Natural anti-miscegenation


Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Well, considering the disparities between mixed race Mestizo, or Mulatto Hispanics, and pure Spaniards this "Outbreeding depression" seems to be justified, and documented in Humans too.
The human species naturally adapted to their native environment over millennia in accordance with Darwin's principles. What works well enough for one environment may do poorly in another. An unnatural diaspora the likes of which nature never intended has resulted in peoples poorly suited to a decidedly changed environment.

It is invariably the underlying issue to what is called "racism" and the lack of achievement in the environment and societies for those who lack the natural abilities to thrive in them.
Anti-miscegenation was normal too, until a bunch of Liberals kept shrieking Nazi, Racist, Nazi, Racist to make people feel guilty.

you really believe that the tendency to a marginal moron and a violent alcoholic is ADAPTIVE
and a laudable trait amongst persons of polish background?
Anti-miscegenation was normal too, until a bunch of Liberals kept shrieking Nazi, Racist, Nazi, Racist to make people feel guilty.

you really believe that the tendency to a marginal moron and a violent alcoholic is ADAPTIVE
and a laudable trait amongst persons of polish background?

Is that why Poland's PISA scores are high, and Poland's murder rates are low by European standards?

You have no concept of reality, you're a very, very, dumb Jew.
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.

The strongest argument in favour of miscegenation...



Mensa used to claim that the primary problem with blacks was interbreeding with marginal whites and their data was state of the art for the late 50s/early 60s.
Anti-miscegenation was normal too, until a bunch of Liberals kept shrieking Nazi, Racist, Nazi, Racist to make people feel guilty.

you really believe that the tendency to a marginal moron and a violent alcoholic is ADAPTIVE
and a laudable trait amongst persons of polish background?

Is that why Poland's PISA scores are high, and Poland's murder rates are low by European standards?

You have no concept of reality, you're a very, very, dumb Jew.

I have a very good concept-------lots of my relatives died violently in Poland----The poor
poles ran out of people to murder. . NOW----I live in the part of my city in the USA
that was populated by lots of inebriated poles and there is STILL a remnant of that liver
damaged population. National stats are elaborated by the individual countries
themselves--------that refers to sickness rates, crime rates, mortality rates and "smart"
rates. etc. They are NOTORIOUSLY inaccurate. For decades Saudi Arabia denied the
existence of ANY HIV+ in their "holy land"--------even the muslim docs laughed.
Did you know that there is no schizophrenia amongst muslims? -----
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Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.
My observation of Swedish people is that they will fuck anything that moves.
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.
My observation of Swedish people is that they will fuck anything that moves.

I am a "biologist" according to my Undergraduate school training------FACT is-----
anything that fucks will fuck anything that moves or is available The most exciting porn I
ever saw was in a drop of water under my microscope lens. FRANTIC particles of
pollen desperately wiggling their way to any available pistil.
I am a "biologist" according to my Undergraduate school training------FACT is-----
anything that fucks will fuck anything that moves or is available The most exciting porn I
ever saw was in a drop of water under my microscope lens. FRANTIC particles of
pollen desperately wiggling their way to any available pistil.

You've been subjected to indoctrination. Any teacher that even mentions "outbreeding depression" will lose his career opportunities. According to postmodern ideology, there are no categories of people; no categories of anything. There aren't even different sexes. All structures must be "deconstructed", because there is no objective truth. So says postmodernist ideology, in the following of post-structuralist philosophy.

Academia has never before in history experienced such dilapidation.
I am a "biologist" according to my Undergraduate school training------FACT is-----
anything that fucks will fuck anything that moves or is available The most exciting porn I
ever saw was in a drop of water under my microscope lens. FRANTIC particles of
pollen desperately wiggling their way to any available pistil.

You've been subjected to indoctrination. Any teacher that even mentions "outbreeding depression" will lose his career opportunities. According to postmodern ideology, there are no categories of people; no categories of anything. There aren't even different sexes. All structures must be "deconstructed", because there is no objective truth. So says postmodernist ideology, in the following of post-structuralist philosophy.

Academia has never before in history experienced such dilapidation.

You do not know my background.-------I was still a "STUDENT" -----for most of my life in
the sense that all the NEW CRAP got thrown at me (now its different---I am retired and
no longer attending endless CONTINUING EDUCATION symposia) I am fully aware of
the LOSS OF GENDER "IMPOSITION"-----in fact it as big when I was still an actual postgraduate
student in the mid 70s. I was forced into LONG LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS-----my class
even got MASTERS AND JOHNSON thrown at us------and "GENDER IS MERELY A POINT
ON THE CONTINUUM" --------feel better-----I was a dissenter. HOWEVER---sexual interaction
is a TROPISM unrelated to skin color
The human species naturally adapted to their native environment over millennia in accordance with Darwin's principles. What works well enough for one environment may do poorly in another. An unnatural diaspora the likes of which nature never intended has resulted in peoples poorly suited to a decidedly changed environment.

It is invariably the underlying issue to what is called "racism" and the lack of achievement in the environment and societies for those who lack the natural abilities to thrive in them.

Good analysis! What's worse, Western governments are very keen on exporting their own culture to the Third World, which results in poor adaptation also in their home countries. Leftists and multiculturalists, especially, are bent on eroding the local habitat of coloured peoples.
You do not know my background.-------I was still a "STUDENT" -----for most of my life in
the sense that all the NEW CRAP got thrown at me (now its different---I am retired and
no longer attending endless CONTINUING EDUCATION symposia) I am fully aware of
the LOSS OF GENDER "IMPOSITION"-----in fact it as big when I was still an actual postgraduate
student in the mid 70s. I was forced into LONG LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS-----my class
even got MASTERS AND JOHNSON thrown at us------and "GENDER IS MERELY A POINT
ON THE CONTINUUM" --------feel better-----I was a dissenter. HOWEVER---sexual interaction
is a TROPISM unrelated to skin color

So it has gone on since the seventies? Medieval universities had more scientific rigour.

No, sexuality attractivity has very much to do with physical characteristics as indicators of a successful genetic combination. Male porn actors have difficulties performing, when they aren't attracted to the female, despite the fact that she is good looking.
You do not know my background.-------I was still a "STUDENT" -----for most of my life in
the sense that all the NEW CRAP got thrown at me (now its different---I am retired and
no longer attending endless CONTINUING EDUCATION symposia) I am fully aware of
the LOSS OF GENDER "IMPOSITION"-----in fact it as big when I was still an actual postgraduate
student in the mid 70s. I was forced into LONG LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS-----my class
even got MASTERS AND JOHNSON thrown at us------and "GENDER IS MERELY A POINT
ON THE CONTINUUM" --------feel better-----I was a dissenter. HOWEVER---sexual interaction
is a TROPISM unrelated to skin color

So it has gone on since the seventies? Medieval universities had more scientific rigour.

No, sexuality attractivity has very much to do with physical characteristics as indicators of a successful genetic combination. Male porn actors have difficulties performing, when they aren't attracted to the female, despite the fact that she is good looking.

actually ----its been going on since the 60s. --------attraction of a male to a female is based more on
PHEROMONES -----than simple "good looks". It is a tropism
actually ----its been going on since the 60s. --------attraction of a male to a female is based more on
PHEROMONES -----than simple "good looks". It is a tropism

That's true for insects, yes. But a homo sapiens female will cohabitate with just about any man, regardless of his smell, as long as he can give her good social status and economy.
actually ----its been going on since the 60s. --------attraction of a male to a female is based more on
PHEROMONES -----than simple "good looks". It is a tropism

That's true for insects, yes. But a homo sapiens female will cohabitate with just about any man, regardless of his smell, as long as he can give her good social status and economy.

you are not a biologist -----you are cynical misogynist-----and as far as human behavior goes------IN GENERAL---wrong

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