Yet Another Israeli Injustice To Palestinians

Well, I guess that if Israel kills 500 Palestinian children in 3-4 week operation, if they save a few Palestinians at the same time it can't be a bad thing.

If the palestinans did not use their children as human shields then none would have been killed, but then team Palestine would not have any propaganda
Palestinian children die because the thug leadership of Hamas does its best that they don't die: let the kids do it for them.

Since Palestinians overwhelmingly want the killing to stop, sooner or later they will rise up and destroy the thugsters of Hamas.

Yeah right, the Israeli bombs didn't kill those kids, it was Hamas.

Under International law yes it was
As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Wow, you are truly out of your mind and brainwashed. So, a bunch of Europeans invade Palestine, take the homes and land from the people who live there evict them and the Palestinians should be grateful. Do you even realize what a nutcase you are?

Wrong as the bunch of Europeans were Jews with more genetic right to the land than the arab muslims ever had. They did not invade they were invited over by the lands LEGAL OWNERS between 1850 and 1948. The arab muslims had not owned the land since 1099 when they were evicted and ethnically cleansed. Now try reading the rules of the mandate and see who is the NUTCASE child because you are very close to being a complete moron.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Palestinians killed: 2,139

Palestinian children killed: 490

Israeli soldiers killed: 64

Israeli civilians killed: 6

Israeli children killed: 1

Palestinians wounded: 11,000

Palestinian children wounded: 3,000

Gaza residents displaced: Up to 500,000

Homes destroyed in Gaza: 20,000

Source: UN

Israel-Gaza conflict 50-day war by numbers - Middle East - World - The Independent

Blame hamas for being so idiotic and pig headed
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.
The Palestinians - and their Useful Idiots worldwide - cannot bring themselves to admit that the Jews of Old Palestine (later, Israel) transformed that land into arable, useful and productive land and re-tasked it for productive purposes - utilizing their own hands, sweat and labor, and that incoming Western (and American) foreign aid had very little to do with that.

Why can't the Palestinians and their shills admit that?

Because then they'd have to admit that the Palestinians failed to do the same thing over the decades and centuries, and that the Palestinians are less motivated and eager to improve conditions, and less visionary and capable and competent, than the Jews whom they despise and whom they greatly envy. Jealousy is a powerful motivator.

We (the United States) did not even begin to provide Economic Aid to Israel until the 1950s, years, and decades, after so much of the transformation had already occurred.

The US has, indeed, pumped some considerable economic aid into Israel in the past - although we stopped that within the past 10 years.

Why did we supply such aid?

Probably because we like Jews much better than we like Muslims.

And, come to think of it, why didn't the Arabs, and the Muslim world at-large, pump more Economic Aid into the Palestinian areas?

Lord knows that the Saudis and Egyptians and Iraqis could certainly have spared it in years past.

Then again, given that the Egyptians and Jordanians, et al, have joined the Israelis in blockading the Palestinians, perhaps the rest of the Arabs like the Jews better than the Palestinians, too.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.
The Palestinians - and their Useful Idiots worldwide - cannot bring themselves to admit that the Jews of Old Palestine (later, Israel) transformed that land into arable, useful and productive land and re-tasked it for productive purposes - utilizing their own hands, sweat and labor, and that incoming Western (and American) foreign aid had very little to do with that.

Why can't the Palestinians and their shills admit that?

Because then they'd have to admit that the Palestinians failed to do the same thing over the decades and centuries, and that the Palestinians are less motivated and eager to improve conditions, and less visionary and capable and competent, than the Jews whom they despise and whom they greatly envy. Jealousy is a powerful motivator.

We (the United States) did not even begin to provide Economic Aid to Israel until the 1950s, years, and decades, after so much of the transformation had already occurred.

The US has, indeed, pumped some considerable economic aid into Israel in the past - although we stopped that within the past 10 years.

Why did we supply such aid?

Probably because we like Jews much better than we like Muslims.

And, come to think of it, why didn't the Arabs, and the Muslim world at-large, pump more Economic Aid into the Palestinian areas?

Lord knows that the Saudis and Egyptians and Iraqis could certainly have spared it in years past.

Then again, given that the Egyptians and Jordanians, et al, have joined the Israelis in blockading the Palestinians, perhaps the rest of the Arabs like the Jews better than the Palestinians, too.

Fact is that Israel is stuck with the Palestinians mostly thanks to Jordan having the good sense to refuse Israel's offer to return the West Bank back to Jordan after the 67 war.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.
Whose money?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

The Arab-Muslims already have a 'Palestine' - it's called Jordan.

Why are there still Arab squatters in the Jewish part of Old Palestine?

Those squatters need to move to their own side of the divide.


"What's your dirt doin' in Boss Hogg's yard, Luke?"


"What's your Arabs doin' in Boss Bibi's country, Abdullah?"
Last edited:
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

I have to laught, the Jews say God gave them the land a few thousand years ago , and look how well yous took care of it. Apparently you's didn't want to care for the land either, which is why most of you stayed in Babylon, moved to Russia, Poland, and Germany, USA and wanted to live in the already built up areas. What a joke.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

I have to laught, the Jews say God gave them the land a few thousand years ago , and look how well yous took care of it. Apparently you's didn't want to care for the land either, which is why most of you stayed in Babylon, moved to Russia, Poland, and Germany, USA and wanted to live in the already built up areas. What a joke.

HUH??? Well then if Israel wrecked the land as you suggest, why would the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians even want to stay? I mean wouldn't they want to go live in some beautiful Arab country?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

So the pagan Jews hired people to build a city with money from the US , Zionist Jews and Germany, and what is that giving to us? The only thing I can see that came from it is wars and unrest in the ME, and more in the future.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Well it was Germany's ally that provided the land for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine along with the money to develop the area. They only spent the money on weapons so they could kill each other. Unlike Israel that spent the money on building a better nation and the rest of mankind, can you tell me what the muslims have invented that helps all of mankind ?

Israel's positive contributions to the world are endless. But let us also consider all of the Palestinians contributions to a better world. Fair enough everone?

Really, name a few.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

Have you even bothered to look at the truth about these billions of dollars, and just who gets 10 times as much aid as Israel does. By the way it wasn't Israel as it did not exist, but it was the Jews who migrated to Palestine at the request of the Ottomans who turned the wastelands of Palestine into fertile farmlands. That is why the arab muslims flocked to the area looking for work. If you also check you will find that while Jewish people were looking at ways to improve the crops the arab muslims were destroying what land they had by bad farming practises. Just look at modern day Israel and you will see green as far as the eye can see, and all done on less than 17 litres of water per person per day. The Palestinians are using 30 to 50 litres per person per day and still they want more because they are to used to waste.

Them German Jews did learn a lot and also thanks to the US as well, but the real Hebrews or Jews , whatever, were never able to hold onto any land in Israel. never was the Isralites e
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

And Germany's money.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those Zionists in Israel would help free the Palestinians from Israel's bondage by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

They are on their land, only not all of it. Give it back and free them. Why should they leave.

When did they acquire it legally then, can you produce the legal record of the transfer of the land from either of the two last legal owners. You could even produce a treaty signed by a Palestinian representative that says that the land is for the arab muslims and no one else. Not one of them has a title deed that was offered in the late 1800's by the Ottomans because they were greedy and cowards, you see part of the deal was that they would pay taxes and be available for conscription in case of war. Only landless vagabonds were exempted from taxation and conscription.

So that is why they should leave as their greed and cowardice has now backfired on them and the UN should be enforcing the laws they have made themselves.
[/COLOR]As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came hoards of Palestinians to claim it's their land. So what does Israel do? They make peace offerings to the Plaestinians, build a security fence, grant them their own land so the Palestinians can stay & even save their lives in Israeli hospitals. Shame on those Zionists in Israel for finding ways to get Israeli's killed by Palestinains.

Amazing . . . with billions upon billions upon billions of American taxpayer's dollars, it's hard to believe that Israel was capable of turning a wasteland into a thriving metropolis <guffaw>. ~ Susan
PS Ohhh MJ, you Zionist kid you <snicker>.

How much of the billions of dollars have to do with Israels economy genius? Israel is required to spend 75% of the money in the US for military purposes.
Many Arab countries are sitting atop hundreds of billions of dollars of oil, yet they turned out to be failed states. Why? Because money alone will not make a country successful.
You are just too filled with hate and stupidity to admit that Israelis are responsible for what the beautiful amazing state of Israel has become today.
Why do you insist on making a fool of yourself??

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