever come off ?

This is starting to look like a huge scam.
Mindless CON$ervoFascist drones just parrot the lies of their MessiahRushie!

July 03, 2012
RUSH: You might be surprised to learn that you are never kicked off once you are enrolled. You are on it for life. So we now have 8.7 million "workers" (as the story says) on disability.
We have 8.7 million Americans who are living off of federal disability insurance payments, and can for the rest of their lives. I don't know how much money it is. I don't know what an average monthly benefit is. But all it takes to qualify for a disability now is a half-decent lawyer to make the case for you

Sick verses Disablement | Disability Condition
Of the 8 million collecting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, more than 57 thousand go back to work every year.* Sadly, over 231,000 terminate their benefits by dying.
Average benefit payment is $1090 per month and median payment is right at $1000 per month.* Maximum possible benefit is just over $2,300 per month; Hardly the kind of money to live in luxury, especially if you have high medical costs.
I seriously doubt that the 8 million beneficiaries want to be poor and dependent on others the rest of their lives would you?

Do you realize that you're quoting a Blog started by a husband and wife team that are benefiting from Social Security Disability and that they fail to source ANY of their information?
And by "benefiting" you mean he is disabled and collecting a small amount of the money he paid into the SS system for 33 years.
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery - Investors.com

More workers joined the federal government's disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator of how bleak the nation's jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery.

The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's economic recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits.

In other words, the number of new disability enrollees has climbed 19% faster than the number of new jobs created during the sluggish recovery. (Even after accounting for people who left the disability program because they died or aged into retirement, the disability ranks have climbed more than 1.1 million in the past three years.)

And the disability ranks will continue to swell. In just the last month, almost 275,000 put in applications for disability benefits. Experts say that more people try to get on disability when jobs are scarce, and changes to eligibility rules enacted back in 1984 have made it far easier to qualify.


Once you are on disability....do you ever come off ?

This is starting to look like a huge scam.

It really is a shame

States are good at getting people off their dole and on to the Federal dole
In these terrible economic times and with Papa Obama's economic plans
doing no good to lower unemployment

This comes as no surprise

Mitt is right

Obama is not working
No doubt he has some kind of mental disability
Oddly enough about 20% of Americans have mental illness
and about 20% identify as being liberal

Funny how that works
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Social Security Disability Fund A Last Resort For The Unemployed As Benefits Dry Up

As more jobless people run out of unemployment insurance, they are turning to a last resort to make ends meet: government disability benefits.

Two new studies cited by The Wall Street Journal find that when jobless Americans exhaust their unemployment benefits, they turn to Social Security disability benefits to survive. The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has risen to 10.6 million since 2002 -- an increase of 47 percent, the WSJ reports.
Another example of the complete dishonesty of the WSJ. Notice how professionally they lie with the "truth." Notice how many times they reference the "JOBLESS" except the one time they give a stat, then suddenly the word "JOBLESS" disappears and it's the number of "AMERICANS," jobless or not collecting SSDI.

That's right, there are NOT 10.6 million WORKERS collecting SSDI benefits as the dishonest WSJ would lead the gullible to believe. That WSJ number includes the 2 million spouses and children collecting SSDI. The WSJ would have you believe that underage children are cheating the system when their "unemployment" (that they never got) ran out!

Of course, to CON$ervoFascists, lies like that only add to the credibility of the WSJ!
80K new jobs in June; 85K more people on disability in June

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Social Security Disability Fund A Last Resort For The Unemployed As Benefits Dry Up

As more jobless people run out of unemployment insurance, they are turning to a last resort to make ends meet: government disability benefits.

Two new studies cited by The Wall Street Journal find that when jobless Americans exhaust their unemployment benefits, they turn to Social Security disability benefits to survive. The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has risen to 10.6 million since 2002 -- an increase of 47 percent, the WSJ reports.
Another example of the complete dishonesty of the WSJ. Notice how professionally they lie with the "truth." Notice how many times they reference the "JOBLESS" except the one time they give a stat, then suddenly the word "JOBLESS" disappears and it's the number of "AMERICANS," jobless or not collecting SSDI.

That's right, there are NOT 10.6 million WORKERS collecting SSDI benefits as the dishonest WSJ would lead the gullible to believe. That WSJ number includes the 2 million spouses and children collecting SSDI. The WSJ would have you believe that underage children are cheating the system when their "unemployment" (that they never got) ran out!

Of course, to CON$ervoFascists, lies like that only add to the credibility of the WSJ!

The only ones that believe the WSJ article is misleading are those who are incapable of comprehending the English language.
And as YOUR article points out....there is an increase of the number of people on the rolls whenever there is a dip in the economy.

Actually, it appears that the number of disabled people maintains a mostly upward trend, in both good and bad economic times. There's a dip in the mid 90s, with a new upswing as of 1998. I don't recall any significant economic downturn at that time. The numbers maintained even in the mid 2000s, and started upward again in 2006. Again, I don't recall any significant economic problems at that time.
Serious question, how does only 80k jobs not bring the UE up when you need at least 250k to stay even with population growth?

How is this possible month after month? I seriously would like an answer.

We need 100,000 jobs a month to stay even, not 250,000.

There are 14 million or so who'd like ONE job.
What do you say to them?

Fallacy. Appeal to suffering. While there may be many people hoping for a job, the fact of their suffering does not change the math.
Your own link makes a liar out of you. the old WSJ won ALL those prizes BEFORE Murdoch took over in Dec 2007. Since then it has been nothing but a right-wing propaganda rag.

The Journal has been right leaning my entire life, it's not a new phenomena. Even still, it's a very good publication. While YOU may not grant it much credibility because of the new ownership, that does not mean that it has lost credibility to the general public.
Do you realize that you're quoting a Blog started by a husband and wife team that are benefiting from Social Security Disability and that they fail to source ANY of their information?

Guess they might know a little more about it than you then, eh?
No fraud. Just old people (50 y.o.) who find themselves with a backache the day after they retire. :mad:

Virtually every career employee — as many as 97 percent in one recent year — applies for and gets disability payments soon after retirement, a computer analysis of federal records by The New York Times has found. Since 2000, those records show, about a quarter of a billion dollars in federal disability money has gone to former L.I.R.R. employees, including about 2,000 who retired during that time.

The L.I.R.R.’s disability rate suggests it is one of the nation’s most dangerous places to work. Yet in four of the last five years, the railroad has won national awards for improving worker safety.

The L.I.R.R.’s record also raises questions about why the Railroad Retirement Board approves nearly 100 percent of disability requests from all the nation’s railroads. The board is funded through taxes on railroads and their workers, but Social Security had to contribute $3.6 billion last year to cover expenses.

Oddly enough about 20% of Americans have mental illness
and about 20% identify as being liberal

Funny how that works

I should expect no less of such douche baggery from you. Let's at least put some things into perspective.

Approximately 20% of people experienced mental illness in 2009, which is consistent with previous years, and probably is about the same for the past few years. This figure is not really that unusual. By comparison, what percentage of people do you think experienced some kind of biological illness in the same time period?

By "mental illness" we mean ANY form of mental illness, to include more "mundane" illnesses, for lack of a better word, as well as more pronounced illnesses. For example, anxiety disorders, like GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) or SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) are included. Phobic disorders are included. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is included (which tends to be more serious than some of the others). Aside from anxiety disorders, there are also personality disorders that are included, as well as mood disorders, like major depressive illness would be included. Increasing figures for depression in recent times are being linked to the bad economic times and the inability for many people to find work.

Despite continuing stigma (born from ignorance), mental illnesses are not related to a person's "character" or intelligence. Despite the general 20% figure, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion-about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 Americans-who live with a serious mental illness. (See previous link.) Serious mental illnesses include things like schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, OCD, etc. Nearly half of all people will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives.
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery - Investors.com

More workers joined the federal government's disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator of how bleak the nation's jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery.

The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's economic recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits.

In other words, the number of new disability enrollees has climbed 19% faster than the number of new jobs created during the sluggish recovery. (Even after accounting for people who left the disability program because they died or aged into retirement, the disability ranks have climbed more than 1.1 million in the past three years.)

And the disability ranks will continue to swell. In just the last month, almost 275,000 put in applications for disability benefits. Experts say that more people try to get on disability when jobs are scarce, and changes to eligibility rules enacted back in 1984 have made it far easier to qualify.


Once you are on disability....do you ever come off ?

This is starting to look like a huge scam.

I will die on disability.
The number on disability growing is logical as the boomers age.
quote=Neotrotsky;5582221]Oddly enough about 20% of Americans have mental illness
and about 20% identify as being liberal

Funny how that works

Funny how it works all right that is the same number that still supported Bush in 2008.

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