Yet Another Israeli Injustice To Palestinians

[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

I have to laught, the Jews say God gave them the land a few thousand years ago , and look how well yous took care of it. Apparently you's didn't want to care for the land either, which is why most of you stayed in Babylon, moved to Russia, Poland, and Germany, USA and wanted to live in the already built up areas. What a joke.

Not as big a joke as yous muslims that could not care a fig about Jerusalem until the Jews looked like taking it over. All down history there are stories of how the most holy of places outside of mecca has been abandoned by the muslims and left to rot
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.

Cheap medical equipment for starters, many innovations in medicine, plenty of innovations in computers, many new practises in food production. Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack in the last 20 years because it will have been Israeli technology that will have saved their lives. Now what have the Palestinians ever done for the betterment of mankind, apart from violence, blood lust and terrorism
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.

Cheap medical equipment for starters, many innovations in medicine, plenty of innovations in computers, many new practises in food production. Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack in the last 20 years because it will have been Israeli technology that will have saved their lives. Now what have the Palestinians ever done for the betterment of mankind, apart from violence, blood lust and terrorism

nothing specific I see. I am aware that the Jews take credit for others all throughout history. Now name me one thing before 1 AD.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.

You want the Israelis to give back land they purchased from Arabs?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.

You want the Israelis to give back land they purchased from Arabs?

They need to go back to the illegal UN resolution of 1948 land divide. The fews farml ands they bought in the early 1900's didn't amount to much. So yes I do.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.

You want the Israelis to give back land they purchased from Arabs?

They need to go back to the illegal UN resolution of 1948 land divide. The fews farml ands they bought in the early 1900's didn't amount to much. So yes I do.
You don't honor a deed? And FYI, private citizens and the government paid for a lot of land the Arabs were willing to sell. Warning: Don't play poker with me and then cry for your money back.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
Jews are not Pagans, actually the first Monotheistic religion in history.
The rest is just a bunch of self opposing nonsense, you are talking about who established Israel? Fine as long as you are willing to answer the same question about the rest of the world or at least the ME and in case it gets a little complicated you can simply start with the virtual Palestinian state of no borders claiming over a designated state territory with all means necessary.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
Jews are not Pagans, actually the first Monotheistic religion in history.
The rest is just a bunch of self opposing nonsense, you are talking about who established Israel? Fine as long as you are willing to answer the same question about the rest of the world or at least the ME and in case it gets a little complicated you can simply start with the virtual Palestinian state of no borders claiming over a designated state territory with all means necessary.

You don't even believe your own OT. Ezra ok, Its one thing to worship your own God when things are going well, but to yet believe and then go off and worship other Gods is quite another. You were never true monotheists, because even your Kings would build altars to other God, and intermarriage was a huge problem was it not.
Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
Jews are not Pagans, actually the first Monotheistic religion in history.
The rest is just a bunch of self opposing nonsense, you are talking about who established Israel? Fine as long as you are willing to answer the same question about the rest of the world or at least the ME and in case it gets a little complicated you can simply start with the virtual Palestinian state of no borders claiming over a designated state territory with all means necessary.

You don't even believe your own OT. Ezra ok, Its one thing to worship your own God when things are going well, but to yet believe and then go off and worship other Gods is quite another. You were never true monotheists, because even your Kings would build altars to other God, and intermarriage was a huge problem was it not.
Intermarriage was forbidden once God gave the Tablets of Stone, not before, however I have no idea what you're trying to squeeze out of this, so be specific, and I'll gladly explain every matter in detail.
And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
Jews are not Pagans, actually the first Monotheistic religion in history.
The rest is just a bunch of self opposing nonsense, you are talking about who established Israel? Fine as long as you are willing to answer the same question about the rest of the world or at least the ME and in case it gets a little complicated you can simply start with the virtual Palestinian state of no borders claiming over a designated state territory with all means necessary.

You don't even believe your own OT. Ezra ok, Its one thing to worship your own God when things are going well, but to yet believe and then go off and worship other Gods is quite another. You were never true monotheists, because even your Kings would build altars to other God, and intermarriage was a huge problem was it not.
Intermarriage was forbidden once God gave the Tablets of Stone, not before, however I have no idea what you're trying to squeeze out of this, so be specific, and I'll gladly explain every matter in detail.

Moses wrote the stone tablets, Ezra came later and wrote on skins. Is that not right, and so why does the timing matter anyway. I also do not see where the intermarriage ended.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.

You want the Israelis to give back land they purchased from Arabs?

That would hardly be fair.
So long as it was purchased legally, without duress or as Palestinians were being forced out, and so long as it wasn't purchased from Israel or the Jewish Agency as seized land, then they should still hold title.

Only they would do so under the jurisdiction of Palestinian government and laws.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24
Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

Who cares. Nazis contributed quite a bit in terms of technology too. Where do you think Von Braun and his colleagues came from.?
And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

Who cares. Nazis contributed quite a bit in terms of technology too. Where do you think Von Braun and his colleagues came from.?

Will you be so kind as to educate those Zionists to at least some of the endless Palestinian contributions to the world?
Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
Jews are not Pagans, actually the first Monotheistic religion in history.
The rest is just a bunch of self opposing nonsense, you are talking about who established Israel? Fine as long as you are willing to answer the same question about the rest of the world or at least the ME and in case it gets a little complicated you can simply start with the virtual Palestinian state of no borders claiming over a designated state territory with all means necessary.

You don't even believe your own OT. Ezra ok, Its one thing to worship your own God when things are going well, but to yet believe and then go off and worship other Gods is quite another. You were never true monotheists, because even your Kings would build altars to other God, and intermarriage was a huge problem was it not.
Intermarriage was forbidden once God gave the Tablets of Stone, not before, however I have no idea what you're trying to squeeze out of this, so be specific, and I'll gladly explain every matter in detail.

Moses wrote the stone tablets, Ezra came later and wrote on skins. Is that not right, and so why does the timing matter anyway. I also do not see where the intermarriage ended.
wrong, this is the only answer I'm going to give you now on once you simply repeat yourself and you should read the OT once instead of wild guessing, I've told you this quite enough.
Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

I am not bothering to read a list , thanks to Germany and American universities and the Zionist movement.

Now what I asked for Marg, a list before 1 AD. I would like to know what the Jews invented and gave to the world?? (Before their migration to all the European cities and the USA)

and then if you could please tell my why you need American aid.
And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

I am not bothering to read a list , thanks to Germany and American universities and the Zionist movement.

Now what I asked for Marg, a list before 1 AD. I would like to know what the Jews invented and gave to the world?? (Before their migration to all the European cities and the USA)

and then if you could please tell my why you need American aid.

Hey look at the bright side. Keep sending you tax dollars to Israel & I will tell Israel to plant a tree in your name to thank you.
Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

I am not bothering to read a list , thanks to Germany and American universities and the Zionist movement.

Now what I asked for Marg, a list before 1 AD. I would like to know what the Jews invented and gave to the world?? (Before their migration to all the European cities and the USA)

and then if you could please tell my why you need American aid.

Hey look at the bright side. Keep sending you tax dollars to Israel & I will tell Israel to plant a tree in your name to thank you.

No thanks.
Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

I am not bothering to read a list , thanks to Germany and American universities and the Zionist movement.

Now what I asked for Marg, a list before 1 AD. I would like to know what the Jews invented and gave to the world?? (Before their migration to all the European cities and the USA)

and then if you could please tell my why you need American aid.

Hey look at the bright side. Keep sending you tax dollars to Israel & I will tell Israel to plant a tree in your name to thank you.

No thanks.

Don't you think it would be wonderful if Israel ended their damn Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concesssions to Palestinians & started treated them with the same love, justice & respect they have been accustomed to from the surrounding Arab countries?
Really, name a few.

Aw, bless you dear for asking to learn some of Israel's endless contributions to the world. Would you like to learn way more?

Amazing Israeli contributions to the World News24

I am not bothering to read a list , thanks to Germany and American universities and the Zionist movement.

Now what I asked for Marg, a list before 1 AD. I would like to know what the Jews invented and gave to the world?? (Before their migration to all the European cities and the USA)

and then if you could please tell my why you need American aid.

Hey look at the bright side. Keep sending you tax dollars to Israel & I will tell Israel to plant a tree in your name to thank you.

No thanks.

Don't you think it would be wonderful if Israel ended their damn Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concesssions to Palestinians & started treated them with the same love, justice & respect they have been accustomed to from the surrounding Arab countries?

When you respond to my question which you completely ignore, I'll respond to yours.:D

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