6 Reasons Why Anita Hill and Blasey Ford Lied

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Just wanted to repost this as it is DEAD ON. You can apply many of these points to Libtard Activist Ford as well. She definitely is lying. But that isn't the point. Think on this ladies and gentlemen.....The LEFT is so indoctrinated, so SOLD OUT to The Leftist Socialist Agenda, that they are willing to ACHIEVE POWER at all cost.

That includes destroying people's lives, rigging elections, stealing debate questions, using electronics to cheat in a debate, destroying government documents and equipment, concealing your actions through the use of a secret unsecured server, hiring thugs to assault voters, staging Coups, orchestrating phoney investigations, selling Uranium to Putin, and asking him to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by producing a Fake Dossier, and using it to obtain Fraudulent FISA Warrants via False Affidavits.

This was not lapse of judgment at any point. Each party KNEW the Dossier was fraudulent, salacious and unverifiable, but right and wrong, truth, due process and the presumption of innocence are no barriers to insurance policies and an organized resistance movement in direct opposition to THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS!

6 Pieces Of Evidence Anita Hill Was Lying

April 22, 2016

Anita Hill made her claim to fame by accusing Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearing back in 1991. The Left painted Thomas as a misogynistic monster despite the glaring contradictions, lies and lack of evidence to support such a narrative. The U.S. House and Senate dismissed the baseless accusations presented by Hill, confirmed Thomas to the court, and the public largely viewed Hill as discredited.

Despite all this, the Left, through HBO, continues to smear Thomas for the irredeemable sin of being conservative while being black. On April 16 a slanderous film called Confirmation, a “fictionalized look” at the drama of the Thomas confirmation hearing, was released. The star of the film was none other than Hillary Clinton surrogate actress Kerry Washington.

Here are 6 pieces of evidence that Hill was lying:

1. A witness said she was told details about the supposed sexual harassment while the two were living in Washington, except this witness was not living in Washington when Hill worked for Thomas.

The witness supposedly corroborating Hills’ allegations had moved out of Washington before Hill even began working for Thomas. How could she have possibly been told about the harassment before it happened?

2. Hill followed Thomas, a man she accused of sexual harassment, from job to job.

Hill claimed that she feared losing her government job if she did not follow Thomas from job to job. As Brookings Institute senior fellow Stuart Taylor Jr. points out, Hill was an employee of the federal government, known for its incredible job security.

3. Hill made numerous phone calls to her supposed sexual harasser after she stopped working for him.

Phone logs document numerous calls from Hill to Thomas after she stopped working for him, notes Thomas Sowell. It seems rather odd that a woman would consistently call a man who sexually harassed her.

Further, Hill initially denied that she made these calls — which doesn’t exactly boost her credibility either.

4. Hill initially asked to be kept anonymous when her accusations were presented to Thomas. But if her accusations were true, then Thomas would know that the accusations were launched by Hill, so why ask for anonymity?

Sowell elaborates: “The really fatal fact about Anita Hill’s accusations was that they were first made to the Senate Judiciary Committee in confidence, and she asked that her name not be mentioned when the accusations were presented to Judge Thomas by those trying to pressure him to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court.

“Think about it: The accusations referred to things that were supposed to have happened when only two people were present,” adds Sowell. “If the accusations were true, Clarence Thomas would automatically know who originated them. Anita Hill’s request for anonymity made sense only if the charges were false.”

5. Hill lied five times about being told something from a Democratic staffer, which she later admitted to under oath.

The Federalist highlights that Hill admitted, under oath, that although she previously denied being told something by a Democratic staffer, she actually was. This of course reeks of a political motive for the allegations and, again, a lack of credibility of the accuser.

6. A dozen females who worked with Thomas and Hill gave favorable testimony about Thomas and refuted the claims by Hill of Thomas’ inappropriate behavior.

As noted in the Wall Street Journal, “a dozen” women came out in support of Thomas, giving glowing testimony of his behavior, lending contradiction to Hills’ accusations.

6 Pieces Of Evidence Anita Hill Was Lying
Judge Thomas summed up the whole hearing as a Democratic Lynch mob against a Black man. He make that understatement after being confirmed and I agree with the bro. I don't agree with same of his stands but overall he is a fair Judge.
Feinstein needs censured and then removed from Office. And The Libtard Radical Professor needs sued for Libel, Defammation of Character, Slander and then subpoenaed to testify after which she will be criminally prosecuted for Perjury.
Ethics charges should be brought against feinstein.
Open and shut, she has no ethics.
I'm surprised you even know how to spell the word ethics.
Cut and paste.
I doubt you even know how to cut and paste. Somebody has to be doing it for you.
My mommy. From the basement. In flyover country. Wearing my rube shirt. Watching the KKK channel.
The Truth of this posted Article and the relevance it has to the current situation cannot be dismissed by any Juvenile attempts by Leftist Nazi Thugs on this message board.
Ethics charges should be brought against feinstein.
Open and shut, she has no ethics.
I'm surprised you even know how to spell the word ethics.
Cut and paste.
I doubt you even know how to cut and paste. Somebody has to be doing it for you.
My mommy. From the basement. In flyover country. Wearing my rube shirt. Watching the KKK channel.
You are a deplorable individual. I bet you have a job, pay taxes, and drive a pickup truck too.


What's this world coming to when a man wants to work and provide for his family?

Outrageous I tell you!


Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in to testify at his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., September 4, 2018. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)
If she doesn’t, the Judiciary Committee should vote as scheduled.
When Americans went to bed last night, the path forward in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination battle seemed set. On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee — and the nation — would have an opportunity to watch Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify, under oath, about Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh brutally assaulted her at a high-school party in the early 1980s. Crucially, both Kavanaugh and Ford would be subject to no-doubt-tough cross-examination.

But then, by Tuesday morning, there was a shift. My former NR colleague Eliana Johnson reported that Ford had not yet agreed to testify:

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that his staff has reached out to Christine Blasey Ford’s camp several times since the California-based professor came forward with her story of a high-school-era assault by President Donald Trump’s high court pick. Although Ford’s lawyer said that her client would be open to “a fair proceeding,” it remains unclear whether she would agree to a planned hearing on Sept. 24 that Republicans have set up to help save Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Individual justice matters, and individual justice is impossible when accusers refuse to put their claims to the test.

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