19 of 21 legal experts say healthcare should stand

It should all fail and be relegated to the dustbin of history as one of the great obama failures.

It already is one of the great Obama failures. The only question is do the people still have to suffer for this one or do we get a reprive?

Tomorrow should be a double header loss for obama. Health care tossed and holder in contempt.

Again. Im optimistic, but we need to make sure we dont get ahead of ourselves. And that we stay humble. If we win for the Constitution tomorrow, then we have a battle, but the war is still on.

As much as I know people dont like to hear it, we need to make sure God is on our side, and more importantly that we are on His. Whether people believe it or not, our Founders made a Nation covenant with Him. He gave us victory in the Revolution when there were multiple times we should have been crushed. It's time that those of us who recognize the hand of Divine Providence repent of our sins and humble ourselves before God so that He will assist us once more in establishing the Liberty our forefathers sought.
From the link...
Law schools included were: Columbia University; Duke University; Harvard University; New York University; Northwestern University; Stanford University; the University of California at Berkeley; the University of Chicago; the University of Michigan; the University of Pennsylvania; the University of Virginia, and Yale University.

Liberal bastions all...

So they must be correct.

They are all good schools, so what is your point?
Obama Health Law Seen Valid, Scholars Expect Rejection - Bloomberg

The U.S. Supreme Court should uphold a law requiring most Americans to have health insurance if the justices follow legal precedent, according to 19 of 21 constitutional law professors who ventured an opinion on the most-anticipated ruling in years.

Only eight of them predicted the court would do so.
Ok...So a group of LIBERAL lawyers say the SCORUS "should" do something.

They sent out a survey to 131 people, and 21 responded - the butthurt Libtards, mostly.
when scotus tells the American people they are on their own again in healthcare the American people are going to hate the scotus.

When more people are against it than are for it, most people are going to tell you to get an aenema because you are full of s__t.

Many people are against it because it did not go far enough and too many concessions were made. those of you on the right unjustly use these numbers to pad yours.
when scotus tells the American people they are on their own again in healthcare the American people are going to hate the scotus.

When more people are against it than are for it, most people are going to tell you to get an aenema because you are full of s__t.

Many people are against it because it did not go far enough and too many concessions were made. those of you on the right unjustly use these numbers to pad yours.

It doesnt matter if 99% of people were for it. It's still wrong to abdicate our responsibility to the govenrment. It's still wrong to take money from others through force to pay for our individual needs.

There is nothing good about this legislation. Whether you think it didnt go far enough or went too far, it's a bad bill. It should be scrapped.
because you constantly insult any expert who doesnt agree with you
they dont respect anyone who studies anything in depth

Thats funny, every attorney I have spoken with over the past two years says exactly the opposite. But then again I don't know too many liberal progressive attorneys that go by their personal feeling versus the law as it was passed.

Approval Rating for Justices Hits Just 44% in New Poll


Published: June 7, 2012 1080 Comments

WASHINGTON — Just 44 percent of Americans approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing and three-quarters say the justices’ decisions are sometimes influenced by their personal or political views, according to a poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News.

they are already disliked, its going to get worse
Yer kidding ,right?
What kind of response would you think would come from a CBS/NY Times poll.
Polls don't mean aanything.
Newsflash. The SCOTUS Justices are there to be liked. They are there to opine on case law according to the US Constitution.
Now for the ridiculous shit....Is it your belief that liberal judges are NEVER biased?
Obama Health Law Seen Valid, Scholars Expect Rejection - Bloomberg

The U.S. Supreme Court should uphold a law requiring most Americans to have health insurance if the justices follow legal precedent, according to 19 of 21 constitutional law professors who ventured an opinion on the most-anticipated ruling in years.

Only eight of them predicted the court would do so.

learn to read your sources, dipshit...

Five of the 21 professors who responded, including Whitman, said the court is likely to strike down the coverage requirement. Underscoring the high stakes and complexity of the debate, eight described the outcome as a toss-up.

Well, one thing is for damn sure: either TruthMatters cannot read or cannot perform simple addition and subtraction.

What an ignoramus!!!!!!!

To TruthMatters: Your level of comprehension prevents you from even finding the truth. This post proves to everyone and for all times that you are a 10 watt bulb in a 100 watt world. Change your name. Suggestion: Imadumbass.
Apparently, some of you commented on this thread without taking the time to read the link TruthMatters provided, which makes you as ignorant as he/she is.

Makes me want to put on my old 11 EEE Marine Corps boots and kick the closest teacher in the ass.
Apparently, some of you commented on this thread without taking the time to read the link TruthMatters provided, which makes you as ignorant as he/she is.

Makes me want to put on my old 11 EEE Marine Corps boots and kick the closest teacher in the ass.

If you read the thread it's apparent TM didn't read the link she provided.

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