Your First.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette
2. Beer
3. Date
4. Car
5. Kiss
6. Job
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette 14 (leading to full time habituation)
2. Beer - 16 (didn't like the taste)
3. Date - 15 (didn't score though)
4. Car - 16 (56 olds Holiday)
_5. Kiss - (passionate?) 15
6. Job - 13 (job where I paid taxes and such, I mean)
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette
2. Beer
3. Date
4. Car
5. Kiss
6. Job

1) 11
2) 14
3) 13
4) 16 (first one *I* paid for, 18)
5) 10
6) 15-1/2 (had two of them)

Those were some rather...exploratory... years.
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette
2. Beer
3. Date
4. Car
5. Kiss
6. Job

1. 5-6 (why I'm a non-smoker)
2. 20 (Shocking, I know)
3. 16
4. 17 (if you count the $200 hand-me-down junker I had in HS)
5. 16
6. 16
1. Cigarette

2. Beer
Six or seven

3. Date
16 (going out with just the guy alone)

4. Car

5. Kiss
15 (for more than the peck-type)

6. Job
16 (for one with a W2)
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette 13
2. Beer 12
3. Date 12
4. Car 14
5. Kiss 9
6. Job

1. Cigarette 13 :eusa_shhh:
2. Beer 12
3. Date 12
4. Car 14 for Sunday morning paper deliveries only:confused::mad:
5. Kiss 9 Dawn Polk, 14, w/tongue:cool:
6. Job 13 235 newspapers, evening delivery, at one apt complex and 39 houses in one subdivision that I subbed to a classmate.
7. Checking acct 13, for paper route business.
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette
2. Beer
3. Date
4. Car
5. Kiss
6. Job

1. I began smoking regularly at age 13.
2. 16
3. 15 or 16. Don't remember.
4. 16
5. 14
6. I did lots of farm work that I got paid for as early as 10. First W-2 kind of job was at 16.
1. Cigarette = 12
2. Beer = 12
3. Date = 13
4. Car = 15
5. Kiss = 11
6. Job = 8, first job with W-2 = 15
How old were you when you had your first:

1. Cigarette...17

2. Beer...16 (if we are talking actually drinking and not just a sip of a beer)

3. Date...15

4. Car...17

5. Kiss...15 (if we are talking passionate kiss)

6. Job...13
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette
2. Beer
3. Date
4. Car
5. Kiss
6. Job

1. 14, didn't start smoking until I was 22
2. 3, my dad wasn't a very good babysitter
3. first real date was probably 15
4. 18
5. 14
6. started babysitting when I was 11-12, first job was when I was 15.
How old were you when you had your first:
1. Cigarette --15
2. Beer -- still haven't had a full beer. first drink, 15
3. Date -- 13
4. Car -- 18
5. Kiss -- 13
6. Job -- 15
What kind of car was your first, mine was 1964 Corvair.

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