Zimmerman gets 250k for his $500 gun

So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?
GZ was WATCHING a criminal that he had observed peeking into peoples windows, then he had to shoot the piece of shyte because Martin had jumped him and was pounding GZ while GZ was on the ground.

What is particularly hilarious is when you idiots claim this is an example of Stand Your Ground laws, roflmao.
We only have Zimmerman's word for that and look what that "word" is worth.....
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
Who did he supposedly murder? That punk that jumped him and had him pinned with his back on the ground pounding him in his face?

How many times do you libtrards think an armed man has to let idiots beat on them before we can shoot the stupid dogs?
We only have his word for that, and see the pics of him afterwards and his behavior since.....he's in the cellar when it comes to believability.

Regardless of what happened that particular night, Zimmerman is a POS. That much is clear.
Martin was protecting his little brother who was at his home alone waiting for Martin to return.

MArtins brother was nowhere near the scen of his attack on GZ; FACT.

Trayvon Martin was being followed by a perp, even mentioned he was being followed by a strange guy when on the phone with his friend, while walking home...that's a fact....

That MArtin had no idea why he was being followed might be a fact, and one I will concede as there is no evidence to the contrary.

Trayvon's father had gone to the movies, his little brother was at his home and Trayvon knew he was being followed and DID NOT want to lead the perp following him to his home, where his little brother was.... thus the REASON for confronting the person who was stalking him away from his house, where his little brother was..........

What evidence do you have of this? IF Martin wanted to protect his little brother he should have gone home, manned the door and called the cops after arming himself.

YOU AND I, would have done the same thing Trayvon did, to protect a 10 year old brother.

No, because I am not an idiot and I know that unless I can prove to a jury that I took every other measure to avoid violence I could be prosecuted for excessive force if nothing else, much less a civil case.

Martin was a doper, dealer and a criminal. His innosense is a lie.
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?
GZ was WATCHING a criminal that he had observed peeking into peoples windows, then he had to shoot the piece of shyte because Martin had jumped him and was pounding GZ while GZ was on the ground.

What is particularly hilarious is when you idiots claim this is an example of Stand Your Ground laws, roflmao.
so much information from you on this, with so LITTLE TRUTH.....

trayvon was not peeking in people's windows he was being stalked by an unknown perp....

zimmerman didn't take a pounding to his face, nor beat to a pulp, he hardly had any injuries at all...

from the police files of pictures taken of zimmerman the night of the attack


Well, golly gee...that's "being beaten to a pulp" alright. At least for a weany RWr.
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?

He did have the right to self defense. That , however, is not what a jury decided happened. They instead decided that Zimmerman was the one who used his right to self defense.

And George is a piece of shit, and selling this gun just further cements that.
no, the jury did not decide that. the jury decided the state did not make the case for murder.

Incorrect. Please educate yourself before commenting further.

The jury had SEVERAL choices, they could have found George guilty of 2nd degree murder, they could have found him guilty of manslaughter. They found him NOT GUILTY of all charges. Ipso facto , they found that George did NOT precipitate the events that led to the shooting, which obviously means they found that Trayvon did, meaning that obviously Trayvon was not exercising his right to self defense in the eyes of the jury.

George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin's death - CNN.com

What you believe, think, feel, or imagine is completely irrelevant to the subject. A jury decided that Trayvon was NOT defending himself when shot by Zimmerman.
see, i knew there would be an idiot out there that would believe the acquittal meant the jury found martin to have started the confrontation.

what they found was that the state couldn't make the case, that is all.
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?

He did have the right to self defense. That , however, is not what a jury decided happened. They instead decided that Zimmerman was the one who used his right to self defense.

And George is a piece of shit, and selling this gun just further cements that.
no, the jury did not decide that. the jury decided the state did not make the case for murder.

Incorrect. Please educate yourself before commenting further.

The jury had SEVERAL choices, they could have found George guilty of 2nd degree murder, they could have found him guilty of manslaughter. They found him NOT GUILTY of all charges. Ipso facto , they found that George did NOT precipitate the events that led to the shooting, which obviously means they found that Trayvon did, meaning that obviously Trayvon was not exercising his right to self defense in the eyes of the jury.

George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin's death - CNN.com

What you believe, think, feel, or imagine is completely irrelevant to the subject. A jury decided that Trayvon was NOT defending himself when shot by Zimmerman.
Where did the jury say that in their findings?
This is not about what YOU would have done. You don't know for certain that Martin started the fight. From the way you write, it seems that you're older than 17. You don't live in a dog-eat-dog hood. Etc.

Lol, and neither did Martin.

Lol, where do you get your idea of what the hood is like? Which movie?

Excellent! An innocent man who defended himself from a murderous thug had his life destroyed because of it, now he gets some justice. He deserves it.

I'm confused. Yes, I agree with you that an innocent man had his life destroyed by a murderous thug, but when did Martin get some justice?

No, Zimmerman got some justice. Not for defending himself against Martin, but for having his life destroyed for no reason.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?

He did have the right to self defense. That , however, is not what a jury decided happened. They instead decided that Zimmerman was the one who used his right to self defense.

And George is a piece of shit, and selling this gun just further cements that.
no, the jury did not decide that. the jury decided the state did not make the case for murder.

Incorrect. Please educate yourself before commenting further.

The jury had SEVERAL choices, they could have found George guilty of 2nd degree murder, they could have found him guilty of manslaughter. They found him NOT GUILTY of all charges. Ipso facto , they found that George did NOT precipitate the events that led to the shooting, which obviously means they found that Trayvon did, meaning that obviously Trayvon was not exercising his right to self defense in the eyes of the jury.

George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin's death - CNN.com

What you believe, think, feel, or imagine is completely irrelevant to the subject. A jury decided that Trayvon was NOT defending himself when shot by Zimmerman.
see, i knew there would be an idiot out there that would believe the acquittal meant the jury found martin to have started the confrontation.

what they found was that the state couldn't make the case, that is all.

I don't waste time with mental midgets, have a good day.

For the rest of the class. Its quite clear that jury didn't think the state made the case because they didn't prove that Zimmerman started the altercation, so of course that means the jury believed Martin must have started the altercation b/c it sure didn't just spontaneously happen.
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
That punk that jumped him
you're making that up. you have no way of knowing who confronted whom. in fact, the only thing you know for sure is that an armed man stalked an unarmed man. why didn't martin have the right to self-defense against his armed pursuer?
GZ was WATCHING a criminal that he had observed peeking into peoples windows, then he had to shoot the piece of shyte because Martin had jumped him and was pounding GZ while GZ was on the ground.

What is particularly hilarious is when you idiots claim this is an example of Stand Your Ground laws, roflmao.
so much information from you on this, with so LITTLE TRUTH.....

trayvon was not peeking in people's windows he was being stalked by an unknown perp....

zimmerman didn't take a pounding to his face, nor beat to a pulp, he hardly had any injuries at all...

from the police files of pictures taken of zimmerman the night of the attack



GZ was not a perp; that is simply a lie. GZ was doing what any normal might that wants to protect his neighbors from a lowlife thief walking around in the rain peeping into peoples windows which is what started it all.

There is no reason for Martin to double back and attack GZ; none whatsoever. Had he just gone home nothing would have happened, but he did go aback and attack GZ and paid for it with his life.

when the hell do you liberals ever accept the responsibility and consequences of your fucking actions?

Lol, and yes, there are injuries to GZs face enough that it cleared him of charges and the witnesses corroborated GZ's story.

Do or dont, I dont care, but Martin got what he had coming and you morons should pay attention to the lesson; if you dont want to be put int he ground, dont go around attacking people.
When was Trayvon Martin ever a "lowlife thief"?

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