
  1. P@triot

    Civil rights legend has a message for the nation: Black voters should join the Republican Party

    It’s so nice to see educated, informed Americans acknowledge actual history and advocate based on the reality of it. The Democrats survive on an uninformed electorate. The left has a very long and very ugly history of racism that continues to this very day. Any African-American who “dares” to...
  2. P@triot

    Progressive racism growing

    The left has always been the racist side of the political spectrum in America. It was the Democrats who attacked their own nation in an attempt to prevent black people being free. It was the Democrats who vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement. It was the Democrats who founded the KKK. And...
  3. P@triot

    BLM “issues” warning

    Wow is this terrorist organization completely out of touch... 1. What makes BLM believe they hold authority to “issue” anything to the public? 2. What makes BLM think that anyone cares what a terrorist organization has to say? 3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement...
  4. TheProgressivePatriot

    Why Do Those Who Are Not Wealthy Support Trump ?

    Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted...
  5. AveryJarhman

    Pictured: Four Willfully Ignorant American Judges

    Not ONE of these American judges publicly denounces our Nation's Culture of African American Child Abuse. Please correct me if I am wrong. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, pediatrician and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness, talks about the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and...
  6. P@triot

    Lessons in Liberalism

    The deep hate - resulting from the flawed thought process - is astounding. The group think - resulting from the indoctrination on college campuses - is frightening (and reminiscent of the Nazis). Assuming someone is "privileged" simply because they are white is every bit as racists and ignorant...
  7. AveryJarhman

    David Letterman Promoting Hate Embracing President Barack Obama

    Sadly, I've learned President Obama will be the first guest Mr. Letterman invites to speak on his new Netflix talk show. "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman" Dear fellow American citizen Mr. David Letterman, in all seriousness were you comfortable with Mr. Barack "My...
  8. maddy789

    Celebrity Interracial Couples ~ Interracial Love Moments

  9. AveryJarhman

    Black American admits putting racist graffiti on his own car

    http://nypost.com/2017/11/07/black-man-admits-to-putting-racist-graffiti-on-his-own-car/ In my opinion, the 21-year-old owner of the vehicle, Dauntarius Williams, should be arrested and charged with 'Falsely Reporting an Incident To Police', and forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation to...
  10. AveryJarhman

    ‘White Lives Matter’ Members Attack Interracial Couple After White Supremacist Rally Fails Miserably

    http://www.theroot.com/white-lives-matter-members-attack-interracial-couple-af-1819969887 Root writer Michael Harriot wrote, "Organizers decided to cancel a Murfreesboro, Tenn., “White Lives Matter” protest after the Shelbyville, Tenn., demonstration fell short of expectations on Saturday."...
  11. midcan5

    '....then get out.'

    “I want you to videotape this so you have it, so you can use it — so that we all have the moral courage together,” he said, surrounded by 1,500 of the academy’s faculty, administrators and athletic coaches. “If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, get out.” Meet the Air Force...
  12. AveryJarhman


    Greetings. I have a lot of concerns, as well as pain to share, so if you decide to read my writing I politely ask you to bear with me. Growing up in the 60s-70s I regularly experienced the privilege and pleasure of witnessing virtually all American musicians of African descent showing off their...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too

    New Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too Mrs. Hillary "Super Panderer" Clinton, who studied at Yale's Child Study Center, learning about new research on early childhood brain development, CALLOUSLY characterized emotionally ill American teens and adults as "SUPER PREDATORS...
  14. PixieStix

    South Africa Plunges into Starvation 'Racism Rears it's ugly head'

    After murdering all the white farmers Zimbabwe Begs White Farmers To Return As Country Plunges Into Famine
  15. P@triot

    Is it even possible to take the left seriously at this point?

    This is so far off of the sanity reservation that it's impossible to take it seriously. I can only assume this is some bizarre publicity stunt or a dare by an acquaintance. Sooooo...we're supposed to give all of our property to black people? Right. And "racists" should be fired from their jobs...
  16. AveryJarhman

    Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments

    Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments I agree with the facts presented in this writing. The only criticism I have is reading the author describe our American neighbors as "black" and/or "white", instead of referring to American citizens as "black Americans", "white...
  17. JGalt

    Why no black female country music performers?

    Has there ever been such a person? Some people would say that country music is a "racist" institution and that a black female would never make it in that business. But remember Charlie Pride? I don't recall ever hearing any white person denigrating him because he was black. And he was a country...
  18. John Baron

    CDZ Did the Democratic party really create Jim Crow laws and fight against Civil Rights?

    Did the Democratic party really create Jim Crow laws and fight against Civil Rights? Was racism and bigotry part of the Democratic party's platform? Were Jim Crow laws part of a Democratic party strategy? The old GOP died a slow and painful death during the years of the Johnson (LBJ)...
  19. Markle

    Objective Test: Who Are You Prejudiced Against? Or, are you afraid? https://implicit.harvard.edu/

    The meek need not apply. As you'll see below there is a warning that you may not like the results. I've had participants stomp out angry. Do NOT share your results. Unlike some sites, this one is easy to edit the results. There are no questions for which you can fudge the answer. The...
  20. The Original Tree

    The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist

    What is it with these people? Month by month over the past two years, they have tried Numerous Smears, and Accusations. And No Man is Perfect, but digging up "locker room talk" nearly 20 years ago, trying to claim he was colluding with Russia, being too soft on North Korea, and claiming Donald...
  21. American_Jihad

    Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists

    Anyone who uses antifa strategy are terrorist... ONE EASY WAY DEMOCRATS CAN STOP NEO-NAZIS Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists. August 14, 2017 Daniel Greenfield In Dallas, a black nationalist activist shot and killed 5 police officers at a Black Lives...
  22. Divine Wind

    Al Sharpton: 'Progressives' are shortchanging African Americans — again.

    Casting aside, for the moment, Al Sharpton's usual race-baiting politics, it's interesting that he notes the crumbling of the Democratic party. The implosion of "progressives", like that of the Republicans, is, IMO, due to a long trend toward extremism and to special interests. Despite...
  23. AveryJarhman

    SJW’s Muhammed ‘The Champ’ Ali Vs. Colin Kaepernick

    Kenny King asked, “These are the professional athletes who stood together to support Muhammad Ali. Where is Colin Kaeperniks support?” The American athletes standing with ‘The Champ’ were addressing unjust human oppression which during that period of human/societal evolution was embraced by a...
  24. cnelsen

    Ruh-roh. Study finds intelligence causes racism

    The Atlantic has an article (How Intelligence Leads to Stereotyping, A new study complicates the trope of the stupid bigot) about a finding somewhere that the better you are at recognizing patterns (a common way to measure intelligence), the more quickly you'll form stereotypes, which, as...
  25. P@triot

    Seattle councilman: cleaning feces from sidewalk is "racially insensitive"

    You simply can't make this stuff up. The left has gone so far off of the sanity rails that literally any form of decency is now "racially insensitive". The left apparently views black people as nothing but pieces of shit. Not surprising really, given their history of racism... Seattle...
  26. Pogo

    Today in History: 1917

    Exactly 100 years ago... it was the height of a busy economy boosted by the industrialization spurred by the "Great War", soon to be known as World War One, which the United States had just entered less that two months before, and its industry had already been churning feverishly to supply it...
  27. mlw

    Natural anti-miscegenation

    Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the...
  28. P@triot

    Racism against caucasians expanding

    Pretty disgusting from a group that one would think understands what it's like to be discriminated against. How very "inclusive" of this left-wing group... Harvard students plan graduation ceremony for blacks only, claim it’s ‘not about segregation’
  29. R

    Donald Trump and the Fear of Death

    To varying degrees, everybody lives with a fear of death and, in one manner or another, attempts to deny death's finality. In the case of Donald Trump, all those steel and granite edifices emblazoned with his name have long struck me as evidence of a terror of extinction. Their presumed...
  30. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Karl Marx was every bit as racist as Adolf Hitler

    Karl Marx, the Racist It’s been nearly 100 years since Karl Marx’s ideas triggered the world’s first communist revolution in Russia on March 8, 1917. Every so often, there seems to be a renewed interest in Marx’s ideas here in the West. In a recent example, protesters could be seen...
  31. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Civil rights lawsuit filed against Albertsons/Safeway for mistaking ATM card for food stamps card

    California woman sues Albertsons after clerk wrongly assumes she’s on food stamps An African-American woman filed a civil rights lawsuit Monday, April 10, against Albertsons and its parent company, Safeway, alleging that its managers took no steps to correct or apologize for the actions of a...
  32. cnelsen

    Racist Babies: Science Discovers Baby Racism Caused by Babies Inheriting Race of Parents

    The University of Toronto released a study showing infants show racial bias toward members of own race and against those of other races: April 11, 2017 Two studies by researchers at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto and their collaborators from...
  33. A

    Race Relations in America

    Take this survey about Race Relations between blacks and whites in the United States! This 1st survey is for people ages 13-59. Forms(Google Forms) Millennials Race Relations Survey Race Relations Survey This next survey is for people 60+ Forms(Google Forms) Senior Race Relations Survey...
  34. P@triot

    The left has zero credibility

    It is absurdity such as this (among other things as well of course) which has ultimately lead to the left losing all credibility. When President Trump says "we" (as in the United States) at a political rally, this hack attempts to twist the words "we" into meaning just "white people". White...
  35. American_Jihad

    Democrats Must Be Racist

    I watched her on TV, she's rabid... Democrats Must Be Racist The Dems are driving non-racists out of the party. January 25, 2017 Daniel Greenfield "Democrats lost because they did not know how to talk about race," Aimee Allison told the DNC candidates forum on race. Aimee Allison is a...
  36. Andylusion

    CDZ RCC Podcast: So what happened?

    Over the last few months, a bunch of people have been asking, how could this happen. While I’ve mostly remained silent during this election cycle, I do have my opinion on why things turned out this way. Now, part of my inexperience as a podcaster, and I had several things I wanted to talk...
  37. Peony

    Art is Pigs Too

    There are the many many paintings hanging on the wall of the long tunnel that runs between the US Capital building and the House offices. One of them has gotten quite a bit of attention lately. Indeed, the painting has been taken off the wall and hung back on the wall at least three times...
  38. novasteve

    Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

    live streaming it and shouting racist and anti trump messages Chicago Police: 4 in custody after man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
  39. P@triot

    Get your White Privilege cards today

    I seriously cannot stop laughing at the people cashing in on progressive white guilt these days. It's just genius to make millions off of people who feel guilty for not being born black. I really believe I need to get in on this action. 'Privilege cards' let you 'check everyone in your life'
  40. R

    nothing is wrong with the black man

    The situation of the negro, the dark-skinned man, originating in Africa characterized by poverty and social difficulties seemingly in all his societies has prompted many to ask if there is something wrong with the black man. There is nothing wrong with the black man. For his situation is not...

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