2011 global temperature thread


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
here we will watch the global temperature from all the temperature data ranging from the noaa, Nasa giss, UAH, RSS, ect. Cool or warm....

I think January 2011 will be 3rd for Giss and 4th for noaa, 5th for UAH.

On the other hand I think 2011 could start out for the first couple of months within the top 3-5 range for all the global temperature. But Once we get to May I feel that we will go into a moderate like ENSO...This will remain so throughout the rest of the year getting us into the top two or three warmest years within the last 130 years.

This thread is for both warmers and coolers.

Noaa http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/

giss http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/

UAH http://www.drroyspencer.com/latest-global-temperatures/
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Personally I think all the temperature monitors are suspect. GISS is a joke. NOAA is not much better, UAH at least makes an attempt but Spencer admitted that the satellite data is suspect.

In the end though it honestly doesn't matter. We are seeing the second year in a row where the winter temps have been far colder than was predicted by the best "consensus scientists on the planet" so their opinions rally don't hold much water anymore.

Piers Corbyn and others like him accurately predicted last winters record cold and they predicted this years. More troubling is Corbyn has predicted that this could go on for the next 20 years or even a little longer. So I'm going to follow Corbyns lead and say the temps are going to continue cold for the next 20 years or so.

And it is all natural.
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Personally I think all the temperature monitors are suspect. GISS is a joke. NOAA is not much better, UAH at least makes an attempt but Spencer admitted that the satellite data is suspect.

In the end though it honestly doesn't matter. We are seeing the second year in a row where the winter temps have been far colder than was predicted by the best "consensus scientists on the planet" so their opinions rally don't hold much water anymore.

Piers Corbyn and others like him accurately predicted last winters record cold and they predicted this years. More troubling is Corbyn has predicted that this could go on for the next 20 years or even a little longer. So I'm going to follow Corbyns lead and say the temps are going to continue cold for the next 20 years or so.

And it is all natural.

Westwall, It's hard to believe that a lie of this scale could be happening if it was occurring. If global warming is proven to be a fraud then all our temperature data has been screwed with to the point that we may never have had a record that is trustworthy and would need to start over again. A trillion dollar scam....The skeptics argue a case of fraud and it is all a lie, but can they prove that the arctic has not warmed and that the theory that this air could be caused by a shift within the weather pattern as the pro global warmers say? And since the pro global warmers have nearly total control over all temperature data then how would we know one way or the other?

No data shows a cooling trend and being such it is controled by the scienctist that are pro global warming then we wouldn't know if a full fledged ice age was coming either way.

It is hard for me to wrap my head around such treason and fraud if that was the case. Most of science would be damaged for a long time. I'm just going to assume for the time being that there is slightly more truthfulness and honor within science then this. To think otherwise would believe that the whole system has swirled down the crapper and outright treason throughout the scientific community and political alike is occurring.

It is my belief that the forcing of co2 is much less then any of these scienctist would like us to believe. We're following A1F1 or worst case for co2 over the last 5 years and no where near even seeing the middle ground warming even based on the data supplied by the giss and noaa. I call into question just how strong of a green house co2 really is...We will see. Now saying we're seeing now warming at all or even cooling is yet to be proved...I believe some warming is occurring. Using the noaa and giss data doesn't show a huge increase over 1990-1999, but of a moderation of the temperature being each year hits close to the other, but doesn't beat it by a large amount, which helps up the avg, but is not a sign of a increase of the warming. Our friends badly need 2010 to be number 1 and maybe 2012 beating it by a larger a mount to prove that the warming is occurring faster...

Yes the solar output from our star has been decreasing and could be a case for those prediction of such cooling, but how would we know? Who knows because all temperature data says otherwise...Be it fraud or that the earth maybe warming up...
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It is my belief that the forcing of co2 is much less then any of these scienctist would like us to believe. We're following A1f` or worst case for co2 over the last 5 years and no where near even seeing the middle ground warming even based on the data supplied by the giss and noaa. I call into question just how strong of a green house co2 really is...We will see. Now saying we're seeing now warming at all or even cooling is yet to be proved...I believe some warming is occurring. Using the noaa and giss data doesn't show a huge increase over 1990-1999, but of a moderation of the temperature being each year hits close to the other, but doesn't beat it by a large amount, which helps up the avg, but is not a sign of a increase of the warming. Our friends badly need 2010 to be number 1 and maybe 2012 beating it by a larger a mount to prove that the warming is occurring faster...

Making this post to show what I mean...The reason last decade was warmer then 1990-1999 was because every year is close to each other near the peak, which avgs much higher. This can only get so far and if we don't have a lot of record years in this decade then the rate of warming will slow to craw.

Chart A=top chart shows what is occurring
Chart B=Bottom shows what supposed to be occurring, with a increase or a compounding of the warming(Speeding up of the warming).

This shows us following A1F1...But the warming is far below A1F1 would support at least so far.



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    $global warming.GIF
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Personally I think all the temperature monitors are suspect. GISS is a joke. NOAA is not much better, UAH at least makes an attempt but Spencer admitted that the satellite data is suspect.

In the end though it honestly doesn't matter. We are seeing the second year in a row where the winter temps have been far colder than was predicted by the best "consensus scientists on the planet" so their opinions rally don't hold much water anymore.

Piers Corbyn and others like him accurately predicted last winters record cold and they predicted this years. More troubling is Corbyn has predicted that this could go on for the next 20 years or even a little longer. So I'm going to follow Corbyns lead and say the temps are going to continue cold for the next 20 years or so.

And it is all natural.

Westwall, It's hard to believe that a lie of this scale could be happening if it was occurring. If global warming is proven to be a fraud then all our temperature data has been screwed with to the point that we may never have had a record that is trustworthy and would need to start over again. A trillion dollar scam....The skeptics argue a case of fraud and it is all a lie, but can they prove that the arctic has not warmed and that the theory that this air could be caused by a shift within the weather pattern as the pro global warmers say? And since the pro global warmers have nearly total control over all temperature data then how would we know one way or the other?

No data shows a cooling trend and being such it is controled by the scienctist that are pro global warming then we wouldn't know if a full fledged ice age was coming either way.

It is hard for me to wrap my head around such treason and fraud if that was the case. Most of science would be damaged for a long time. I'm just going to assume for the time being that there is slightly more truthfulness and honor within science then this. To think otherwise would believe that the whole system has swirled down the crapper and outright treason throughout the scientific community and political alike is occurring.

It is my belief that the forcing of co2 is much less then any of these scienctist would like us to believe. We're following A1F1 or worst case for co2 over the last 5 years and no where near even seeing the middle ground warming even based on the data supplied by the giss and noaa. I call into question just how strong of a green house co2 really is...We will see. Now saying we're seeing now warming at all or even cooling is yet to be proved...I believe some warming is occurring. Using the noaa and giss data doesn't show a huge increase over 1990-1999, but of a moderation of the temperature being each year hits close to the other, but doesn't beat it by a large amount, which helps up the avg, but is not a sign of a increase of the warming. Our friends badly need 2010 to be number 1 and maybe 2012 beating it by a larger a mount to prove that the warming is occurring faster...

Yes the solar output from our star has been decreasing and could be a case for those prediction of such cooling, but how would we know? Who knows because all temperature data says otherwise...Be it fraud or that the earth maybe warming up...

Here's a group of scientists who got caught falsifying the temperature record. They were responsible for keeping the Official New Zealand Temperature Record and they falsified it to conform to the AGW program. New Zealand has actually experienced a flat line or even a minor drop in avg temperature over the last 40 years. The scientists involved tried to alter that record to make it look like New Zealand was warming like the rest of the world is supposed to be warming.

They were caught, there were public hearings in Parliament. The lead scientist is gone and ALL of the "adjustments" have been removed because they could not show a reason for the adjustments.

Australia too has been found to have altered 40% of the old temperature record and you will soon see hearings begin on that falsification as well. GISS here in the US has systematically been going back and altering the old temp record for the last 50 years to make the old temp numbers colder and the more recent ones warmer.

Don't believe me one bit but do some research on your own. The evidence is out there for the locating.

Climate Science Coalition Vindicated | Scoop News
It is my belief that the forcing of co2 is much less then any of these scienctist would like us to believe. We're following A1f` or worst case for co2 over the last 5 years and no where near even seeing the middle ground warming even based on the data supplied by the giss and noaa. I call into question just how strong of a green house co2 really is...We will see. Now saying we're seeing now warming at all or even cooling is yet to be proved...I believe some warming is occurring. Using the noaa and giss data doesn't show a huge increase over 1990-1999, but of a moderation of the temperature being each year hits close to the other, but doesn't beat it by a large amount, which helps up the avg, but is not a sign of a increase of the warming. Our friends badly need 2010 to be number 1 and maybe 2012 beating it by a larger a mount to prove that the warming is occurring faster...

Making this post to show what I mean...The reason last decade was warmer then 1990-1999 was because every year is close to each other near the peak, which avgs much higher. This can only get so far and if we don't have a lot of record years in this decade then the rate of warming will slow to craw.

Chart A=top chart shows what is occurring
Chart B=Bottom shows what supposed to be occurring, with a increase or a compounding of the warming(Speeding up of the warming).

This shows us following A1F1...But the warming is far below A1F1 would support at least so far.


CO2 is irrelevant. It is only the target because it is something that man does indeed produce (though only around 4-5% of the yearly output) and can be quantified, thus charged for. ALL of the carbon trading schemes have one common denominator and that is none of them have a mechanism for pollution control. You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay for the priviledge.
Warmer or colder? Ask your local glacier. Ice has no politics, it knows no ideology, it has nothing to prove. It just melts.

Yeah, why don't you ask it when it started melting there fella.
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But according to this article..........the global warming faithers violate the principle pillar of all science:
For something to be scientifically true, you must be able to test it to see if it's false. That's what scientific experimentation and observation do. That's the essence of the scientific method...............

.............but not to global warming faithers

The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers - Investors.com

Going to be really fucking close...Our global warming friends may get their number one year, but maybe not. I'm think 7-8th for Noaa and 5th for Giss, 12th for UAH for December.

Most of Alaska outside of the northern part remains -2 below normal.






















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The earth does it's own cooling and warming. Care to explain why the earth was warmer in 12th century than it is now?
By the record in the ice, while it was warmer in some areas, there were others where there was really no change. That in contrast to the present worldwide change. The ice does not lie'

By the record in the ice, while it was warmer in some areas, there were others where there was really no change. That in contrast to the present worldwide change. The ice does not lie'


That does not explain why some as you say part's of the earth was way more hotter than it is now.
By the record in the ice, while it was warmer in some areas, there were others where there was really no change. That in contrast to the present worldwide change. The ice does not lie'


That does not explain why some as you say part's of the earth was way more hotter than it is now.

proxies for temperature, CO2, etc need a lot of manipulation and generalizations therefor the scientists' frame of mind can have a lot of impact on what is concluded for the data. once a general mindset is in place excuses for evidence that contradicts the theory are found and put down as fact even if the excuses would seem unreasonable without the theory for context. just look at the herculean efforts to remove the Midieval Warm Period which would be totally ridiculous except that it helps the AGW cause.
By the record in the ice, while it was warmer in some areas, there were others where there was really no change. That in contrast to the present worldwide change. The ice does not lie'


That does not explain why some as you say part's of the earth was way more hotter than it is now.

proxies for temperature, CO2, etc need a lot of manipulation and generalizations therefor the scientists' frame of mind can have a lot of impact on what is concluded for the data. once a general mindset is in place excuses for evidence that contradicts the theory are found and put down as fact even if the excuses would seem unreasonable without the theory for context. just look at the herculean efforts to remove the Midieval Warm Period which would be totally ridiculous except that it helps the AGW cause.
I'm no science wiz but the information I read tells me the earth warms and cools in cycles. We are ending a warming cycle and now entering a cooling cycle

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