YouTube, Google suppress AE911Truth, boost ‘authoritative’ sources like NIST

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Posting this here on purpose.

The suppression of alternative voices on the internet, including those who challenge the official story of 9/11, is relentless. And it’s getting worse.

The censorship of non-mainstream viewpoints includes content created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. This practice, by online giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, has been going on for a long time but has been reaching a fever pitch over the past two or three years.

It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online.

This is all being done in the name of reducing “harm” allegedly created by “extremism” and “misinformation.” Mainstream accounts of events like 9/11 are more and more being shielded from scrutiny as material challenging them is either banned or made harder to find.

Man, I have posts on here from the 60's talking about Googles evil.

Along with Facebook and Twitter.

The thing I can't get people to think about is the following......

WHY IS IT.......that all the largest search engines and social media sites are ALL owned by leftists ?

When you can answer that you will come to realize how screwed Americans really are.
Man, I have posts on here from the 60's talking about Googles evil.

Along with Facebook and Twitter.

The thing I can't get people to think about is the following......

WHY IS IT.......that all the largest search engines and social media sites are ALL owned by leftists ?

When you can answer that you will come to realize how screwed Americans really are.
If you consider the history, there was always a certain degree of scrutiny held over the media from the federal government ( Operation Mockingbird...etc) but the kicker was Bill Clinton signing the 1996 Telecom Act that opened the door for the monopoly we see now--6 companies owning 95% of it.
Posting this here on purpose.

The suppression of alternative voices on the internet, including those who challenge the official story of 9/11, is relentless. And it’s getting worse.

The censorship of non-mainstream viewpoints includes content created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. This practice, by online giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, has been going on for a long time but has been reaching a fever pitch over the past two or three years.

It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online.

This is all being done in the name of reducing “harm” allegedly created by “extremism” and “misinformation.” Mainstream accounts of events like 9/11 are more and more being shielded from scrutiny as material challenging them is either banned or made harder to find.

I have seen lots of nut ball 9/11 conspiracy theories on YouTube. Heck, contact the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth direct and buy a DVD. Why didn't you download it when it was up on YouTube? Here is a link to their website. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 They have a video gallery and you can even donate and everything. It is a nice website. They are kind of a for profit, non profit. Their voice has not been squelched. It is still out there. I have even read stuff on here and seen books about 9/11 conspiracy theories at Books A Million and am pretty sure they are available on
Is this part of a conspiracy to take over YouTube? Maybe you can start a proxy fight and take over Google. I am no fan of Google, though I do use YouTube. Try not to make too many changes that will piss me off, after your takeover. I mostly watch for the music videos, weapons comparisons and winter dash cam car crashes in Eastern European countries.
I have seen lots of nut ball 9/11 conspiracy theories on YouTube.
The general public hasn't.
I have witnessed that family members don’t have a clue about 9/11 being an inside job.they are so closed minded that they never even wanted to look at videos or books I referred them to.that is the norm for half the citizens around the country.
Posting this here on purpose.

The suppression of alternative voices on the internet, including those who challenge the official story of 9/11, is relentless. And it’s getting worse.

The censorship of non-mainstream viewpoints includes content created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. This practice, by online giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, has been going on for a long time but has been reaching a fever pitch over the past two or three years.

It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online.

This is all being done in the name of reducing “harm” allegedly created by “extremism” and “misinformation.” Mainstream accounts of events like 9/11 are more and more being shielded from scrutiny as material challenging them is either banned or made harder to find.

I have seen lots of nut ball 9/11 conspiracy theories on YouTube. Heck, contact the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth direct and buy a DVD. Why didn't you download it when it was up on YouTube? Here is a link to their website. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 They have a video gallery and you can even donate and everything. It is a nice website. They are kind of a for profit, non profit. Their voice has not been squelched. It is still out there. I have even read stuff on here and seen books about 9/11 conspiracy theories at Books A Million and am pretty sure they are available on
Is this part of a conspiracy to take over YouTube? Maybe you can start a proxy fight and take over Google. I am no fan of Google, though I do use YouTube. Try not to make too many changes that will piss me off, after your takeover. I mostly watch for the music videos, weapons comparisons and winter dash cam car crashes in Eastern European countries.
YouTube has censored so many 9/11 truth videos over the years it’s disgusting,they used to have one of Dan Rather speaking that Bin Laden denied he did it but it is no longer on youtube anymore.

Angelo has posted it before how he denied it,I’m sure you won’t mind posting it again right Angelo? Lol Dan Rather told the truth and that is why they deleted it. Same as with oswald,they never could prove that he admitted it or did it. They presented the most pathetic flimsy evidence trying to convince us this guy who was much fatter than bin laden confessing he did it,thst he was bin laden.but here is whereit really gets even more comical,the guy in the video had a dark black beard where the real bin laden had a grey beard,I don’t think bin laden all of a sudden
Decided to dye his beard. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Talk about conspiracy theories.
the governments version that bin laden did it and that tape of that man confessing is the most comical conspiracy theory ever invented.
Angelo has posted it before how he denied it,I’m sure you won’t mind posting it again right Angelo?
The ones usually removed the most regarding 9/11 are about any 'Israeli involvement", and to a large extent Saudi involvement on the financial - backing side.

Other than that they've pretty much left all the important ones that I know of up, but what they do is slow the search algorithms so that the average searcher finds a bunch of clutter unless they type in exactly what they want. Otherwise they're written off as conspiracy theories.
Posting this here on purpose.

The suppression of alternative voices on the internet, including those who challenge the official story of 9/11, is relentless. And it’s getting worse.

The censorship of non-mainstream viewpoints includes content created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. This practice, by online giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, has been going on for a long time but has been reaching a fever pitch over the past two or three years.

It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online.

This is all being done in the name of reducing “harm” allegedly created by “extremism” and “misinformation.” Mainstream accounts of events like 9/11 are more and more being shielded from scrutiny as material challenging them is either banned or made harder to find.

I have seen lots of nut ball 9/11 conspiracy theories on YouTube. Heck, contact the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth direct and buy a DVD. Why didn't you download it when it was up on YouTube? Here is a link to their website. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 They have a video gallery and you can even donate and everything. It is a nice website. They are kind of a for profit, non profit. Their voice has not been squelched. It is still out there. I have even read stuff on here and seen books about 9/11 conspiracy theories at Books A Million and am pretty sure they are available on
Is this part of a conspiracy to take over YouTube? Maybe you can start a proxy fight and take over Google. I am no fan of Google, though I do use YouTube. Try not to make too many changes that will piss me off, after your takeover. I mostly watch for the music videos, weapons comparisons and winter dash cam car crashes in Eastern European countries.
YouTube has censored so many 9/11 truth videos over the years it’s disgusting,they used to have one of Dan Rather speaking that Bin Laden denied he did it but it is no longer on youtube anymore.

Angelo has posted it before how he denied it,I’m sure you won’t mind posting it again right Angelo? Lol Dan Rather told the truth and that is why they deleted it. Same as with oswald,they never could prove that he admitted it or did it. They presented the most pathetic flimsy evidence trying to convince us this guy who was much fatter than bin laden confessing he did it,thst he was bin laden.but here is whereit really gets even more comical,the guy in the video had a dark black beard where the real bin laden had a grey beard,I don’t think bin laden all of a sudden
Decided to dye his beard. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Talk about conspiracy theories.
the governments version that bin laden did it and that tape of that man confessing is the most comical conspiracy theory ever invented.
I guess I am too conservative to buy into all the conspiracy theories being put forth lately.
Posting this here on purpose.

The suppression of alternative voices on the internet, including those who challenge the official story of 9/11, is relentless. And it’s getting worse.

The censorship of non-mainstream viewpoints includes content created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. This practice, by online giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, has been going on for a long time but has been reaching a fever pitch over the past two or three years.

It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online.

This is all being done in the name of reducing “harm” allegedly created by “extremism” and “misinformation.” Mainstream accounts of events like 9/11 are more and more being shielded from scrutiny as material challenging them is either banned or made harder to find.

I have seen lots of nut ball 9/11 conspiracy theories on YouTube. Heck, contact the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth direct and buy a DVD. Why didn't you download it when it was up on YouTube? Here is a link to their website. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 They have a video gallery and you can even donate and everything. It is a nice website. They are kind of a for profit, non profit. Their voice has not been squelched. It is still out there. I have even read stuff on here and seen books about 9/11 conspiracy theories at Books A Million and am pretty sure they are available on
Is this part of a conspiracy to take over YouTube? Maybe you can start a proxy fight and take over Google. I am no fan of Google, though I do use YouTube. Try not to make too many changes that will piss me off, after your takeover. I mostly watch for the music videos, weapons comparisons and winter dash cam car crashes in Eastern European countries.
YouTube has censored so many 9/11 truth videos over the years it’s disgusting,they used to have one of Dan Rather speaking that Bin Laden denied he did it but it is no longer on youtube anymore.

Angelo has posted it before how he denied it,I’m sure you won’t mind posting it again right Angelo? Lol Dan Rather told the truth and that is why they deleted it. Same as with oswald,they never could prove that he admitted it or did it. They presented the most pathetic flimsy evidence trying to convince us this guy who was much fatter than bin laden confessing he did it,thst he was bin laden.but here is whereit really gets even more comical,the guy in the video had a dark black beard where the real bin laden had a grey beard,I don’t think bin laden all of a sudden
Decided to dye his beard. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Talk about conspiracy theories.
the governments version that bin laden did it and that tape of that man confessing is the most comical conspiracy theory ever invented.
I guess I am too conservative to buy into all the conspiracy theories being put forth lately.
So you are CONFESSING that even though bin laden denied he did it and even though the best evidence the funny farm government could come up as THEIR so called evidence that bin laden did it was the comical video I mentioned of a guy who looked zilch anything like bin laden,you are taking the governments wacky conspiracy theory that bin laden did it? :cuckoo:

You just buy into the old debunked conspiracy theory of the governments that bid laden did it because as we both know,if the government tells you it happened that way,then it’s the ultimate gospel truth is your warped logic you have displayed ever sense coming here. :cuckoo: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Angelo has posted it before how he denied it,I’m sure you won’t mind posting it again right Angelo?
The ones usually removed the most regarding 9/11 are about any 'Israeli involvement", and to a large extent Saudi involvement on the financial - backing side.

Other than that they've pretty much left all the important ones that I know of up, but what they do is slow the search algorithms so that the average searcher finds a bunch of clutter unless they type in exactly what they want. Otherwise they're written off as conspiracy theories.
I remember you posting what he said,it wasn’t a link or anything but it was his words that he did not do it,just wish YouTube did not delete that video of Dan rather saying that sense Rather backed up that post you made back then,if you can’t find it,I’ll just have to hunt through your 9/11 threads myself cause I know it is on one of them.
I remember you posting what he said,it wasn’t a link or anything but it was his words that he did not do it,just wish YouTube did not delete that video of Dan rather saying that sense Rather backed up that post you made back then,if you can’t find it,I’ll just have to hunt through your 9/11 threads myself cause I know it is on one of them.
This may be it....
I remember you posting what he said,it wasn’t a link or anything but it was his words that he did not do it,just wish YouTube did not delete that video of Dan rather saying that sense Rather backed up that post you made back then,if you can’t find it,I’ll just have to hunt through your 9/11 threads myself cause I know it is on one of them.
This may be it....

No that’s the one where he states the obvious where explosives were used to bring the towers down.he let the cat out of the bag his foreknowledge that was why they fired him after

that’s not the one though where he admits that bin laden said he did not do it though. They deleted that one.
No that’s the one where he states the obvious where explosives were used to bring the towers down.he let the cat out of the bag his foreknowledge that was why they fired him after

that’s not the one though where he admits that bin laden said he did not do it. They deleted that one.
I'm surprised this one is still up

Maybe because it only got about 30.000 views.
No that’s the one where he states the obvious where explosives were used to bring the towers down.he let the cat out of the bag his foreknowledge that was why they fired him after

that’s not the one though where he admits that bin laden said he did not do it. They deleted that one.
I'm surprised this one is still up

Maybe because it only got about 30.000 views.

Yeah probably.
I guess I am too conservative to buy into all the conspiracy theories being put forth lately.
You're the 'grown-up' in the room. Karate man ?
I do not do conspiracy theories. I like facts. I am not the only one that know chasing the popular conspiracy theory de jure is neither conservative in nature, nor rational level headed adult thinking.
Jonah Goldberg: Conspiracy theories have no place in serious conservatism
So why are conspiracy theorists different? Well, for starters, conspiracy theories are almost always offered in bad faith because they are non-falsifiable. The moment you provide evidence disproving a conspiracy theory, the response is invariably to resort to an even deeper conspiracy theory — or to accuse the debunker of being “one of them.”
But the incompatibility of conservatism with conspiracy theories is more fundamental. One of the central tenets of conservatism is the idea that society is too complex to be easily controlled by a despot or even cadres of well-intentioned social engineers and bureaucrats, or what Edmund Burke, the founder of modern conservatism, dubbed “sophisters, calculators and economists.”

Here’s a simple fact: The more you know about how government actually works, the less likely you are to believe anyone is actually in control. The idea that secret cabals could blow up the World Trade Center or steal the election, with the active participation of hundreds or thousands of conspirators, is beyond laughable when you consider that passing a budget is often beyond the capabilities of those “in charge.”

One of Buckley’s top priorities in fashioning modern American conservatism was that it be a worldview grounded in realism. Conspiracy theories aren’t grounded in anything beyond the vaporous phantasms of paranoia. They can certainly be “right-wing.” But conservative they’re not.

Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Jacob Goldberg is an American conservative syndicated columnist, author, political analyst, and commentator. The founding editor of National Review Online, from 1998 until 2019 he was an editor at National Review, and holds a fellowship at the National Review Institute.

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