Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer

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georgephillip, et al,

I'm confused here.

How many Israelis have been killed since 1989 ?
Too many.

And even more Palestinians have died during the same time period:

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,104 Israelis and 6,829 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000..."

"The numbers cited above include civilians and combatants killed by members of the opposing nationality (and therefore, do not include Palestinians killed by an explosive device that they set or was on their person, Israelis killed in 'friendly fire' incidents, etc.).

So really, what are we looking at?
  • The inability for the Palestinians to inflict casualties?
  • The effectiveness of the Israeli defense?
What is the real issue? Let's get to the specific allegation.

"The numbers also do not include the sizable number of Palestinians who died as a result of inability to reach medical care due to Israeli road closures, curfews, the Israeli closure of border crossing from Gaza, etc."

What is your implication here?
  • Israeli security in depth is effective?
  • The Palestinian is not capable of maintaining medical facilities?
What is the specific allegation?

Most Respectfully,
Rocco...I'm trying to say Zionists have been colonizing Palestine since the last quarter of the 19th Century. Many of the colonizers had no compunction about using words like "transfer" and "isolation" when it came to dealing with their "Arab Problem."

I suspect Hitler felt some of the same angst dealing with his Jewish Question.
It looks like the anti-Semite Huggy has no problem with many of the Muslim clerics calling for the death of the Infidels (which of course would include Huggy). Of course the anti-Semites overlooks the fact that the Muslims think that Islam is for the entire world. Someone buy Huggy a prayer mat so that he will feel right at home with the Muslims who hate the Jews and all those who are non-Muslims. Did you know, Huggy, that the Muslims believe that all of us were Muslims at one times and will revert back to Islam? Pathetic Huggy, he is so engrossed with his hatred of the Jews that he completely overlooks how one Muslim sect feels superior to another Muslim sect, so superior that they feel the other sect should be wiped out (of course along with all other Muslim sects as well as those who are non Muslims).
Why don't you tell us what percentage of the world's one billion Muslims believe they own it all?
Do you think it's a larger number than Jews who think your soul is closer to a cow's than it is to a Jew's?
Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com

(Wiki Herzl)

In Altneuland, Herzl outlined his vision for a new Jewish state in the Land of Israel. He summed up his vision of an open society:

"It is founded on the ideas which are a common product of all civilized nations... It would be immoral if we would exclude anyone, whatever his origin, his descent, or his religion, from participating in our achievements. For we stand on the shoulders of other civilized peoples. ... What we own we owe to the preparatory work of other peoples. Therefore, we have to repay our debt. There is only one way to do it, the highest tolerance. Our motto must therefore be, now and ever: ‘Man, you are my brother.’"
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​

In his novel, Herzl wrote about an electoral campaign in the new state. He directed his wrath against the nationalist party, which wished to make the Jews a privileged class in Palestine. Herzl regarded that as a Betrayal of Zion, for Zion was identical to him with humanitarianism and tolerance — and that this was true in politics as well as religion. Herzl wrote:

"Matters of faith were once and for all excluded from public influence. ... Whether anyone sought religious devotion in the synagogue, in the church, in the mosque, in the art museum, or in a philharmonic concert, did not concern society. That was his [own] private affair."
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​
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Rocco...I'm trying to say Zionists have been colonizing Palestine since the last quarter of the 19th Century. Many of the colonizers had no compunction about using words like "transfer" and "isolation" when it came to dealing with their "Arab Problem."

I suspect Hitler felt some of the same angst dealing with his Jewish Question.

One fact you keep omitting is that the Jews accepted the U.N Partition plan, which means that they were happy to live side by side with the Palestinians.
The Arabs rejected because they wanted a Jew Free ME
Rocco...I'm trying to say Zionists have been colonizing Palestine since the last quarter of the 19th Century. Many of the colonizers had no compunction about using words like "transfer" and "isolation" when it came to dealing with their "Arab Problem."

I suspect Hitler felt some of the same angst dealing with his Jewish Question.

One fact you keep omitting is that the Jews accepted the U.N Partition plan, which means that they were happy to live side by side with the Palestinians.
The Arabs rejected because they wanted a Jew Free ME

Exactly...every time the Palestinians are made an offer you can't refuse...they refuse
Rocco...I'm trying to say Zionists have been colonizing Palestine since the last quarter of the 19th Century. Many of the colonizers had no compunction about using words like "transfer" and "isolation" when it came to dealing with their "Arab Problem."

I suspect Hitler felt some of the same angst dealing with his Jewish Question.

One fact you keep omitting is that the Jews accepted the U.N Partition plan, which means that they were happy to live side by side with the Palestinians.
The Arabs rejected because they wanted a Jew Free ME

Exactly...every time the Palestinians are made an offer you can't refuse...they refuse

Perhaps it is time the 'Pals' stopped getting offers. They want all, or what has been shown, nothing. The Fatah official said that if Israel gives away the West Bank that that will be the end of Israel, so why Israel is even considering it in some circles is beyond belief.

Does anyone actually believe that a separate state for the Pals within the Land of Israel is actually going to bring peace, when the arabs can't even live in peace within their own communities and preach hate in their schools and mosques.

Peace will only come with the arabs know that Israel and the Jews are the rightful owners of all the land of Israel.

Israel has lost respect within the world because she cowers in the face of public opinion and plays the cowardly lamb instead of the Lion that she should be.

The building freeze needs to be stopped forthwith - 3 weeks into the building freeze and any sign of talks? Israel is being squeezed and it is time she broke free of the chains and stood up for what is right and good.

Am Yisrael Chai
One fact you keep omitting is that the Jews accepted the U.N Partition plan, which means that they were happy to live side by side with the Palestinians.
The Arabs rejected because they wanted a Jew Free ME

Exactly...every time the Palestinians are made an offer you can't refuse...they refuse

Perhaps it is time the 'Pals' stopped getting offers. They want all, or what has been shown, nothing. The Fatah official said that if Israel gives away the West Bank that that will be the end of Israel, so why Israel is even considering it in some circles is beyond belief.

Does anyone actually believe that a separate state for the Pals within the Land of Israel is actually going to bring peace, when the arabs can't even live in peace within their own communities and preach hate in their schools and mosques.

Peace will only come with the arabs know that Israel and the Jews are the rightful owners of all the land of Israel.

Israel has lost respect within the world because she cowers in the face of public opinion and plays the cowardly lamb instead of the Lion that she should be.

The building freeze needs to be stopped forthwith - 3 weeks into the building freeze and any sign of talks? Israel is being squeezed and it is time she broke free of the chains and stood up for what is right and good.

Am Yisrael Chai
You hit the nail on the head, Caroline. It's exactly these offers and negotiations that give the Palestinians this false idea that maybe Israel or the West are weak or somewhat in a desperate situation. It's called Palestinian mentality and the Palestinians aren't the only ones in that region infected with this mindset.

(Wiki Herzl)

In Altneuland, Herzl outlined his vision for a new Jewish state in the Land of Israel. He summed up his vision of an open society:

"It is founded on the ideas which are a common product of all civilized nations... It would be immoral if we would exclude anyone, whatever his origin, his descent, or his religion, from participating in our achievements. For we stand on the shoulders of other civilized peoples. ... What we own we owe to the preparatory work of other peoples. Therefore, we have to repay our debt. There is only one way to do it, the highest tolerance. Our motto must therefore be, now and ever: ‘Man, you are my brother.’"
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​

In his novel, Herzl wrote about an electoral campaign in the new state. He directed his wrath against the nationalist party, which wished to make the Jews a privileged class in Palestine. Herzl regarded that as a Betrayal of Zion, for Zion was identical to him with humanitarianism and tolerance — and that this was true in politics as well as religion. Herzl wrote:

"Matters of faith were once and for all excluded from public influence. ... Whether anyone sought religious devotion in the synagogue, in the church, in the mosque, in the art museum, or in a philharmonic concert, did not concern society. That was his [own] private affair."
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​
All Zio-fiction aside, Hetzl never met an authoritarian impulse he couldn't embrace:

"During the early waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine, the dominant Labor Zionist movement and its leader David Ben Gurion advanced policies much in line with Herzl's goal. In particular, they promoted the twin principles of 'Redemption of the Land' and 'Hebrew Labor', which took as their premise the idea that Jews needed to separate themselves from the native population in working the land and employing only other Jews.

"By being entirely self-reliant in Palestine, Jews could both 'cure' themselves of their tainted Diaspora natures and deprive the Palestinians of the opportunity to subsist in their own homeland.

"At the forefront of this drive was the Zionist trade union federation, the Histadrut, which denied membership to Palestinians - and, for many years after the establishment of the Jewish state, even to the remants of the Palestinian population who became Israeli citizens."

Zionism's Dead End by Jonathan Cook
It looks like the anti-Semite Huggy has no problem with many of the Muslim clerics calling for the death of the Infidels (which of course would include Huggy). Of course the anti-Semites overlooks the fact that the Muslims think that Islam is for the entire world. Someone buy Huggy a prayer mat so that he will feel right at home with the Muslims who hate the Jews and all those who are non-Muslims. Did you know, Huggy, that the Muslims believe that all of us were Muslims at one times and will revert back to Islam? Pathetic Huggy, he is so engrossed with his hatred of the Jews that he completely overlooks how one Muslim sect feels superior to another Muslim sect, so superior that they feel the other sect should be wiped out (of course along with all other Muslim sects as well as those who are non Muslims).
Why don't you tell us what percentage of the world's one billion Muslims believe they own it all?
Do you think it's a larger number than Jews who think your soul is closer to a cow's than it is to a Jew's?
Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why don't you tell us what percentage of the world's one billion Muslims believe they own it all?
Do you think it's a larger number than Jews who think your soul is closer to a cow's than it is to a Jew's?
Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!
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Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!

Georgie boy openly admitted to faking an injury to avoid military service. And no, I'm not kidding.
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!

Georgie boy openly admitted to faking an injury to avoid military service. And no, I'm not kidding.

Why does this not surprise me?
At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!

Georgie boy openly admitted to faking an injury to avoid military service. And no, I'm not kidding.

Why does this not surprise me?

Because he hates his country

(Wiki Herzl)

In Altneuland, Herzl outlined his vision for a new Jewish state in the Land of Israel. He summed up his vision of an open society:

"It is founded on the ideas which are a common product of all civilized nations... It would be immoral if we would exclude anyone, whatever his origin, his descent, or his religion, from participating in our achievements. For we stand on the shoulders of other civilized peoples. ... What we own we owe to the preparatory work of other peoples. Therefore, we have to repay our debt. There is only one way to do it, the highest tolerance. Our motto must therefore be, now and ever: ‘Man, you are my brother.’"
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​

In his novel, Herzl wrote about an electoral campaign in the new state. He directed his wrath against the nationalist party, which wished to make the Jews a privileged class in Palestine. Herzl regarded that as a Betrayal of Zion, for Zion was identical to him with humanitarianism and tolerance — and that this was true in politics as well as religion. Herzl wrote:

"Matters of faith were once and for all excluded from public influence. ... Whether anyone sought religious devotion in the synagogue, in the church, in the mosque, in the art museum, or in a philharmonic concert, did not concern society. That was his [own] private affair."
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​
All Zio-fiction aside, Hetzl never met an authoritarian impulse he couldn't embrace:

"During the early waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine, the dominant Labor Zionist movement and its leader David Ben Gurion advanced policies much in line with Herzl's goal. In particular, they promoted the twin principles of 'Redemption of the Land' and 'Hebrew Labor', which took as their premise the idea that Jews needed to separate themselves from the native population in working the land and employing only other Jews.

"By being entirely self-reliant in Palestine, Jews could both 'cure' themselves of their tainted Diaspora natures and deprive the Palestinians of the opportunity to subsist in their own homeland.

"At the forefront of this drive was the Zionist trade union federation, the Histadrut, which denied membership to Palestinians - and, for many years after the establishment of the Jewish state, even to the remants of the Palestinian population who became Israeli citizens."

Zionism's Dead End by Jonathan Cook
Doesn't Jonathan Cook live with the Palestinians and even has a Palestinian wife? I do think that many just let what he says in one ear and out the other because he is biased against Israel. This article reminds me of Cook and all the others who write against Israel plus those posters who pick up their opinions as the Gospel Truth.

Articles: Elements of Mideast Style
Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!
Why don't you ask Sgt. Roy if he thought Hitler had heroes?

"Among those convicted was Sgt. Roy Bumgarner, Jr. In 1969, he executed two teenage duck-herders and an irrigator as they stood in a rice paddy near their homes in Binh Dinh province.

"Afterwards, he ordered one of his men to detonate a grenade by their heads, dropped weapons around their remains and reported three dead enemy combatants. (We were told that he was engaged in a 'body count' competition at the time.)

"Angry villagers demanded an investigation. Bumgarner was tried by court martial and convicted.

"His sentence for a triple murder: A $582 fine and reduction in rank, but no prison time.

"The Army allowed him to re-up several months later, and he remained in Vietnam until the end of the war. He served as an Army instructor at Fort Jackson before retiring in 1981. He died in 2005 and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery."

Crimes of War ? The War Behind Me: Vietnam Veterans Confront the Truth about US War Crimes in Vietnam

Slaves like you and Roy and Hoss are shit-stains on the fabric of freedom.
Why don't you tell us what percentage of the world's one billion Muslims believe they own it all?
Do you think it's a larger number than Jews who think your soul is closer to a cow's than it is to a Jew's?
Why, Georgie Boy, such an "intelligent" guy like you who is able to find all the Arab/Muslim propaganda sites surely can find many instances regarding this. It's a shame, though, you weren't able to read one Iranian Muslim's bit on a different forum about Islam not being just for the Iranians and the rest of the Muslims, but for the entire world. And then there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India now living here in the United States who wanted to see 750,000,000 Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule in India. If you are short of money, Georgie Boy, we can all chip in to buy you a prayer rug. The mosques in your area will be happy to give you a Koran to read. Perhaps the Imam will tell you that you were a Muslim at one time in your life and now you are reverting back to Islam. By the way, Georgie Boy, since you keep on bringing up that cow thing, perhaps you can disguise yourself as another animal such as a dog and chow down for a good meal. Woof Woof. Bow Wow. It is amusing to see you team up with another anti-Semites like Huggy who has called the Arabs camel jockeys. God only know what he would call Georgie Boy. Perhaps Georgie Boy can question the guys who post on sites like Stormfront.com.

For dog owners who can splurge, pooched eggs, yappetizers, and more - latimes.com
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, speaking of your own brethren, how come you are not discussing this on the African and Middle East forums that the owners of the USMessageBoard have kindly provided for you? Of course, Georgie doesn't worry about the leaders of a country like Iran and Saudi Arabis nor does he worry about what the radical Muslim clerics are shouting from their pulpits. If it doesn't involve the Jews, Georgie Boy isn't interested. Speaking of the Nazis, it is apparent that Georgie Boy has consistently been comatose to those posters who would have been great guards in the concentration camps and who, of course, have the same mind set as Georgie Boy when it comes to the Jews. And I think the viewers can figure out by now that Georgie Boy would have also claimed a bad back during World War II after only ten days of basic training when there were so many patriotic Americans who had no problem serving, including those called the Buffalo Soldiers.
Blacks in North Africa and Middle East Face Virulent Racism from Arabs

(Wiki Herzl)

In Altneuland, Herzl outlined his vision for a new Jewish state in the Land of Israel. He summed up his vision of an open society:

"It is founded on the ideas which are a common product of all civilized nations... It would be immoral if we would exclude anyone, whatever his origin, his descent, or his religion, from participating in our achievements. For we stand on the shoulders of other civilized peoples. ... What we own we owe to the preparatory work of other peoples. Therefore, we have to repay our debt. There is only one way to do it, the highest tolerance. Our motto must therefore be, now and ever: ‘Man, you are my brother.’"
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​

In his novel, Herzl wrote about an electoral campaign in the new state. He directed his wrath against the nationalist party, which wished to make the Jews a privileged class in Palestine. Herzl regarded that as a Betrayal of Zion, for Zion was identical to him with humanitarianism and tolerance — and that this was true in politics as well as religion. Herzl wrote:

"Matters of faith were once and for all excluded from public influence. ... Whether anyone sought religious devotion in the synagogue, in the church, in the mosque, in the art museum, or in a philharmonic concert, did not concern society. That was his [own] private affair."
- (Quoted in "Zion & the Jewish National Idea", in Zionism Reconsidered, Macmillan, 1970 PB, p.185)​
All Zio-fiction aside, Hetzl never met an authoritarian impulse he couldn't embrace:

"During the early waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine, the dominant Labor Zionist movement and its leader David Ben Gurion advanced policies much in line with Herzl's goal. In particular, they promoted the twin principles of 'Redemption of the Land' and 'Hebrew Labor', which took as their premise the idea that Jews needed to separate themselves from the native population in working the land and employing only other Jews.

"By being entirely self-reliant in Palestine, Jews could both 'cure' themselves of their tainted Diaspora natures and deprive the Palestinians of the opportunity to subsist in their own homeland.

"At the forefront of this drive was the Zionist trade union federation, the Histadrut, which denied membership to Palestinians - and, for many years after the establishment of the Jewish state, even to the remants of the Palestinian population who became Israeli citizens."

Zionism's Dead End by Jonathan Cook
Doesn't Jonathan Cook live with the Palestinians and even has a Palestinian wife? I do think that many just let what he says in one ear and out the other because he is biased against Israel. This article reminds me of Cook and all the others who write against Israel plus those posters who pick up their opinions as the Gospel Truth.

Articles: Elements of Mideast Style
Cook isn't colonizing any of his neighbors' land or water resources.

Your link:

"This next term is up for debate (and might be determined in the comment section).

"Technically, this is a neutral term."

"The media has made it an ugly term, by usage; but the media would have colored any term made available to them. Jews in Judea and Samaria hate the term since it has an affiliation with a colonial process.

"Maybe so, but even right-wing Zionist visionary Ze'ev Jabotinsky said that the Jews would have to use colonial methods.

"'...To imagine, as our Arabophiles do, that they will voluntarily consent to the realisation of Zionism, in return for the moral and material conveniences which the Jewish colonist brings with him, is a childish notion ... The Iron Wall -- Ze'ev Jabotinsky'"

"If Jabotinsky embraced the term: "colonist," what could possibly be wrong with the softer term: 'settler...'"

Zionists in Palestine are settler-colonialists, get it?
Speaking of your kindred brethren:

"Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

"That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

- Hermann Goering, highest-ranking Nazi official to be tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany."

Not hard too figure which side Hossie would have soldiered for if he had been born a generation earlier in Berlin, is it?

War and Financial Speculation » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At least Hoss soldiered. Did you? As a matter of fact Hoss is an AMERICAN war HERO. If you ever watched the movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott, you will find that it's the true story of the battle for LZ Xray, the largest and most ferocious battle of the Viet Nam war. Hoss was an infantryman and fought all 3 days of that battle and was cited for his bravery. Three Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor for that battle. You owe him an apology for inferring that he would have fought for the Nazi's , puke!
Why don't you ask Sgt. Roy if he thought Hitler had heroes?

"Among those convicted was Sgt. Roy Bumgarner, Jr. In 1969, he executed two teenage duck-herders and an irrigator as they stood in a rice paddy near their homes in Binh Dinh province.

"Afterwards, he ordered one of his men to detonate a grenade by their heads, dropped weapons around their remains and reported three dead enemy combatants. (We were told that he was engaged in a 'body count' competition at the time.)

"Angry villagers demanded an investigation. Bumgarner was tried by court martial and convicted.

"His sentence for a triple murder: A $582 fine and reduction in rank, but no prison time.

"The Army allowed him to re-up several months later, and he remained in Vietnam until the end of the war. He served as an Army instructor at Fort Jackson before retiring in 1981. He died in 2005 and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery."

Crimes of War ? The War Behind Me: Vietnam Veterans Confront the Truth about US War Crimes in Vietnam

Slaves like you and Roy and Hoss are shit-stains on the fabric of freedom.
The last sentence in GeorgePhillip's statement is libelous slander. This statement was reported.
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