2015 GOP Debates


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Okay, I would guess that one third of the 400+ news feeds I've scanned this morning had at least one comment about the debates - most had more. So, I'm going to put a sample of everything I came across (and took the bother to copy) in this one thread. I'll save my own personnel comments and views for the end.

I hope you all enjoy.
FactChecking the GOP Debate

Early Edition @ FactChecking the GOP Debate Early Edition and Late Edition @ FactChecking the GOP Debate Late Edition give some interesting tidbits about the GOP debates. Of course, this site has a very liberal slant so one has to closely examine the claims. Here are just a few:

On early debate:

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said the U.S. sends “$300 billion overseas to buy oil from people who hate our guts.” But that’s spending on all oil imports, including from Canada and Mexico.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal claimed a study proved “expanding Medicaid does not improve health care outcomes.” The study he cited measured only three health indicators over a two-year period, and even then found some positive benefits.

Former New York Gov. George Pataki said when he left office, “there were over 1 million fewer people on welfare in New York state than when I took office.” True, but that decrease was part of a national trend after President Clinton signed the 1996 welfare overhaul legislation.

And I noticed not a single entry about Fiorina

On late debate:

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that “over 40 percent of small and mid-size banks … have been wiped out” since the Dodd-Frank law was passed. Actually, the total number of commercial banks has gone down only 16 percent, continuing a longtime trend.

Businessman Donald Trump said his net worth is $10 billion, but outside estimates put the figure much lower.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush twice claimed that he cut taxes in the state by $19 billion. But that includes cuts in Florida estate taxes mandated by federal law that Bush had nothing to do with.

Not a single one from Cruz or Christie. Ain't that interesting?
American Power @ http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com has 9 posts/links to debate articles one of which makes Fiorina a clear winner.

Republican 2016 debate: Who were the winners and losers? BBC's view of the debates @ Republican 2016 debate Who were the winners and losers - BBC News

The GOP Debate—Miserable Irrelevancy – Wow! Talk about not pulling punches @ The GOP Debate Miserable Irrelevancy

And after the early debate, Carly Fiorina destroyed Chris Matthews too @ And after the early debate Carly Fiorina destroyed Chris Matthews too (Is that really all that hard to do?)

And have we heard a single word about the “other” debate? Not the ones on FoxNews but the one to our north in Canada. Canada election 2015: 5 things we learned from the 1st debate @ Canada election 2015 5 things we learned from the 1st debate - Politics - CBC News How many Americans have the faintest idea that Canada is even preparing for an election?

Political Pistachio's take on the debate:


Overall, this first encounter won't change any campaign dynamic. But then with such a ridiculously overloaded stage, it hardly could have. With which I fully agree!


From the Atlantic: Reject seven Republicans from the main debate, invite them into an empty theater, and ask them why they’re failures. @ Reject seven Republicans from the main debate, invite them into an empty theater, and ask them why they’re failures.

And as if the above aren't enough, this comes from RightWingNews – Analysis of the First Fox GOP Presidential Debate @ Analysis of the First Fox GOP Presidential Debate John Hawkins Right Wing News that says:

#1) Fox did a terrible job of running the debate

#2) Fox also pretty clearly hates Donald Trump and it came across in the way they ran the debate (Which is absolute bull poop as almost every single Fox show has him on at least once every day, They should've said it's Megyn Kelly who has a problem with him)

#3) The quality level of the candidates was so much higher than 2012

CNN says early numbers suggest a record audience for the debate.

And Slate @ Fox News GOP debate Brett Baier Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace got the job done. said:


The typical post-debate analysis is unkind to the moderators, often because the moderators do not do a good job. But tonight the Fox News crew did the opposite: They hosted a rigorous and fun debate that made the GOP nominating contest finally look like a fair fight.

Here's Who Gained, Faltered, and Remained Unaffected @ Here s Who Gained Faltered and Remained Unaffected The Weekly Standard
And finally, my own comments on the debate:

I watched both debates and enjoyed how the moderators dealt with the first. Why they held it without an audience made no sense to me. They should've at least allowed a couple of thousand in. I thought Governor Jindal and Carly Fiorina did extremely well. I think Fiorina just may have earned herself the second spot on any ticket.

As for the main event – unlike lots and lots of other debates I've watched, the moderators did a reasonable job on this – although there were a lot of topics they either avoided or simply didn't get to. They immediately attacked Trump which didn't seem to phase him all that much. I also didn't like the interchange between The Donald and Megyn Kelly who seems to have a grudge against him.

Washington insiders Cruz and Rubio surprised me as they appear to actually believe something must be done about Washington. Paul and Kasich, while trying to be different, seemed no different that what one finds within The Beltway.

Huckabee did well but he sadly has no chance as he's openly a Christian pastor and will not draw liberals and those on the fence. Carson is a brilliant man and would make an awesome Surgeon General. Scott Walker? I like his record but he doesn't seem to have the fire of Christie who showed just how feisty he is.

As for The Donald – I don't think his performance will hurt his polling numbers. The charge that his comments about Rosie Odonnel will turn off women is a canard – I think a whole lot of Middle American women agree with him. I just think he won't be the GOP nominee and – in spite of his hints – I don't think he'll make a third party run.

Jeb Bush had his chance – and blew it. Like Kasich, all he could do is repeat and repeat his record and showed no true fire in his soul. If he had the fire of Huckabee, Cruz, Rubio, or even Trump, he'd be a shoo in.

Overall, I haven't changed my position one bit that not one of the 17 will be the one who wins the GOP nomination at their convention.
The debate was a let down, for the debaters and the audience. Fox was disgustingly anxious in trying to take Trump out. I resented the baiting questions hurled at Trump. It was a waste of time for the 24 million that wanted substance.
More Debate Stuff

AUDIO: Mark Levin Rips Megyn Kelly on Her Trump Gotcha Question @ AUDIO Mark Levin Rips Megyn Kelly on Her Trump Gotcha Question - The Gateway Pundit

MUST HEAR Caller on Rush Limbaugh Show Gives Heart-Felt Analysis On Trump’s Debate Performance @ AUDIO MUST HEAR Caller on Rush Limbaugh Show Gives Heart-Felt Analysis On Trump s Debate Performance - The Gateway Pundit

Two Black Women GO OFF on Megyn Kelly In Epic Post Debate Rant @ MUST SEE VIDEO Two Black Women GO OFF on Megyn Kelly In Epic Post Debate Rant - The Gateway Pundit

OMG! Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: There Was Blood Coming Out of Eyes, Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever” @ OMG Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly There Was Blood Coming Out of Eyes Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever - The Gateway Pundit

Apprentice Contestant Says She Doesn’t Remember Trump’s ‘Knees’ Comment… Will Megyn Kelly Apologize? @ Apprentice Contestant Says She Doesn t Remember Trump s Knees Comment... Will Megyn Kelly Apologize - The Gateway Pundit

TRUMP Rips FOX and ‘Clown’ Krauthammer: “You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself” @ TRUMP Rips FOX and Clown Krauthammer You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself - The Gateway Pundit

Hah-Hah! FOX News GOP Debate SHATTERS ALL RECORDS – THUMPS Jon Stewart’s Piddly Farewell @ Hah-Hah FOX News GOP Debate SHATTERS ALL RECORDS - THUMPS Jon Stewart s Piddly Farewell - The Gateway Pundit

Enough Is Enough=> Petition Started to Ban FOX’s Megyn Kelly from Hosting Any Further GOP Debates @ Enough Is Enough Petition Started to Ban FOX s Megyn Kelly from Hosting Any Further GOP Debates - The Gateway Pundit

And here's one I fully agree with = The first GOP presidential debate, and a major debt crisis in Puerto Rico @ Watchdog Podcast The first GOP presidential debate and a major debt crisis in Puerto Rico - Watchdog.org why was this totally ignored?

How GOP Candidates Mimicked Pope Francis – @ Surprising Pope Francis moments from the GOP debate National Catholic Reporter Wow! This ought to drive the Left up the wall!

Why Republican Debate Losers Will Stay In The Race; GOP Sees White House As Winnable @ Election 2016 Why Republican Debate Losers Will Stay In The Race GOP Sees White House As Winnable
And this comes from a clearly avowed conservative site = Grading the First GOP Debate, Fox News @ Political Pistachio Grading the First GOP Debate Fox News


And here's a brief part of the post:

Biggest Positive Surprise: Ben Carson

Low Point: Donald Trump

Even, and Steady as she goes: Scott Walker

Most Conservative Talking Points: Ted Cruz

Generally Said What the People Want to Hear: Marco Rubio

Best Social Conservative Lines: Mike Huckabee

Biggest Lies: Jeb Bush

Proves He's An Establishment Guy: John Kasich

Biggest Winners: Tie. . . Carly and Carson

Biggest Losers: Trump and Christie

This is the website for the RedState organization hosting the latest GOP gathering @ http://www.redstate.com

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