You Tell Me...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
So, you tell me.

I took this photo on June 2, 2010, in San Diego, California. A friend and I were in the "Old Town" section of San Diego, exploring the El Campo Santo (the holy field). The cemetery is right down the street from the Whaley House, which has been called the most haunted house in America by Life Magazine and the Travel Channel. I've been in the house several times. I have no doubt the place is haunted.

Anyway, this photo was taken with a Canon G10. The exposure time was 15 seconds at f/3.5. My buddy and I were the only two people in the cemetery. It was a little after 10:00pm. I set the camera on a cement pillar and hit the shutter release. At the time, my buddy was about 60' off to my left.


What do you think I got?
oh....sorry. I forgot of course.

well. what do you think it is?
I always shy away from saying things like "Hey, look at this picture of a ghost I took!"

I also never tell anyone where to look in a photo. While I think it's pretty evident here, I know people who'll take a picture and then think they see something in it. The problem is that no one else can see it until the photographer points it out to them.

What do I think it is? I think it's the bustle skirt of a woman (some have suggested it's Anna Whaley, but there's really no basis for that).

Some have suggested that it's simply someone else who I didn't realize was in the cemetery or some sort of odd reflection of a car headlight going by. The most compelling argument to that is that the white area in the photo is perfectly sharp. This was a 15 second exposure. Anything that was moving past the lens would be, at best, a blur. With a 15 second exposure, though, you probably wouldn't even something moving from one side of the frame to the other.

Honestly, I don't know what it is. Neither does any of the staff at the Whaley House, the San Diego Paranormal Research Society or The Atlantic Paranormal Society.

It's one of those photos I've taken that I look at and just go "Huh..."
So, you tell me.

I took this photo on June 2, 2010, in San Diego, California. A friend and I were in the "Old Town" section of San Diego, exploring the El Campo Santo (the holy field). The cemetery is right down the street from the Whaley House, which has been called the most haunted house in America by Life Magazine and the Travel Channel. I've been in the house several times. I have no doubt the place is haunted.

Anyway, this photo was taken with a Canon G10. The exposure time was 15 seconds at f/3.5. My buddy and I were the only two people in the cemetery. It was a little after 10:00pm. I set the camera on a cement pillar and hit the shutter release. At the time, my buddy was about 60' off to my left.

View attachment 527948

What do you think I got?
Look at your phone right now. See this website? Yep. Now defocus your eyes a bit. See that? Your reflection. I would guess this is just an artifact of light being reflected partially off of one of the lens surfaces. You are much more likely to get these image artifacts with a darker background. That's why these double-exposure-looking images on digital cameras always seem to be dark images.
So, you tell me.

I took this photo on June 2, 2010, in San Diego, California. A friend and I were in the "Old Town" section of San Diego, exploring the El Campo Santo (the holy field). The cemetery is right down the street from the Whaley House, which has been called the most haunted house in America by Life Magazine and the Travel Channel. I've been in the house several times. I have no doubt the place is haunted.

Anyway, this photo was taken with a Canon G10. The exposure time was 15 seconds at f/3.5. My buddy and I were the only two people in the cemetery. It was a little after 10:00pm. I set the camera on a cement pillar and hit the shutter release. At the time, my buddy was about 60' off to my left.

View attachment 527948

What do you think I got?

Could it be a photograph of a being from a parallel dimension? Quantum physics 101: certain particles/molecules do not exist (in our dimension) unless and until we can interact with them. otherwise, great photoshop!
Look at your phone right now. See this website? Yep. Now defocus your eyes a bit. See that? Your reflection. I would guess this is just an artifact of light being reflected partially off of one of the lens surfaces. You are much more likely to get these image artifacts with a darker background. That's why these double-exposure-looking images on digital cameras always seem to be dark images.

I don't access this forum on my phone, but that's not really germane. There was nothing to be reflected.

Also, if you look at the fences and the gravestones, their edges seem to be a bit "soft". Whatever that white thing is is pretty tack sharp.

You're not the first to say it might be reflected light. However, every group I've taken this (probably a half dozen or so) is quick to dismiss that as a cause...
Could it be a photograph of a being from a parallel dimension? Quantum physics 101: certain particles/molecules do not exist (in our dimension) unless and until we can interact with them. otherwise, great photoshop!
Nope, no photoshop at all.

There'd really be no point in doing something like that...
I don't access this forum on my phone, but that's not really germane. There was nothing to be reflected.
Of course there is. Your entire surroundings. You weren't inside a black hole. Lenses are curved. The more toward the edge the reflection is, the further from straight ahead the reflected object is. The angle of the field that can be reflected is much wider than the angle of field of view of the camera.

Also, if you look at the fences and the gravestones, their edges seem to be a bit "soft". Whatever that white thing is is pretty tack sharp.
That only makes sense, as they have different perceived distances. In another image taken one second later, you might see sharp boundaries of the fences and a blurrier image of the reflected artifact object.

You're not the first to say it might be reflected light.
Of course. Because that explanation makes the most sense.
Of course there is. Your entire surroundings. You weren't inside a black hole. Lenses are curved. The more toward the edge the reflection is, the further from straight ahead the reflected object is. The angle of the field that can be reflected is much wider than the angle of field of view of the camera.

That only makes sense, as they have different perceived distances. In another image taken one second later, you might see sharp boundaries of the fences and a blurrier image of the reflected artifact object.

Of course. Because that explanation makes the most sense.

Well, it's not reflected light. Every single organization which has examined this photo has been quick to dismiss that...
Well, it's not reflected light. Every single organization which has examined this photo has been quick to dismiss that...
Oh really? And what possibilities did they offer? Do they just think the laws of physics were suspended for a moment? Come on.
Oh really? And what possibilities did they offer? Do they just think the laws of physics were suspended for a moment? Come on.

Dismissing something as a cause doesn't automatically equate to them knowing what the cause is. No one knows what it is.

The San Diego Paranormal Research Society was so perplexed by it that they attempted to recreate it. They set up my camera right where I'd put it. The lights in that area of Old Town are mostly street lights, and there were no lights on that weren't on when I took my picture. Likewise, lights which were off when I took my photo were off for the recreation. The cemetery was empty. They took the photo at the same time of evening as I took mine. They even went so far as to make sure that things like the temperature and humidity were as close to what they were when I took my photo (that was something I'd not even considered).

They ended up with the photo you see below, a photo of an old graveyard, but without the white thing.

I don't know what the Hell it is, but I know what it isn't. Quite honestly, it doesn't matter to me if I ever definitively find out (not that I ever really could, I guess). It's a photo which always stirs discussion...
So, you tell me.

I took this photo on June 2, 2010, in San Diego, California. A friend and I were in the "Old Town" section of San Diego, exploring the El Campo Santo (the holy field). The cemetery is right down the street from the Whaley House, which has been called the most haunted house in America by Life Magazine and the Travel Channel. I've been in the house several times. I have no doubt the place is haunted.

Anyway, this photo was taken with a Canon G10. The exposure time was 15 seconds at f/3.5. My buddy and I were the only two people in the cemetery. It was a little after 10:00pm. I set the camera on a cement pillar and hit the shutter release. At the time, my buddy was about 60' off to my left.

View attachment 527948

What do you think I got?

Is that Casper behind the wooden fence?

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