Your going to hear things about Metabiota and Hunter Biden.

I'm not a Biden voter or anything, but sheesh peeps, why all the fuss about his son, Hunter? Who cares, he's a nobody, a nothingburger. So he's a wanker, so what? I don't get the obsession.
He's Joe's Bagman, just like Pelosi, Kerry and Romney use their family to collect all the bribes so they can have plausible deniability.
Everyone. Still getting them too through his bullshit art sales.

TOT, no, no!

The man was hired as an energy star.

The man was hired as an investment banker.

The man was hired to do magical things, while ADMITTING on TV he would never have gotten the gig, if his last name wasn't Biden, lol. And the whole time they hired him, he was a sex addicted crackhead!

But wait! Now he is Picasso, akin to Michaelangelo; and may even have a little Leonardo Da Vinci in him, lololol.

These Leftists really must like to lay themselves in the prone position in front of all people, while people laugh at them, lololol. Nobody believes anything they or the media says any longer, and come November, they are going to be extinct for at least until 26! For most of us, we couldn't lay our credibility on the line for such obvious bullsh**, but I suppose when you are a Leftist keyboard warrior/warriorette, that thought never crosses your mind as long as you can stay anonymous in the real world.
TOT, no, no!

The man was hired as an energy star.

The man was hired as an investment banker.

The man was hired to do magical things, while ADMITTING on TV he would never have gotten the gig, if his last name wasn't Biden, lol. And the whole time they hired him, he was a sex addicted crackhead!

But wait! Now he is Picasso, akin to Michaelangelo; and may even have a little Leonardo Da Vinci in him, lololol.

These Leftists really must like to lay themselves in the prone position in front of all people, while people laugh at them, lololol. Nobody believes anything they or the media says any longer, and come November, they are going to be extinct for at least until 26! For most of us, we couldn't lay our credibility on the line for such obvious bullsh**, but I suppose when you are a Leftist keyboard warrior/warriorette, that thought never crosses your mind as long as you can stay anonymous in the real world.
The man's resume essentially says, I do hookers Coke and Crack and have no experience but my Dad is Joe Biden so give me Millions.

There is nothing to the stories.

They all over the USA.

These aren't fairy tales and you should try to stop gaslighting people.
These aren't fairy tales and you should try to stop gaslighting people.

Leftists gaslighting people?!?!?!?! No way! Say it isn't so!

You have to admit one thing for sure.........................they have a narrative, stick to it, never deviate from it, and try and shout you down when you ask questions, for which they have no answers, and if that doesn't work, call you every dirty name in the book.

Oh wait. That is almost the definition verbatim of gaslighting! Who woulda thunk it. Shame on you Leftists-)
Leftists gaslighting people?!?!?!?! No way! Say it isn't so!

You have to admit one thing for sure.........................they have a narrative, stick to it, never deviate from it, and try and shout you down when you ask questions, for which they have no answers.

Oh wait. That is almost the definition verbatim of gaslighting! Who woulda thunk it. Shame on you Leftists-)

You're right on. The lies, propaganda, deception is staggering.

There is nothing to the stories.

They all over the USA.

A denial before an accusation is always so informative. 🤣😂
A defendant is accused of murder. Cops get info on who did it. They see him on the street holding a can of malt liquor. They grab him up. Before they tell him that he is being arrested for the open alcohol law violation, he asks them why he’s being arrested and THEN says, that “it must be about the murder.” Interesting because they hadn’t said anything about any murder to him.

Yeah. He was convicted.
You're right on. The lies, propaganda, deception is staggering.

Well they are very good at it, I will be the 1st to admit it. In the past, they used media far better than the GOP ever did. As soon as the GOP started doing the same thing as they did, magically big tech starting throwing them off platforms.

I think propaganda sucks! But you can't allow one side to do it, and the other not. That is in no way a free press, or free speech.

Do we all understand that these Leftists are about to get their a**es handed to them in November, while they are basically in control of 85 to 95% of media outlets putting forth their propaganda to benefit them! That should tell Americans how WEAK their policies really are. Even with all the help, they are about to lose their hold on power. That has to be a frightening realization to Leftists, making them try to gaslight more!
These Leftists really must like to lay themselves in the prone position in front of all people, while people laugh at them, lololol. Nobody believes anything they or the media says any longer, and come November, they are going to be extinct for at least until 26! For most of us, we couldn't lay our credibility on the line for such obvious bullsh**, but I suppose when you are a Leftist keyboard warrior/warriorette, that thought never crosses your mind as long as you can stay anonymous in the real world.
Um. . . I don't have a TEE VEE, but from the commentary I have read, and seen from folks that analyze the news on the YouTube vids, I have heard that none of the networks or cable channels are covering this story, other than, I believe occasionally Fox.

SO? How would the left even be aware of this story? It HAS to all be a "conspiracy theory," to them. . . at this point.


So, I wouldn't expect the vote percentages to be a whole lot different than they were last time around. Believe it or not, most of the nation does not eat, sleep and shit politics like folks on this board. They go to school, work, and watch non-political entertainment, and talk about other things. This laptop is the last thing on their mind.

. . . and the consortium, looks to make sure it never enters their consciousness.

Unless hunter gets nailed for being a proxy or a cut-out for the rest of the Biden crime syndicate, which, if you know how the Deep State is usually paid, off, doesn't look to be happening from the interview of that FBI agent I posted. . .

. . .this story is not going to go any further than that China-gate scandal of the Clinton's selling off all of America's high tech secrets to bring the Chinese military into the 21st century.

So? If the Clintons didn't go down for Treason and were protected by the Deep State for something everyone in D.C. and eventually everyone educated in the nation knew went on, don't expect the masses to be aware of this. The media will run cover for the Bidens just like they ran cover for the Clintons. They just need a big enough story to run as a distraction. Back then it was the Lewinsky scandal which took up ever last bit of programming time on the TEE VEE. I expect the war will provide that function nicely.

Thus, I shouldn't expect it will affect elections at all. China-gate didn't affect Gore, and he was in it up to his neck. Folks that voted for him? Totally unaward that he courted the Chinese and he was involved.

Criticism of investigation​

In addition to partisan complaints from Republicans, columnists Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and Morton Kondracke, as well as a number of FBI agents, suggested the investigations into the fundraising controversies were willfully impeded.[63][64][65]

FBI agent Ivian Smith wrote a letter to FBI Director Freeh that expressed "a lack of confidence" in the Justice Department's attorneys regarding the fundraising investigation. He wrote: "I am convinced the team at... [the Department of Justice] leading this investigation is, at best, simply not up to the task... The impression left is the emphasis on how not to prosecute matters, not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to prosecutions." Smith and three other FBI agents later testified before Congress in late 1999 that Justice Department prosecutors impeded their inquiry. FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason.[66]

FBI agents were also denied the opportunity to ask President Clinton and Vice President Gore questions during Justice Department interviews in 1997 and 1998 and were only allowed to take notes. During the interviews, neither Clinton nor Gore were asked any questions about fund-raisers John Huang and James Riady, nor the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple fundraising event led by Maria Hsia and attended by Huang and Ted Sioeng.[67]


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