You On A Space Mission


May 13, 2011
Well, we know NASA is about to hang up part of it's program, but what if you were given the chance to take a shuttle up into space, would you jump at the chance??
Or tell them a big Hell No??!
It would be sort of like the teacher in space thingie, you'd be a regular civilian, and the others would know what they were doing.
You'd get shot up into space, in a space shuttle, much like Challenger, and you'd have the same odds as Challenger- you might have a safe trip there and back, or you might end up part of another disaster in our history.
So, does it sound appealing?? Think of the photos you can take, the stories you can tell when you get back-just one helluva experience.
Or if something goes wrong, you won't be coming back, and you will have left behind loved ones no doubt, who probably were telling you "I told you not to do it!" :lol:
Me-no way babes. I stay firmly planted on this ground right here. I know I'm gonna die, but I also know it isn't going to be in a damn shuttle tossing my ass into space at a zillion miles an hour.
I'm not generally claustrophobic because logically I know that there is usually a way out of a tight spot or that it's very temporary, but that situation would freak me out....I'd feel the same about being in a small sub in the deep sea.:eek:

Hell NO!

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