CDZ Your opinion


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

A. for one, stop letting the MSM turn America into a third world shithole--which Mr Trump is one of the only ones I've seen fight back against the MSM crap
--b. regarding all that police brutality and racism myth crap--THAT helps turn communities into crap..the MSM promotes all that crap --big time
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

I keep showing this, because Morgan Freeman tells Don Lemon about how the United States is the best country in the world..

I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

It has been, and always will be, a statement of taking America back from the progressives. The progressive policy makes America less, in fact, it is designed to make America mediocre.

America, itself, and the people and system of government is and always will be, Great.

Make America Great Again means doing away with Big progressive government.

I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx


America stopped being great one nov 22nd 1963 when our last great president ceased to exist after that day.the world has never been the same sense that horrible day,The future of America was looking bright and optimistic with a president that gave the youth hope for the future that they could have an impact on the world. It all drastically changed for the worst that day in the fact we were on the verge of returning to the constitution of the united states back then where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations that do now.

America totally went downhill that day and people have lost faith in the trust of the media ever sense then. That is WHY i dont think Trump is what everybody thinks he is. If he was really draining the awamp,why had he not gotten rid of the fed,the CIA,the FBI,or IRS as he was trying to do and better yet why has he not attacked the media for constantly still covering up that horrible event or failing to ask for a real investigation into 9/11?

that does not sound like somebody trying to drain the swamp in the least to me.
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

I keep showing this, because Morgan Freeman tells Don Lemon about how the United States is the best country in the world..

keep dreaming Morgan.hardly a great country when politicians get away from crimes everyday including murder that we all go to jail for.LOL
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

When we were told jobs are gone and not coming back and they weren’t, that was a symbol of the left working to remove our greatness. When we were told we can not be patriotic, that was a symbol of the left working to remove our greatness. Just a couple for ya.
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

I keep showing this, because Morgan Freeman tells Don Lemon about how the United States is the best country in the world..

keep dreaming Morgan.hardly a great country when politicians get away from crimes everyday including murder that we all go to jail for.LOL

Mass murder in fact-
I'm not sure America has ever been all it was cracked up as- we can go all the way back to the Whiskey Tax and the ensuing revolution by those being taxed-

Then fast forward to Lincoln- I'm not sure how turning family against family could be considered great, or shortly there after with the Manifest Destiny, the only good Indian is a dead Indian, bullshit- or Reconstruction- or any of the wars of aggression we've started- or the Rail Road Industry shenanigans - and should we talk about the "great" American monopolist? Does the name Rockefeller ring and bells? Carnegie? No? Imagine that- they bought congress critters right and left- "great" you say? That's open to interpretation when no definition is supplied- I'm not real sure that having so many federal laws on the books that they can't be counted is great for anyone except ink and paper suppliers who probably had to pay to play- laws, btw, always favor one over another and make one a criminal if not complied with- in some cases shot dead on the spot! Great?!

Now, if materialism and superficial are the criteria used as definition- by all means- America is the Greatest-

The *concept* is/was a "great" idea- the manifestation, not so much-
America's greatness always lay it's potential. Our potential always lay in the certainty that we were the good guys and we were working to make our country the shining example of freedom and democracy in the world. Problem is, freedom and democracy is often bad for business. It has been a harsh awakening for many that our highest ideals have nearly always taken a back seat to someone's profit. America is feeling the disillusion that was inevitable when they tried to make capitalism into a system of government.
I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

What makes America great is you don't have to be born into wealth to become successful you can start from humble beginnings and still become a success it's not easy and not everyone does it but it's possible. The historic event for me WW2 the United States was the driving force in defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan there were other countries involved in that but how long could England and Russia have lasted without the materials the U.S. was supplying them and while doing that we were also producing the arms and ammo to push Japan back across the Pacific.


I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx

I keep showing this, because Morgan Freeman tells Don Lemon about how the United States is the best country in the world..

i really really like Morgan!

I'm looking for opinions.....

I keep hearing 'make America great again' , while having being raised thinking it was always so.

What made America great?

Was there some historic point /event ?

Is there a particular characteristic , ideal , metric ,or identifying factor ?

What will keep America great would be a follow up

I realize i'm asking this in a political forum , but it's really an apolitical Q, for those that can handle it. And yes, there are some smarts here still, that haven't been thwarted

So please have at it & thx


America stopped being great one nov 22nd 1963 when our last great president ceased to exist after that day.the world has never been the same sense that horrible day,The future of America was looking bright and optimistic with a president that gave the youth hope for the future that they could have an impact on the world. It all drastically changed for the worst that day in the fact we were on the verge of returning to the constitution of the united states back then where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations that do now.

America totally went downhill that day and people have lost faith in the trust of the media ever sense then. That is WHY i dont think Trump is what everybody thinks he is. If he was really draining the awamp,why had he not gotten rid of the fed,the CIA,the FBI,or IRS as he was trying to do and better yet why has he not attacked the media for constantly still covering up that horrible event or failing to ask for a real investigation into 9/11?

that does not sound like somebody trying to drain the swamp in the least to me.
so big gub'mit is an issue, well your far from alone on that here La Ram

Now, if materialism and superficial are the criteria used as definition- by all means- America is the Greatest-

The *concept* is/was a "great" idea- the manifestation, not so much-
You gotta a certain way of making a point that makes me go 'ouch' skin, brutal truth is what i'm after! ~S~
America became great when we won our independence and became a constitutional republic. The very same Tories we defeated are still extant, having evolved from the Democrat party to the current socialist liberal progressive bastards who are still pining for the madness of King George III. We are still great until and unless we surrender to the NWO/OWG. God Bless America!
America is feeling the disillusion that was inevitable when they tried to make capitalism into a system of government.
Who did that when?
They called it "free market capitalism" but what it really was was a direct attack on the political power of the American working class. It worked too. We have the most powerless working class in the western world.

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