you can't grow your own food and consume for a group party or for your family

1st post
Obamaturd is probably sitting on his throne laughing. This is so typical.

I have been to too many local farm family pig pickings where they feed from what they grow, they have guns and are not afraid to use them let some guberment official come to one of those party's and do what that witch did.
That is the reason the lefties want to take your guns also, so they can come in and do what they want. Remember the 2nd amendment was written to protect ourselves against a tyrannical gov't.

My guns ain't for sale and I don't give them away so they ain't taking a damn thing.
Mainstream media

You mean like Fox News?

won't report it if it makes obamaturd look bad.

You mean like talking about Obama's low approval ratings, the Fast and Furious scandal, etc?

Batter up the lead off hitter is in the middle he's switch hitter batting lefty today.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.
I have been to too many local farm family pig pickings where they feed from what they grow, they have guns and are not afraid to use them let some guberment official come to one of those party's and do what that witch did.
That is the reason the lefties want to take your guns also, so they can come in and do what they want. Remember the 2nd amendment was written to protect ourselves against a tyrannical gov't.

My guns ain't for sale and I don't give them away so they ain't taking a damn thing.
You far, far, far right militia wacks are beyond silly, you are sick.

That's OK Jake well defend your liberty's also.
Indeed. Every society has it's share of pussy hacks.

Liberty should be defended even for those willing to give it away for some sense of guberment protection.:eusa_whistle: Why bother when they tried to give it way you may ask. Well even idiot people need help, I'm just a helpful guy.
5th post
That's OK Jake well defend your liberty's also.
Indeed. Every society has it's share of pussy hacks.

Liberty should be defended even for those willing to give it away for some sense of guberment protection.:eusa_whistle: Why bother when they tried to give it way you may ask. Well even idiot people need help, I'm just a helpful guy.
Fair enough. I defended them too because it was the correct, just, and moral thing to do...just sayin'. ;)
You mean like Fox News?

You mean like talking about Obama's low approval ratings, the Fast and Furious scandal, etc?

Batter up the lead off hitter is in the middle he's switch hitter batting lefty today.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Maybe so but I tend to view him as one of those who go with the political winds. Those are the type that seem to miss the important issues. Maybe tumbleweed would be a more suitable moniker for him.
Batter up the lead off hitter is in the middle he's switch hitter batting lefty today.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Maybe so but I tend to view him as one of those who go with the political winds. Those are the type that seem to miss the important issues. Maybe tumbleweed would be a more suitable moniker for him.
Fence sitters irk me too. Principles and sticking to them mean nothing to some.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?

Or, would you care to move away from insinuations and actually discuss the topic at hand, instead of making blanket accusations simply because I expressed a different opinion on this particular topic than you. You might gain some wisdom. I probably have a much better frame of reference on this particular subject than you do. Which is why I see this is much ado about nothing, other than someone simply not wanting to abide by the law.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?

Or, would you care to move away from insinuations and actually discuss the topic at hand, instead of making blanket accusations simply because I expressed a different opinion on this particular topic than you. You might gain some wisdom. I probably have a much better frame of reference on this particular subject than you do. Which is why I see this is much ado about nothing, other than someone simply not wanting to abide by the law.
I side with the Founders and liberty they fought for and secured every time.

Try it.
10th post
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?

Or, would you care to move away from insinuations and actually discuss the topic at hand, instead of making blanket accusations simply because I expressed a different opinion on this particular topic than you. You might gain some wisdom. I probably have a much better frame of reference on this particular subject than you do. Which is why I see this is much ado about nothing, other than someone simply not wanting to abide by the law.
As I said he's a tumbleweed that always miss the important issues. Ignore me oh well.
He isn't in the 'Middle' by any means. He's chosen a moniker that by any stretch is a cop out, and mainly left leaning in his posts.

Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?

Or, would you care to move away from insinuations and actually discuss the topic at hand, instead of making blanket accusations simply because I expressed a different opinion on this particular topic than you. You might gain some wisdom. I probably have a much better frame of reference on this particular subject than you do. Which is why I see this is much ado about nothing, other than someone simply not wanting to abide by the law.
I side with the Founders and liberty they fought for and secured every time.

Try it.
That's what I don't get about some they seem to think what the founders did was nothing UN-important. nothing to do with today. I really pity them.
Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?
Wait a minute. You are saying I am a half a step away from Al Qaeda. how can that be I hate everything about obama I would never side with his friends, that he helped in libya.
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I side with the Founders

No you don't. You side with some of them whom you eventually discovered said things that agreed with your already determined political views. You often reject the founders if they disagree with your views.

and liberty they fought for and secured every time.

I notice how you're not actually addressing anything in all of this. All you're doing is trying to create an image that I am somehow "bad," with the implication that I somehow am opposed to freedom. That's a hack's tactic who has nothing to actually offer. Why are you resorting to such? I'll repeat, this is much ado about nothing other than someone not wanting to abide by the law. What is your objection to my stance?
Well this is right in my area of expertise. I have not worked in Nevada so I don't know the health codes there but anywhere I have worked, if you are selling food product you are subject to health department regulations. If you are just giving it away, that's usually something different. But a couple things caught my attention.

1) It appears that the health department was tipped off. By who?

2) The manner in which the health inspector was operating was indicative of someone with an agenda. I have dealt with health inspectors for 27 years and most of them are reasonable, but there are a select few that can act like Hitler with a badge.

My guess is that a competitor to this business got wind of the event, tipped off the health department, and asked them to shut it down. This implies that the inspector or her supervisor was on the payroll of the other business which is actually very commonplace in some cities. I worked in restaurants and resorts in Phoenix for 15 years and I can assure you without question that bribing the health department is considered a standard business expense for a major operation. In Las Vegas....almost certainly more so than Phoenix.

My experience in this industry tells me that this was almost certainly a directed attack by a competitor....or retaliation by the health department for the business refusing to "pay for protection" so to speak.
This is the inevitable result when you surrender your individual power to the state.

Yet folks still argue that doing so is a good idea. I hope they have a visual of that hairy-butt-ugly-ass functionaire in their heads whenever they think about it. (But I imagine they have a visual of Mary Poppins instead.)

Reality is not a strong suit for too many.
I side with the Founders

No you don't. You side with some of them whom you eventually discovered said things that agreed with your already determined political views. You often reject the founders if they disagree with your views.

and liberty they fought for and secured every time.

I notice how you're not actually addressing anything in all of this. All you're doing is trying to create an image that I am somehow "bad," with the implication that I somehow am opposed to freedom. That's a hack's tactic who has nothing to actually offer. Why are you resorting to such? I'll repeat, this is much ado about nothing other than someone not wanting to abide by the law. What is your objection to my stance?
SHOW me where I have rejected them? Hint: YOU CAN'T.
Apparently you're blind. Either that, or about as extremist as bigreb there, who's landed himself on my ignore list for being about a half step away from Al Qaeda. So tell, which is it?

Or, would you care to move away from insinuations and actually discuss the topic at hand, instead of making blanket accusations simply because I expressed a different opinion on this particular topic than you. You might gain some wisdom. I probably have a much better frame of reference on this particular subject than you do. Which is why I see this is much ado about nothing, other than someone simply not wanting to abide by the law.
I side with the Founders and liberty they fought for and secured every time.

Try it.
That's what I don't get about some they seem to think what the founders did was nothing UN-important. nothing to do with today. I really pity them.
In all actuality? It has everything to do with the history of Human kind...they hit a forula that is copied worldwide...just look at the millions trying to get into this country?

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