80% of employees jobs will be impacted by GPT style AI


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I thought it would be blue collar workers that would be the ones first impacted by the oncoming wave of AI in employment tasks. The truck drivers, taxi drivers, forklift drivers and heavy equipment operators.

But no...looks like the white collar is first in line to take a drubbing from AI...because the white collar replacement by AI will require little to no expensive single task hardware...like automated cars, trucks and heavy equipment...and little to no exposure to costly liability from an equipment failure related accident.

"A new research paper claims that a staggering amount of employees could see their careers impacted by the rise of ChatGPT, a shockingly intelligent chatbot released in November.

They also found that about 19 percent of workers may find at least 50 percent of their duties impacted by GPT, or General-purpose technologies.

Researchers also found that higher-income jobs will likely have greater exposure to GPT, but that it will span across almost all industries.

I suspect that roles where the results are cyclical and / or with repeatable tasks will be targeted first. As an example, jobs that do claim auditing, provider credentialing, analytics and other tasks.
I expect most entertainment news will be written almost exclusively by AI by this time next year.
There will need to be due diligence completed to identify success metrics of a service like Chat GPT. As an example, who would be liable for information that slanders / libels an individual?
There will need to be due diligence completed to identify success metrics of a service like Chat GPT. As an example, who would be liable for information that slanders / libels an individual?


Slander and Libel suits require "actual malice". An AI cannot by definition convey actual malice, as they are not sentient.

Actual Malice --- The deliberate intent to commit an injury, as evidenced by external circumstances.

A non-sentient AI cannot be charged with intentional harm by written word...because they could not form intent to harm.

It might even reduce slander and libel suits.
I thought it would be blue collar workers that would be the ones first impacted by the oncoming wave of AI in employment tasks. The truck drivers, taxi drivers, forklift drivers and heavy equipment operators.

But no...looks like the white collar is first in line to take a drubbing from AI...because the white collar replacement by AI will require little to no expensive single task hardware...like automated cars, trucks and heavy equipment...and little to no exposure to costly liability from an equipment failure related accident.

"A new research paper claims that a staggering amount of employees could see their careers impacted by the rise of ChatGPT, a shockingly intelligent chatbot released in November.

They also found that about 19 percent of workers may find at least 50 percent of their duties impacted by GPT, or General-purpose technologies.

Researchers also found that higher-income jobs will likely have greater exposure to GPT, but that it will span across almost all industries.

I work with AI daily and it is so far from taking over task that requires any sort of intuition. You will notice that data analysis is not on their list as we already use it for the grunt work only.
I thought it would be blue collar workers that would be the ones first impacted by the oncoming wave of AI in employment tasks. The truck drivers, taxi drivers, forklift drivers and heavy equipment operators.

But no...looks like the white collar is first in line to take a drubbing from AI...because the white collar replacement by AI will require little to no expensive single task hardware...like automated cars, trucks and heavy equipment...and little to no exposure to costly liability from an equipment failure related accident.

"A new research paper claims that a staggering amount of employees could see their careers impacted by the rise of ChatGPT, a shockingly intelligent chatbot released in November.

They also found that about 19 percent of workers may find at least 50 percent of their duties impacted by GPT, or General-purpose technologies.

Researchers also found that higher-income jobs will likely have greater exposure to GPT, but that it will span across almost all industries.

Makes perfect sense, infact if think about it, what purpose (other than job's just being made up, and program's or system's being set up to cater to management type's in hopes to keep, insulate, and hold their Jobs) ????

I mean do they truly really serve a serious purpose, otherwise instead of the companies beginning to scale back these types by empowering worker's with AI or smart technology in which assist them in the completing of their work task without the overweighted management team's riding the ship as it begins to lisp ???

Are they actually productive or serving a true need instead of just leeching off of the system, and basically stealing from the worker's because of their dead weight ? The great equalizer might actually come in the form of technology, otherwise that makes these system's highly efficient, and highly profitable if can cut out the many ace kissers that had gained their positions in a lot of cases by that method alone.

Slander and Libel suits require "actual malice". An AI cannot by definition convey actual malice, as they are not sentient.

Actual Malice --- The deliberate intent to commit an injury, as evidenced by external circumstances.

A non-sentient AI cannot be charged with intentional harm by written word...because they could not form intent to harm.

It might even reduce slander and libel suits.

The people that programed it could still be charged for those things

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