Your thoughts on interracial relationships?

Inter-racial sexual attraction? (other races shall include those of mixed race)

  • I prefers members of a particular race other than my own

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WAY old thread. Who ARE those people?

And, where's the option of


Brings back a memory though -

Back in the late 60s, I had a good friend, black (I'm white). We didn't date but we did hang out together. We never hate out because we couldn't get served in restaurants. We could sit there for hours and just not be noticed by the wait staff.
She's hot....

Not a bad actress either. She also has a series called "Being Mary Jane"
The races should never mix. Animals don't do it , why should humans.
Its unnatural to mix the races.

Hey there, chicken-shit. Back to debase yourself a little more? How's all that 'hiding from reality' going, champ?

This whiteman is always looking for black females.

I wonder if you could find just one post where I've ever said that. Just one, go ahead. What are you so afraid of, pussy? Your spinelessness won't alter reality, coward.
Amazing how quickly chicken-shit always pops in to a thread, makes an ass of himself, then scampers away with his tail between his legs. Gotta go with what you're good at, I guess.
In my case an interracial relationship would mean white + Hispanic (yes I know it's considered an ethnicity), white + Asian, white + Indian, etc. But I'm pretty sure the OP meant to include "blacks" in there as well so in that case I would have to say that particular scenario is disturbing. The offspring wouldn't have the athletic ability of the African or the intelligence of the human.
In my case an interracial relationship would mean white + Hispanic (yes I know it's considered an ethnicity), white + Asian, white + Indian, etc. But I'm pretty sure the OP meant to include "blacks" in there as well so in that case I would have to say that particular scenario is disturbing. The offspring wouldn't have the athletic ability of the African or the intelligence of the human.

What the fuck would you know about being human, jackass?
I got an uncontrollable urge for white women. Ive been with more white women than black women, just dont tell my wife.
I don't think there is anything wrong with interracial marriage. The only people who have problems with it are people who believe in keeping their race pure, or religious idiots who think that their god separated all the races and told them never to mix.

Love is love. Even when people were fed propaganda and lies about the dangers of marrying someone out their race, people still did it. It's been happening since the Ancient times. I'm just confused on why this is still an issue. It's going to happen and nothing can stop it. Love> Propaganda and lies.
Dont care what color they are. Hot is Hot!!!!!
New Black girl working the bar at my favorite Cajun place. My wife was laughing at me and told me to put my tongue back in my mouth and stop panting.

In my area, there are a lot of White and Hispanic girls. Most of them look really good to. I like every race of girls as long as they look good as well as their personality. I don't care too much about race, but a part of me is weary of black girls ever since I broke up with my recent girlfriend who was very close to the stereotypical black girl. Especially her friends. They were ghetto and they admired themselves for being ghetto as well! When I dumped my girlfriend, her friends kept coming up to me asking me why I dumped her and started blaming me saying I didn't give her a chance or how I was too harsh and blah blah blah. They were so biased towards my ex instead of listening to my side of the story. They even tried to guilt me saying she is miserable without me. It wouldn't stop for well over a month. I also have some ghetto/stereotypical black women in my family and I believe a few of them ruined their husbands or boyfriends lives.

Once again, I don't care about race and instead the individual girl, but every time I see a black girl or woman, I feel like I keep seeing my ex girlfriend along with her crazy friends, and I know that isn't a good thing because I'm unconsciously generalizing my own race.
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Dont care what color they are. Hot is Hot!!!!!
New Black girl working the bar at my favorite Cajun place. My wife was laughing at me and told me to put my tongue back in my mouth and stop panting.

In my area, there are a lot of White and Hispanic girls. Most of them look really good to. I like every race of girls as long as they look good as well as their personality. I don't care too much about race, but a part of me is weary of black girls ever since I broke up with my recent girlfriend who was very close to the stereotypical black girl. Especially her friends. They were ghetto and they admired themselves for being ghetto as well! When I dumped my girlfriend, her friends kept coming up to me asking me why I dumped her and started blaming me saying I didn't give her a chance or how I was too harsh and blah blah blah. They were so biased towards my ex instead of listening to my side of the story. They even tried to guilt me saying she is miserable without me. It wouldn't stop for well over a month. I also have some ghetto/stereotypical black women in my family and I believe a few of them ruined their husbands or boyfriends lives.

Once again, I don't care about race and instead the individual girl, but every time I see a black girl or woman, I feel like I keep seeing my ex girlfriend along with their crazy friends, and I know that isn't a good thing because I'm unconsciously generalizing my own race.

Exactly. As long as they fit my favorite profile I'm good. Don't care for Black chicks who act Ghetto and I dont care for hispanic girls or white chicks who act the same.
Was engaged to a hispanic girl before I met my current wife of twenty four years who happens to be a pretty little white girl. Her color had nothing to do with it though.
My last two dates were with black men. I tend to find myself more naturally attracted to black guys than white for some reason. I don't have an issue with interracial relationships, and those who do are ignorant bigots.
The other day I was at the carousel waiting for my luggage and then I noticed a woman of other race looking at me. She was at a distance but it felt nice. I could imagine that it would have felt much nicer if she were closer. Anyway, my luggage came, I grabbed it and then I gave her one more look and headed for my prearranged taxi.

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