Yet Another Broken Promise


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "America's Reputation in the Muslim World Is Worse Than Ever

2. Despite a promise that America's reputation would be restored throughout the world during his tenure, public opinion of the United States is worse than ever in the Muslim world.

3. Attacks on American diplomatic institutions in Egypt, Libya and Yemen this week highlight the low approval ratings that the United States has in the Arab world.

4. A Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project poll completed in June showed that in places like Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan, U.S. favorability is lower now than it was at the end of President Bush's tenure.

5. ... there was a huge opportunity for President Obama to improve America's reputation at the beginning of his tenure. The simple explanation, however, is that he blew it.

6. ...there's been a ten percentage point drop in favorability in Muslim countries since 2009 and, specifically, a 19% drop in approval of President Obama's foreign policy.

7. A 2008 promise saw president-elect Obama saying "I think we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular." Obama also promised,

an "unrelenting" desire to "create a relationship of mutual respect and partnership in countries and with peoples of goodwill who want their citizens and ours to prosper together."
The world, he said, "is ready for that message."

"The message I want to send is that we will be unyielding in stamping out the terrorist extremism we saw in Mumbai," Obama said, adding that he plans to give a major address in an Islamic capital as part of his global outreach.

8. ... since 2009, there's been a near-universal decline in attitudes both towards President Obama and the United States generally.

9. Far from starting a new era of harmoney between the U.S. and predominantly Muslim countries, President Obama has fared even worse than President Bush.

10. The Washington Examiner's editorial today drove this point home, writing that President Obama's "grand vision" has been a failure.

There is nothing wrong with a president mouthing sweet nothings to the Islamic world. But there also comes a point when Americans must recognize them for the nothings they are."
America's Reputation in the Muslim World Is Worse Than Ever - Kevin Glass

Get that???

Obama compared by the Arab world to Bush.....

.....and Bush comes out ahead!!!
Yep, muslisms do love democrats, because when we have ambassadors killed, they do nothing....They looooove Carter and Obama.....and ALL muslilms look at them as pathetic and weak....
It's comes as no surprise. No one respects an ass kisser.
Calm down chick. Broken promises are the new norm for America. As well as disrespect. Which we unfortunately deserve
The American media's perception of President Obama as a universally-beloved figure is represented by remarks that The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg in the wake of the President's election in 2008:
There is almost this childish belief that on January 20, 2009 we will elect another president and that it will be Obama, or at least a woman, and the world will say “Oh great! Now we can like you again!”

There is this level of childish certainty in that -- that I find unfathomable. Because the next American president will have to advance America’s interests around the world. Some of those interests will have to be advanced in hard ways. I predict that if Barack Obama becomes president, by late 2009 the stories in newspapers in Europe and on TV across the Arab world will be “Oh my God, this Obama is like Bush Lite!”

Another failed kumbaya moment. Seriously a very childish view of the world.
You listed all conservitive sources, also when was the last time you were in the middle east? I was in Israel last month and in palastine and from what I can see, your wrong
You listed all conservitive sources, also when was the last time you were in the middle east? I was in Israel last month and in palastine and from what I can see, your wrong

I am sure your visit was comprehensive.

Why don't you tell us why she is wrong.

This should be fun.
"Promise" singular, but we STILL get 10 points! :eusa_eh:

From the dead people or illegals?

You'll have to ask PC if she's dead or illegal. I just know she can't count.


At first I believed you were simply the least articulate poster on the board.... I realize that the petulance you evinced in these two posts is based on the fact that, in another thread, you claimed that I misspelled 'illusion,' when in reality I had used, correctly, 'allusion.''re upset because you didn't know what 'allusion' meant?

Poor baby.
That's what happens when you play with the adults.

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