Zimbabwe outlines plans for 'Disneyland in Africa'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Zimbabwe outlines plans for 'Disneyland in Africa'
Zimbabwe plans to build a "Disneyland in Africa" at the world famous Victoria Falls to boost tourism, a government minister has told the BBC.

The government would spend more than $300m (£193m) on the theme park, said Tourist Minister Walter Mzembi.

Zimbabwe is trying to rebuild its tourism industry after a decade of conflict and hyperinflation.

President Robert Mugabe was elected for a seventh term in peaceful but disputed elections last month.
BBC News - Zimbabwe outlines plans for 'Disneyland in Africa'

I'd focus on building infrastructure, tech and science if I was Mugabe. That would advance Zimbabwe a lot more then this. A tourism based economy is kind of weak.
El Nino strikes Zimbabwe crops...

Millions Going Hungry in Drought-Stricken Zimbabwe
May 25, 2016 — The United Nations says nearly three million people in drought-stricken Zimbabwe are going hungry. The world body expects that number to exceed four million as the full impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon kicks in.
U.N. Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe Bishow Parajuli says the impact of little rain and low crop yields following two years of drought is painfully visible in Matabeleland and other dry lands. “I recently visited that area with a number of donors and ambassadors," said Parajuli. " We could really see the desperation and severity of the situation.” A few weeks ago, the United Nations appealed for $360 million to provide life-saving assistance for more than three million people. The priority needs are for food, water, health, nutrition, sanitation and protection.


Last Zimaniwa feels the broken ground at a spot which is usually a reliable water source that has dried up due to lack of rains in the village of Chivi , Zimbabwe​

Parajuli says $70 million has been received, leaving a gap of $290 million. He says it is critical for donors to respond generously and immediately to this appeal. “Given Zimbabwe is a landlocked country and also the whole southern Africa region is affected by El Nino, and lack of surplus of maize, it is very critical to plan in advance in terms of importation and supply chain delivery ," said Parajuli. " So, earlier response will really help save lives and suffering among the population.”

Parajuli says he is particularly worried about the so-called lean season between September and March. This is the period between harvests when farmers’ food stocks are at their lowest. He says people will be severely affected by the lack of food, and many will not be able to count on their cattle as a lifeline as tens of thousands have died from lack of water and grazing land.

UN appeal facing funding gap of $290 million putting life-saving humanitarian aid for drought-stricken Zimbabweans at risk
Brilliant. Dividing us white idiots with a little marketing gimmick. Those shuna / tebele punks learn fast, how real business is done. The east Europeans have nothing on them. Hehehe.

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