1.5 billion requested for flu pandemic

It's for he can help the global community also.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama pressed Congress today to release $US1.5 billion to enhance US and global capacity to respond to the potential spread of swine flu, the White House said.

The president in his letter sought "maximum flexibility to allow us to address this emerging situation.
"Among the uses of these funds could be supplementing anti-viral stockpiles, developing a vaccine, supporting the monitoring, diagnostic and public health response capabilities and assisting international efforts to stem this outbreak," he said.
why doesn't obama man up and "save" 1.5 billion like he did with the 100 million...then take that money and use it for this...

they have approval for over a trillion dollars for obama's spendulus and he has to ask for another billion...wtf is wrong with this country
I'd say that a lot of those folks that are unemployed in California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona would go for jobs to help close the border.

Arizona, April 17, 2009 DES swamped by claims for unemployment benefits
As the ranks of Arizona's unemployed swell, state officials are falling further behind in processing the thousands of new claims for jobless benefits.

Arizona has added staff, and employees have worked nights and weekends, but a processing backlog persists.

"We know how important these benefits are to those unemployed," said Liz Barker, an Arizona Department of Economic Security spokeswoman. "And while we're not where we want to be, we are working very hard to process claims as quickly as we can."

Last week alone, DES received 13,722 new claims for new and extended unemployment-insurance benefits, on top of 12,356 claims the week before, Barker said. As of the week ending April 11, a record 107,097 Arizonans were receiving unemployment insurance, compared with 28,000 in January 2008, a 283 percent increase.

why doesn't obama man up and "save" 1.5 billion like he did with the 100 million...then take that money and use it for this...

they have approval for over a trillion dollars for obama's spendulus and he has to ask for another billion...wtf is wrong with this country

wasn't the money in the stimulus package?? the ones the party of no voted no on? wasn't it... DUmmies are running the show for sure! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I bet his money printing presses are smokin" :lol::lol::lol::lol:
It's for he can help the global community also.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama pressed Congress today to release $US1.5 billion to enhance US and global capacity to respond to the potential spread of swine flu, the White House said.

The president in his letter sought "maximum flexibility to allow us to address this emerging situation.
"Among the uses of these funds could be supplementing anti-viral stockpiles, developing a vaccine, supporting the monitoring, diagnostic and public health response capabilities and assisting international efforts to stem this outbreak," he said.

As a public health professional, in the employ of a public health department, I certainly understand the need to address emergent public health threats and protect the public.

Aside from developing a new vaccine for this particular strain of flu, however, something that is done routinely on an annual basis for the "normal" influenza season preparation, I would ask:
How much further preparation should be required, when funds were appropriated and distributed just a few years ago when bird flu was the new emergent threat?

Pandemic Planning Update IV National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, November 2005 ..... March 2006 – Pandemic flu supplemental guidance sent to states. March 2006 – 19 State Summits ... March 2006 – States receive initial grant funding for pandemic preparedness
anyone know how many of these people that are getting this swine flu, got their flu shots last year?
anyone know how many of these people that are getting this swine flu, got their flu shots last year?

Doubtful that it would matter, since each strain of flu is unique. It is what makes the production of the vaccine so costly that manufacturers really don't want to bother, but are "coerced" into it, and more than make up for the loss with the other pharmaceuticals that are marketed.

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