Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Anyone who uses antifa strategy are terrorist...

Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists.
August 14, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

In Dallas, a black nationalist activist shot and killed 5 police officers at a Black Lives Matteranti-police rally. Instead of condemning BLM, Barack Obama defended a racist hate group whose role model is Assata Shakur, a wanted black nationalist cop killer, at the funerals of the murdered officers.

The left killed civil rights and replaced it with black nationalism. The racial supremacism of black nationalism that killed those officers is everywhere. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi are lionized as brilliant thinkers instead of hateful racists, Amazon has ordered a black nationalist secessionist fantasy from Aaron McGruder and Showtime aired ‘Guerilla,’ a miniseries glamorizing Black Panther terrorism.

But racism is a two-way street. So is violence. Extremists feed into each other.

You can’t legitimize one form of racism without legitimizing all of them. The media may advance this hypocritical position. Obama used the shameful “reverse racism” euphemism that distinguishes between black and white racism. But propaganda and spin don’t change the physics of human nature.

Either all racism is bad. Or all racism is acceptable.


Democrats need to take an honest look at the street violence in Seattle, in Portland, in Berkeley and Charlottesville, and decide if this is what they really want. If they don’t, it’s time for them to stop normalizing left-wing extremism. If they do, then they are to blame for the next Dallas or Charlottesville.

One Easy Way Democrats Can Stop Neo-Nazis
That's OK I blame the state of the world today on the obongo...

And, of course, the Left blames President Trump for the violence.
August 14, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Political extremists clashed Saturday before a “Unite the Right” rally planned around a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, and as usual the police sat back and did virtually nothing as left-wingers rioted.

Described as a “white nationalist” event, radical rightist and racist Richard Spencer was on the list of speakers scheduled to address the audience. Although not every right-winger attending the “Unite the Right” rally (which might have been more aptly named “Hijack the Right”) was a fascist and not every counter-protester was an authoritarian extremist, the fighting appears to have been largely between the extremists from both ends of the political spectrum.


There is a reason why the Left tries so hard to force public figures like President Trump to denounce people they hate. If he won’t, they can condemn him and control a few news cycles’ worth of media coverage and accuse him of moral cowardice and complicity for not speaking out. If he obliges them, they still win, because the denunciation receives media coverage. The more it gets repeated, the more the idea can be cemented in the public mind that, hey, maybe this guy really does have a connection to these bad people. Getting the target to repeat the lie that he is associated with right-wing extremists, if only to smack it down right away, serves over time to make the repeated lie seem like a “Freudian slip” by the speaker, thus reinforcing the lie in the minds of the public.

Community organizing communist Saul Alinsky took it further, urging his followers to dress in Ku Klux Klan uniforms and show up at Republican rallies with signs endorsing the Republican speaker. Left-wingers tried to do this sort of thing to Ronald Reagan many times and he almost never took the bait. It is simply not the job of the president of the United States to denounce every single evil person or act that takes place in the nation.

Mayor Signer doesn’t get that. To the Left everything is political – even silence.

Riot in Charlottesville
Hypocritical left excuses its own violence while taking aim at Trump.
August 15, 2017

Joseph Klein


Despite his administration’s rapid commencement of a civil rights investigation, President Trump came under heavy criticism for his initial comments Saturday on the Charlottesville violence for not specifically calling out the white nationalists as the primary cause of the tragedy that unfolded in Charlottesville. Instead, he condemned in more generic terms "hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides." On Monday, in a statement issued from the White House, the president was more explicit. “Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to what we hold dear as Americans,” President Trump said.

Leftists have exploited the tragedy to serve their own twisted political agenda. They used the two day interval between President Trump’s initial comments and his more explicit White House statement denouncing white supremacists to opportunistically paint the president as a racist and white nationalist sympathizer. While always ready to pounce on anything they think will prove President Trump’s white nationalist sympathies and delegitimize his presidency, the left – including the hate-Trump media – is in denial about the violence committed by the so-called “anti-fascists,” who practice their own form of fascism, and by black nationalists, who practice their own form of racism.

In an Atlantic article titled “The Rise of the Violent Left,” Peter Beinart described how leftists have threatened violence to get their way and have followed through when they deemed necessary. Beinart mentioned incidents in which leftists linked to the “antifa” movement (short for anti-fascist) violently disrupted events in fascist fashion at which conservatives were invited to speak on college campuses. At UC Berkeley, for example, a riot broke out to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos, a former editor, from speaking. The embrace of such tactics is no longer confined to the radical left fringes. “Trump’s rise has also bred a new sympathy for antifa among some on the mainstream left,” Beinart wrote.


The Left Exploits the Charlottesville Tragedy
Are you fucking shitting me? The fucking alt-right and the white nationalist are trump supporters and you want to blame the left? wtf?
In a few more comments, It will be all Obama's fault......(sigh), we have got to come to grips with the reality that this country, this so called leader of the free world, we house some of the most pathetic human beings ever born in the world. Anybody who isn't ashamed to be called an American, with Trump and these sad useless whites, needs their heads examined. This country has lost his moral compass and its gonna take generations to get it back.....all because the Democrats couldn't find a better candidate than Hillary.....if you want to blame liberals, that's our shame in all this.
After months of protesting and getting violent in the street, the left is suddenly shocked and appalled someone has been killed.
Trump was in the Public eye for YEARS and YEARS before he entered politics.
I don't recall any anti-Trump protests back then. Suddenly he is ground zero for the Left's hatred. PAY ATTENTION.....the Left will assemble it's powerful propaganda and hate machine against ANY and EVERY symbol that is not aligned with it's agenda. This is not a "Trump" thing. It's a "Left" thing.

It is imperative that the entire Right...not just the Alt-Right realize this and mobilize to stop the Left radical agenda. It's not about hatred, it's about maintaining Justice for ALL.

Trump's election was a direct result of the imbalance of the application of Justice in America today just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a direct result of oppression of blacks in early America.

And oppression, no matter WHO it is directed at, often leads to the rise of societal extremes.

I agree the Left is currently the greatest pressure creating this new atmosphere of hatred. Especially guilty is the Media. By encouraging alt-Left groups like Antifa, BLM and very rarely and resistantly calling out racism against whites, they are forcing whites into a corner from which fighting and violence is the last and only least for those whites who have not been shamed to death and have not given up their humanity and rolled over as modern day slaves to Political Correctness and the left's agenda.

If he were alive today, I doubt Dr. Martin Luther King would like what he sees happening from EITHER side today....even the self-righteous Left.
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Such a change didn't help.

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


3. "Nazi" has 'Socialist' right in the middle
"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

Morris Gulett (born ca. 1955) is a long time member of Aryan Nations and an ordained minister of the Christian Identity faith, who now heads up the Aryan Nations in it's traditional Christian Identity fashion from his property in Louisiana that he has dubbed the New World Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations.

Morris Gulett - en-Rightpedia

When you finally get an education reply to me, in the meantime don't.
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

Morris Gulett (born ca. 1955) is a long time member of Aryan Nations and an ordained minister of the Christian Identity faith, who now heads up the Aryan Nations in it's traditional Christian Identity fashion from his property in Louisiana that he has dubbed the New World Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations.

Morris Gulett - en-Rightpedia

When you finally get an education reply to me, in the meantime don't. disagreement with this?
Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

Morris Gulett (born ca. 1955) is a long time member of Aryan Nations and an ordained minister of the Christian Identity faith, who now heads up the Aryan Nations in it's traditional Christian Identity fashion from his property in Louisiana that he has dubbed the New World Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations.

Morris Gulett - en-Rightpedia

When you finally get an education reply to me, in the meantime don't. disagreement with this?
Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

What does this have to do 7th century and the Quran. Nothing.
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

Morris Gulett (born ca. 1955) is a long time member of Aryan Nations and an ordained minister of the Christian Identity faith, who now heads up the Aryan Nations in it's traditional Christian Identity fashion from his property in Louisiana that he has dubbed the New World Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations.

Morris Gulett - en-Rightpedia

When you finally get an education reply to me, in the meantime don't. disagreement with this?
Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

What does this have to do 7th century and the Quran. Nothing.

How about we compare homicides?

A plan?
Read about the Aryan Nation, its alive and well today. They are disgusting white nationalists who commit crimes, are violent, and pretend to be Christians.

Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

Morris Gulett (born ca. 1955) is a long time member of Aryan Nations and an ordained minister of the Christian Identity faith, who now heads up the Aryan Nations in it's traditional Christian Identity fashion from his property in Louisiana that he has dubbed the New World Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations.

Morris Gulett - en-Rightpedia

When you finally get an education reply to me, in the meantime don't. disagreement with this?
Just not nearly as many as the 7th century barbarians who follow the Q'ran, huh?

What does this have to do 7th century and the Quran. Nothing.

How about we compare homicides?

A plan?
My, who would guess ol' PC is a Nazi supporter? LOL
Anyone who uses antifa strategy are terrorist...

Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists.
August 14, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

In Dallas, a black nationalist activist shot and killed 5 police officers at a Black Lives Matteranti-police rally. Instead of condemning BLM, Barack Obama defended a racist hate group whose role model is Assata Shakur, a wanted black nationalist cop killer, at the funerals of the murdered officers.

The left killed civil rights and replaced it with black nationalism. The racial supremacism of black nationalism that killed those officers is everywhere. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi are lionized as brilliant thinkers instead of hateful racists, Amazon has ordered a black nationalist secessionist fantasy from Aaron McGruder and Showtime aired ‘Guerilla,’ a miniseries glamorizing Black Panther terrorism.

But racism is a two-way street. So is violence. Extremists feed into each other.

You can’t legitimize one form of racism without legitimizing all of them. The media may advance this hypocritical position. Obama used the shameful “reverse racism” euphemism that distinguishes between black and white racism. But propaganda and spin don’t change the physics of human nature.

Either all racism is bad. Or all racism is acceptable.


Democrats need to take an honest look at the street violence in Seattle, in Portland, in Berkeley and Charlottesville, and decide if this is what they really want. If they don’t, it’s time for them to stop normalizing left-wing extremism. If they do, then they are to blame for the next Dallas or Charlottesville.

One Easy Way Democrats Can Stop Neo-Nazis
Get rid of fecal material like you that support the nazis. There are neo-nazis returning from thay gathering finding they no longer have jobs.

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