
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
New Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too

Mrs. Hillary "Super Panderer" Clinton, who studied at Yale's Child Study Center, learning about new research on early childhood brain development, CALLOUSLY characterized emotionally ill American teens and adults as "SUPER PREDATORS, while IGNORING America's NATIONAL HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's African American Culture of Child Abuse and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from our Nation, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, Mrs. Clinton decided to pander, instead of identifying and calling out a significant population of black or African American teen and adult mothers who for more than thirty years, significant numbers of popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, as well as Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama friends and WH guests, have been HATEFULLY denigrating as less than human *itches and "hoes" unworthy of basic human respect.

I do not know if Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a ignorant, slow-to-evolve racist American neighbor, though I have no doubts Mrs. Clinton is an educated, WILLFULLY IGNORANT American citizen willing to ignore a significant population of SELFISH, immature, apathetic, emotionally or mentally ill black or African American teen and adult moms irresponsibly introducing America's most precious and cherished assets to a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen life fraught with pain, struggles, torment, uncertainty, frustration, FEAR, demeaning government handouts, resentment, depression, sorrow, sadness, disappointment and hardships. :Childhood Trauma!:

In case there is any confusion, I am writing about and sharing evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring African American *PARENTAL CHILD CARE* HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our American neighbors of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

Google Groups

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #KingstonFrazier, #AvaCastillo, #JulieDombo, #FredrikaAllen, #EthanAli, #LavontayWhite, #NovaMarieGallman, #AyannaAllen, #TrinityGay, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

*"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”*


  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.

I don't follow you. The OP missed the entire point here.


Here's the poll results expressed in a graph, as far as association between racists and candidates.
See how long it takes to discern which one stands out as different from all the others.


The elephant-in-the-room that the OP completely missed is that --- all those lesser lines that fall far behind the bigly red line --- those are the people who didn't win.

The vertical black line (labeled 22.5%, 26.8% etc) is the average from all respondents. Notice how the bigly red line draws that vertical line to the right, even past all the rest. That's dramatic.

Not that all of this is anything we didn't know, them being "fine people" and all, but the point sailed completely past the OP.
Last edited:
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.

I don't follow you. The OP missed the entire point here.


Here's the poll results expressed in a graph, as far as association between racists and candidates.
See how long it takes to discern which one stands out as different from all the others.


The elephant-in-the-room that the OP completely missed is that --- all those lesser lines that fall far behind the bigly red line --- those are the people who didn't win. And those are just the Republicans.
imagine the numbers if it said "views whites"
I didnt notice the OP said hil voters were more racist..
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
What else do you call assholes who believe other people can't exist without government based on their skin tones, promote the idea that people are actually entirely different races, and then make sure they stay divided along those lines?

Are Jews a different race? There was a bunch of National Socialists running around in the 1920's and 30's who insisted they were. See any parallel?

There is only ONE HUMAN RACE. Until we acknowledge that as fact, we will continue to be divided.

That is of course the objective of the International Socialists.

  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.

I don't follow you. The OP missed the entire point here.


Here's the poll results expressed in a graph, as far as association between racists and candidates.
See how long it takes to discern which one stands out as different from all the others.


The elephant-in-the-room that the OP completely missed is that --- all those lesser lines that fall far behind the bigly red line --- those are the people who didn't win. And those are just the Republicans.
imagine the numbers if it said "views whites"
I didnt notice the OP said hil voters were more racist..

The entire OP is about Hillary Clinton (and about children, a strange tangent as no such allusion appears in the articles).

Yet in the milieu of the poll results, as shown the Clinton results do not singularly stand out. The only stream in the entire field that does stand out from the rest, which is also the candidate that won and is position to do things, is completely ignored.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
He's scared of brown people, but doesn't want to admit it. And thinks a poll would prove his fears right.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
Racism is racism, dumbfuck
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
He's scared of brown people, but doesn't want to admit it. And thinks a poll would prove his fears right.
Does that strawman have a big dick or something? Is that why you are riding it?
New Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too

Mrs. Hillary "Super Panderer" Clinton, who studied at Yale's Child Study Center, learning about new research on early childhood brain development, CALLOUSLY characterized emotionally ill American teens and adults as "SUPER PREDATORS, while IGNORING America's NATIONAL HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's African American Culture of Child Abuse and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from our Nation, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, Mrs. Clinton decided to pander, instead of identifying and calling out a significant population of black or African American teen and adult mothers who for more than thirty years, significant numbers of popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, as well as Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama friends and WH guests, have been HATEFULLY denigrating as less than human *itches and "hoes" unworthy of basic human respect.

I do not know if Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a ignorant, slow-to-evolve racist American neighbor, though I have no doubts Mrs. Clinton is an educated, WILLFULLY IGNORANT American citizen willing to ignore a significant population of SELFISH, immature, apathetic, emotionally or mentally ill black or African American teen and adult moms irresponsibly introducing America's most precious and cherished assets to a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen life fraught with pain, struggles, torment, uncertainty, frustration, FEAR, demeaning government handouts, resentment, depression, sorrow, sadness, disappointment and hardships. :Childhood Trauma!:

In case there is any confusion, I am writing about and sharing evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring African American *PARENTAL CHILD CARE* HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our American neighbors of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

Google Groups

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #KingstonFrazier, #AvaCastillo, #JulieDombo, #FredrikaAllen, #EthanAli, #LavontayWhite, #NovaMarieGallman, #AyannaAllen, #TrinityGay, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

*"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”*



I think you are too kind to Hillary. Hillary and her ilk are not merely racist bigots, she and her friends see themselves as very special privileged people set well above the law and everyone else as some sort of pack-rat whose only value is to grovel in the dirt. If they could, Hillary and her crowd would gladly prefer to be Emperors and Lords over a nation with absolute autocratic ruthless power and would run their country much as Kim Jong-Un runs North Korea, working her own people right into the ground as insects while she takes 100% for her own means!

If she could be honest, Hillary would tell you she ENVIES the likes of Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, Castro and other dictators for already having in spades what she can only aspire to dream of.

What stops her? Countries like Sudan and Nicaragua and other countries of the same she might take over as the Castros took over Cuba simply do not offer the economic potential and standard of living she demands for herself that America can provide. The only thing standing in her way are our laws and Constitution which she works hard to chip away at and would gladly get rid of if she could. ITMT, Hillary is absolute tyrant of all within her purview to command, demand and dispose. She is the most dangerous type of tyrant because she works off the backs of the ignorant and gullible who support her, putting on a show of being this amiable, friendly, easy-going, well-intending person, meantime, she'd shove a knife in your back quick as look at you then drive away right over your corpse without even blinking an eye.

Well, SHE wouldn't actually shove the knife in your back, she would have one of her hire do it for her while she engaged you smiling and shaking your hand. If Hillary is anything, she wrote her book "What Happened" because she is in shock and disbelief that after all her efforts, all her connections, all the money spent, she still lost AGAIN, on a mere "technicality" (the Law), and knows she won't ever get a third chance. She struggles daily to fathom herself what happened and writing and speaking at engagements slowly helps her to understand herself and come to grips. Her window of opportunity for greatness and glory as one of the World Nobles has closed.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
He's scared of brown people, but doesn't want to admit it. And thinks a poll would prove his fears right.
Does that strawman have a big dick or something? Is that why you are riding it?
^ joins thread woth strawman post, gets mad at others for making strawman posts
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
Racism is racism, dumbfuck

And how exactly would you conduct a racism poll asking white people about white people? You never did essplain that.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
Racism is racism, dumbfuck

And how exactly would you conduct a racism poll asking white people about white people? You never did essplain that.
Why do you act so stupid sometimes? You know what i meant.
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
He's scared of brown people, but doesn't want to admit it. And thinks a poll would prove his fears right.
Does that strawman have a big dick or something? Is that why you are riding it?
^ joins thread woth strawman post, gets mad at others for making strawman posts
by asking a question? The OP didnt cover all racism. Just racism done by whites.
  • Roughly one-third of Trump supporters described blacks as less “intelligent” than whites, compared with about one-fifth of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 22.5 percent suggested whites were smarter than blacks.
  • 40 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “lazy” than whites, compared with one-quarter of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 26.8 percent suggested whites were harder working than blacks.
  • 44 percent of Trump supporters described blacks as more “rude” than whites, compared with 30 percent of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 31.3 percent said whites were more well mannered than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “violent” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 32.8 percent said whites were less violent than blacks.
  • Nearly half of all Trump supporters described blacks as more “criminal” than whites, compared with nearly one-third of Clinton supporters who did the same. Among all respondents, 33.2 percent said whites were more lawful than blacks.
Trump backers on average rated blacks more negatively than whites on all six character traits Reuters provided than did supporters for any of the other candidates listed (Trump, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich), which shouldn’t come as a shock given the ethno-nationalist worldview the celebrity strongman has built his campaign around. (The trend was consistent even when pollsters filtered the results to include only white respondents to account for the reality that Democrats tend to attract far more nonwhite voters than their Republican counterparts.) <<

That's your own link talking above this line.

That all of those numbers are as high as they are demonstrates that we absolutely do have residual racism still very much aliive. The fact that we're just now getting around to addressing public Lost Cause transmitter statues already demonstrated that. The gathering of a swarm of losers with Tiki torches in Charlottesville already demonstrated that. A fat blob radio host playing "Barack the Magic Negro" already demonstrated that.

But ---- your own link. Spin much?
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
Racism is racism, dumbfuck

And how exactly would you conduct a racism poll asking white people about white people? You never did essplain that.
Why do you act so stupid sometimes? You know what i meant.
Yeah Pogo, you knew what he meant. Now offer him your shoulder to cry on.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card

I couldn't make any sense out of that post. Is he contemplating a poll that asks whether white people are smarter that white people? :cuckoo:
He's scared of brown people, but doesn't want to admit it. And thinks a poll would prove his fears right.
Does that strawman have a big dick or something? Is that why you are riding it?
^ joins thread woth strawman post, gets mad at others for making strawman posts
by asking a question? The OP didnt cover all racism. Just racism done by whites.
They only polled white people? Oops, there goes any point you had.
Imagine those numbers if they were talking about whites instead of blacks.
^ as always, goes straight to the white victim card
Racism is racism, dumbfuck

And how exactly would you conduct a racism poll asking white people about white people? You never did essplain that.
Why do you act so stupid sometimes? You know what i meant.
Yeah Pogo, you knew what he meant. Now offer him your shoulder to cry on.
I dont cry, i just piss. Thats why your mouth is open.

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