Your Extinction.

This is how the Environmental Wackos keep their heads up their asses:

Nuclear plants couldn't save you. Nothing can

We can't be saved in the next 27 years?

Is your imaginary 100-degree increase inevitable?

1. No. Unless you are willing to vote Nazi.
2. I don't know how fast the temperature will rise at a certain point. But I do know that it is exponential. The temperatures will double in ever increasingly short time spans.
None of your graphs were proof of an extinction level event by 2050.

At the correct distance, add a 2050 to any of them. Divide that by about 5. For the first mark, the present, double the length to the second mark. From the second mark quadruple the length to the third mark. From the third mark, make the length 8 times higher to the fourth mark. From the fourth mark, make the line 16 times higher to the fifth mark, 2050. Then extend up the temperature scale on the left. Bring it up to where the top of the line is. See what the temperature will read. I don't need to do it. Because I already know that it will be hot enough to cause most of the creatures on the planet to become extinct. But if you are curious, you can do it. Though I could be wrong in all of that. It could be that the line from the present to the second mark could be the one that needs to be quadrupled. And so on from there.
But there is a hell of a lot of money to be made from drilling for oil and selling gas.

Providing huge amounts of useful energy is profitable.

And what do they do with all that money they make?

Pay taxes, dividends and salaries.

What do they do with the money they make? CAUSE MOST OF THE LIFE ON EARTH TO BECOME EXTINCT!!! But the end won't come as quickly for them. They will be able to afford doomsday bunkers. I have also heard of some of the ultra rich pooling their money to have huge submarines built on which they can ride the storm out. But I think they are all fooling themselves. They may not die right away. But they won't be able to survive long enough for the Earth to become habitable again. Maybe if they're lucky, they will only have to deal with a nuclear war. It might be possible to survive long enough until radiation levels drop to a survivable level.
Shit in-shit out Environmental Wacko models from the so called "Climate Scientists". LOL!

Never get it right.

The only "so-called climate scientist" here would be Roy Spencer who put together this famous lying piece of shit graphic and many others.

You were the one talking about brown slaves scraping up rare metals or whatever. They aren't doing it now, are they. At least not here.

They look pretty brown to me. Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about them. But I do.



The Principle Scientists working the research admitted they were using manipulated and cherry picked data. We hacked their emails and exposed the fraud. In addition, NOAA. NASA and the UN Climate Commission have all been caught red handed manipulating data.

The scientific basis for the graphs you posted have little to no credibility.

Climate change is real. It has been happening to some degree or another ever since the earth was created. It has resulted in the extinction of 99% of all the plant and animal species that ever existed on earth. Humans have dealt with that in the past. Everything from having to survive an ice age to having civilizations collapse because of extended drought like with the Mayans.

As an Environmental Engineer I would have no problem in accepting AGW if it was real. I understand the effects of pollution. I had a 30 year career dealing with it. However, man made climate change is bullshit. There is absolutely no credible evidence. Just a silly correlation, some shit in shit out computer models and a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data.

So now you choose to go with outright LIES! Are you just plain evil? Or is somebody paying you to say such crap. › fact-check › global-warming-data-fakedWas Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change ... › article › uk-factcheck-nasaFact check: NASA did not ‘admit man-made climate change is a ...
They look pretty brown to me. Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about them. But I do.



Nuclear plants couldn't save you. Nothing can. But as civilization collapses, at least you would still be able to get some power if you had solar panels.

Nuclear plants, hypothetically, could help us stay under...2 or 3C by 2040? We should have embraced nuclear much earlier than now, but given the disasters in Ukraine and Japan, I get NIMBYism.

Fusion seems promising. Carbon capture is an interesting idea but hasn't been really tested on a wide scale and we don't know the dangers of removing carbon from the atmosphere if we were to scale it up.

One thing that we're about to discover is that emissions, though they contribute to the problem of heat trapping gases building up in our atmosphere, simultaneously reduce surface temperatures by blocking radiation. Now that we're reducing fossil fuel emissions, those surface and ocean temps are going to skyrocket.

We're now in an ENSO cycle, and we're already seeing alarmingly high ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific. We could be looking at a heating event that is hotter than anything we've experienced in the last 10,000 years and possibly in the last 100,000 years.

People think of global climate change as just "Oh well, more heat. Fuck it, I'll stay indoors then." If everyone has the same idea at the same time, then that's a problem for the power grid. But more than that, they're not thinking about the collapse of water sources, the collapse of agriculture, the violent swings from one weather extreme to another. Last year, much of the US experienced crop failures due to extreme drought. California farmers, like those in Pakistan, are now SOL due to extreme flooding.
1. No. Unless you are willing to vote Nazi.
2. I don't know how fast the temperature will rise at a certain point. But I do know that it is exponential. The temperatures will double in ever increasingly short time spans.

No. Unless you are willing to vote Nazi.

Sorry, demnazis will not get my vote.

I don't know how fast the temperature will rise at a certain point.


But I do know that it is exponential.

You know it, but you have no evidence.

The temperatures will double

No, they won't. What a stupid thing to say.
At the correct distance, add a 2050 to any of them. Divide that by about 5. For the first mark, the present, double the length to the second mark. From the second mark quadruple the length to the third mark. From the third mark, make the length 8 times higher to the fourth mark. From the fourth mark, make the line 16 times higher to the fifth mark, 2050. Then extend up the temperature scale on the left. Bring it up to where the top of the line is. See what the temperature will read. I don't need to do it. Because I already know that it will be hot enough to cause most of the creatures on the planet to become extinct. But if you are curious, you can do it. Though I could be wrong in all of that. It could be that the line from the present to the second mark could be the one that needs to be quadrupled. And so on from there.

Can you try that again, in English?
What do they do with the money they make? CAUSE MOST OF THE LIFE ON EARTH TO BECOME EXTINCT!!! But the end won't come as quickly for them. They will be able to afford doomsday bunkers. I have also heard of some of the ultra rich pooling their money to have huge submarines built on which they can ride the storm out. But I think they are all fooling themselves. They may not die right away. But they won't be able to survive long enough for the Earth to become habitable again. Maybe if they're lucky, they will only have to deal with a nuclear war. It might be possible to survive long enough until radiation levels drop to a survivable level.

What do they do with the money they make?

I already told you.


Are they paying for your estrogen treatments?

huge submarines built on which they can ride the storm out.

What storm?
The only "so-called climate scientist" here would be Roy Spencer who put together this famous lying piece of shit graphic and many others.

Fossil fuel prices are artificially depressed by the trillions of dollars of subsidies they receive every year.

Who is writing the checks? Who cashes them? Link?
We have very little CO2 now compared to the history of the earth.


I have a similar graph. Do you not see what is happening? From early in the tertiary age, the Earth's temperature has been dropping. When things are cooler, methane and methane hydrate ice on the sea floor can build up. Sure, some of it may have been buried deep below the ground or below the sea floor. But there is probably 1000 times more methane under areas of tundra or near the surface of the sea floor to wipe out most of the life on Earth. And with temperatures rising quickly as they are, the methane will also get released at an increasingly rapid rate. CO2 is bad enough. But methane is 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where is the tundra and methane in the sea. In the coldest parts of the Earth. What is warming most quickly? The coldest parts of the Earth.

earth's temperature throughout history.gif
They look pretty brown to me. Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about them. But I do.



Is that happening here? That aside, the slavery that we foster in other countries is indeed disgusting. And don't forget the child labor! That is why I said earlier that globalists deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot.

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