75 Year Old Substitute Teacher Punched By Student

It was the only discussion point you made, the most important in your mind. Why is it necessary to mention race when discussing an assault unless the attack was racially based?

In every inter-racial case the racial aspect should be investigated....as it always is when the victim is black.....unfortunately as we see time and again there is a 2 tiered system of justice now based on race.
I guess that I should rephrase that into does anybody else find it strange that we're not being told the race.

Obviously it's not, but it was a way that I could start off the thread.

It is standard operating procedure now for the media to cover for black and muslim criminals and only mention race if the perp is white.

Anyone who has been on this board even a short time should know that....it has been pointed out and discussed many, many times.
Wow. So you and RoadRunner think segregation was a good thing?

Nothing more needs to be said.

Even blacks now want a segregated school system....try and keep up.

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Even blacks now want a segregated school system....try and keep up.

Anyone ever noticed that the so called white folks who aren't racist never comment when racist like this start running their mouth. Now when someone black says something they don't like you can stop them from posting and running their mouth. Now you folks wonder why most folks think you MAGA, Trump Humper, Republicans and conservatives are racist.

Projection you Racist piglet.
In every inter-racial case the racial aspect should be investigated....as it always is when the victim is black.....unfortunately as we see time and again there is a 2 tiered system of justice now based on race.
Is this the same two tiered system that gives Blacks harsher jail sentences than Whites?
Is this the same t

wo tiered system that gives Blacks harsher jail sentences than Whites?
What you are talking about is 'Perceieved' racism....the truth is......A lot of factors influence the judge when he issues a sentence but .......most judges are liberals and many times the sentences given out are mandatory by law for that particular crime.

During the 1990s many States moved to a sentencing guideline system because of perceived racism when judges sentenced prisoners. In the federal criminal justice system, the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 established the federal sentencing guidelines, which went into affect in 1991.

Are sentences for blacks still higher than for whites “yes” but that difference can be tied to differences in the nature of the offense and the defendant’s prior criminal history.
Many studies have been conducted that show no bias in the arrest, prosecution, adjudication, and sentencing of blacks. At the same time, many other studies show possible evidence of bias. The consensus among criminologists is that available evidence of bias is not strong. Compared to legitimate factors affecting sentencing decisions, such as the defendant's prior record and offense seriousness, race appears to be only weakly related to whether a defendant is arrested, convicted, prosecuted, or sentenced severely. Moreover, criminologists are divided over how to interpret this weak relationship. Some believe it proves the existence of a small amount of bias in the criminal justice system, while others do not believe studies rule out the alternative explanation, that races differ on legal factors and these factors legitimately influence decisions of criminal justice system officials. The Bureau of Justice Statistics conducted a 1-year survey in which samples of adult felony defendants were tracked as their individual cases proceeded across major criminal justice stages. The survey was based on a sample of 10,226 defendants representing 42,538 defendants in the Nation's 75 largest counties. Survey findings revealed blacks were convicted of more serious offenses than whites, had longer criminal records, and were convicted in places that generally meted out more prison sentences. These differences explained why 51 percent of convicted blacks but only 38 percent of convicted whites were sent to prison. The survey provided no evidence that, in places where blacks had most of their contacts with the criminal justice system, the system treated them more harshly than whites.
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"Mainstreaming special ed (needs) kids back into the classroom" didn't work when I was in school in the 1950's. All they did was disrupt the whole class until they were finally removed. Have they learned nothing?

No, they have not. It still happens.

I guess it depends on what one's problem is; academic, medical, psychological, behavioral?

Not his class, but my nephew reported a "special needs" student ran into a classroom and...took a dump on the floor. In that case, I'm going with options C and D.

ALL students deserve an education.

Some are uninterested in one.

If he has the skill and commitment, advise him to teach where he is needed. Urban public schools need good teachers.

Yeah, sure they do. Of course, teaching in one is a good way to burn out even if you DON'T get attacked.

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