1979--Life of Brian

How in the world did a discussion about Monty Python end up on the history forum? Not only isn't Python history but it ain't even humor. Try the rubber room.

Pfft... It's more than Python history.

The UK has a state religion and a blasphemy law that could protect it until 2008. The movie opened in the US first and could only open one year later in the UK. It was banned in a few areas up until 2008 in the UK.
In 1977 the blasphemy law was used regarding a poem in Gay News.
Whitehouse v Lemon - Wikipedia

This is Whitehouse

Mary Whitehouse

Mary Whitehouse:'Sometimes I denied she was my mother'

Someone working on the set or involved with the Life of Brian had sent a bit of the script to a group called Festival of Light which was an activist group along the same lines as Whitehouse or somehow connected with her. They raised hell which led to the banning in certain areas of the UK.

I just wanted to know if anyone was around and saw what really happened.

That is interesting.
Yesterday I posted a clip from the Life of Brian from YouTube. On the side bar was a video of the Friday Night, Saturday Morning debate with Cleese, Palin, Mervyn Stockwood and Malcom Muggeridge. I had no idea who those last two were. So, I watched another documentary on the response of this movie which said there were protests in New York but that is New York.

What was the reaction in the US when that movie came out? How did you guys react?
I have this movie in DVD :D
I find it really funny but I can understand some religious people (i.e. Christians) can be very happy watching this movie.
It's a parody of Jesus Christ's life :)

Fad, Not Faith

Like all cults, they only follow the directions of their gurus. The Christian clerics weren't attacking Hollywood at the time. There was another movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, that they suddenly decided to get upset about at. That protest was all an arranged spectacle, like providing a picnic for their gullible believers in order to increase solidarity and the clerics' popularity and wealth:

Sermon of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day

For example, a similar lucrative cult of 9/11 Truth dupes is missing three glaring truths it could use. But the few who actually direct the movement want to push a certain scenario and aren't interested in investigating events as if they actually believed in their planted conspiracy theory. If they were sincere, they could say that Bush must have known about: the preview in 1973 in Israel, the uniquely fragile nature of the World Trade Center, and the peak of the last jihad happening on September 11, 1683.
lol ...There are plenty of church and ministers' salary reports out there, going back decades. It isn't any golden road to success; that's a load of drivel. People who buy lottery tickets do better. It make the deviants and degenerates feel good about themselves to run around babbling inane fake news, though.
How in the world did a discussion about Monty Python end up on the history forum? Not only isn't Python history but it ain't even humor. Try the rubber room.

Pfft... It's more than Python history.

The UK has a state religion and a blasphemy law that could protect it until 2008. The movie opened in the US first and could only open one year later in the UK. It was banned in a few areas up until 2008 in the UK.
In 1977 the blasphemy law was used regarding a poem in Gay News.
Whitehouse v Lemon - Wikipedia

This is Whitehouse

Mary Whitehouse

Mary Whitehouse:'Sometimes I denied she was my mother'

Someone working on the set or involved with the Life of Brian had sent a bit of the script to a group called Festival of Light which was an activist group along the same lines as Whitehouse or somehow connected with her. They raised hell which led to the banning in certain areas of the UK.

I just wanted to know if anyone was around and saw what really happened.

Ah, there is a sodomite connection to the post and somehow the moderators on the forum still think a Monty Python skit turned into a lame movie translates to history.
I remember some holy-roller moral majority right wingers all up in arms about it, but didn't amount to much. The movie was one of the funniest I've ever seen, with the lisping Pontius Pilate and his friend Biggus Dickus. Liked the stoning scene too. Had one of the biggest WTF scenes too when a UFO swept through downtown Jerusalem and picked up Brian.

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