Yes! University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments
What effect were these statues having on your personal life?

Funny how the left pretends that the statues are some sort of insult, yet abortion, that is just a choice. The left wing has completely lost their collective minds.
Useful idiots. This is a communist regime attempting to overthrow our government.
I am not sure if they are communist or socialist subversives, all I know is they have lost their minds.
The Constitution has a method for new States to enter the union, it is silent on a States withdrawal. A federal court deciding in favor of the federal government, go figure. And the confederates didn't rebel and take it, they withdrew from the union and nationalized the assets with their territory. Much like the US did to indian lands.


Actually the Supreme Court ruled the Constitution declared secession invalid. Your disagreement with that judgement is irrelevant, it was still a rebellion.

And the Federal Court all the time rules against the government. We've seen it go against the Travel Ban of Trump and the recess appointments of Obama just for 2 simple examples. You can find plenty of them.

And again, you can't "nationalize assets" that are not yours. What you are saying they did is grounds for the US President to defend federal property.

What you are saying is you disagree with the Constitution. That's fine. That is your opinion if you disagree with the powers it gives. What that doesn't mean is that you get to say the Constitution is not the law of the land in the USA.

Actually what I'm saying is it is the law of the land, it didn't address secession meaning the States had the power to decide. Article 1. Section 10 list prohibitions of State powers, no where is secession addressed.

What your defense amounts to is "I disagree with their response".

Unfortunately that doesn't matter. Plenty of people disagreed with the Supreme Court ruling the 2nd Amendment protects the right to own a handgun and Washington DC's handgun law was invalid.

But that doesn't change that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction in law and fact on the cases it see's.

Any argument against that decision is saying we need to get the magic marker out and start crossing out things in the Constitution we disagree with. And I am going to sit here and defend the Constitution against those that want to do that with it.
Actually what I'm saying is it is the law of the land, it didn't address secession meaning the States had the power to decide. Article 1. Section 10 list prohibitions of State powers, no where is secession addressed.


And while you disagree with the Supreme Courts ruling that the Constitution did address secession, barring getting out a magic marker and crossing out the sections of the Constitution you disagree with, you are left with your opinion.
It was perfectly legal, only idiots and freaks try to judge people from those times by modern standards. Throughout history slaves have been held by every race yet it's only whites that get the brunt of the blame. As I said before, 47% of slave owners in SC at the time of the civil war were black. If we should decide to pay reparations, who pays their part?


Who's blaming whites? Not I. I'm talking the institution itself.
What effect were these statues having on your personal life?

Funny how the left pretends that the statues are some sort of insult, yet abortion, that is just a choice. The left wing has completely lost their collective minds.

A large number of those statues were erected well after the civil war, in the 20s when the KKK were at their height. It was their little reminder to the uppity nigras who was in charge..

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia
What effect were these statues having on your personal life?

Funny how the left pretends that the statues are some sort of insult, yet abortion, that is just a choice. The left wing has completely lost their collective minds.

A large number of those statues were erected well after the civil war, in the 20s when the KKK were at their height. It was their little reminder to the uppity nigras who was in charge..

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia
OK? So I asked, what effect they had on a person whom I am assuming doesn't live in Texas and even if they do what effect did they have on them before they became a point of contention.

Personally, I don't care if they are removed but what irks me is that the left wing is once again impressing their will onto the majority and are crowing about it. Yet they have a hard time winning elections. Seems so fascists to me.
OK? So I asked, what effect they had on a person whom I am assuming doesn't live in Texas and even if they do what effect did they have on them before they became a point of contention.

Personally, I don't care if they are removed but what irks me is that the left wing is once again impressing their will onto the majority and are crowing about it. Yet they have a hard time winning elections. Seems so fascists to me.

I'm not sure what you mean by the left wing is doing this. It's been a lot of Republican city councils that have been calling for the removal of these statues. Republican governors removing the flags. I personally don't think you have to be left or right wing to say those that rebelled against the US and waged a war to perpetuate slavery are bad and they don't deserve to have their statues on public land paid for by the government that they attempted to overthrow. I don't think you have to be left wing to stand up to the KKK and White Supremacists and Nazi's that are fighting to keep the monuments. If someone was to want to put a statue of Hassan Nidal the Fort Worth shooter up, I wouldn't care what "wing" was fighting for that statue to be erected so we wouldn't forget what he did, I'd be against his as well.
Sounds like Liberals in Texas have the Lone Star State offering its collective backside to Black and Hispanic and Progressive sensitivities.

Thereby becoming Snowflakes, themselves.

Hell, why don't you Texas Folk just bulldoze down the Alamo and tear-up your peace treaty with Santa Anna and give it all back to the Beaners?

It's not like you're willing to defend it worth a damn anymore... might as well just powder-puff up now and avoid the Christmas Rush.
What your defense amounts to is "I disagree with their response".

Unfortunately that doesn't matter. Plenty of people disagreed with the Supreme Court ruling the 2nd Amendment protects the right to own a handgun and Washington DC's handgun law was invalid.

But that doesn't change that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction in law and fact on the cases it see's.

Any argument against that decision is saying we need to get the magic marker out and start crossing out things in the Constitution we disagree with. And I am going to sit here and defend the Constitution against those that want to do that with it.

Really, what gives them the power to define marriage, rule on intrastate commerce or assume the powers of Congress and rewrite and reword laws? Just because they assume powers not granted in the Constitution doesn't make them right. You seem to be the one with the magic marker.

It was perfectly legal, only idiots and freaks try to judge people from those times by modern standards. Throughout history slaves have been held by every race yet it's only whites that get the brunt of the blame. As I said before, 47% of slave owners in SC at the time of the civil war were black. If we should decide to pay reparations, who pays their part?


Who's blaming whites? Not I. I'm talking the institution itself.

You're not paying attention to the news are you, also you are judging historical figures by todays standards. We should be dealing with today and stop trying to rewrite/erase history.

Really, what gives them the power to define marriage, rule on intrastate commerce or assume the powers of Congress and rewrite and reword laws? Just because they assume powers not granted in the Constitution doesn't make them right. You seem to be the one with the magic marker.


The Constitution gives them that power. It hands them the power to have jurisdiction over both law and fact, which is exactly what they used. Same as your gay marriage law example. The 14th Amendment said that no state can limit privelages or deny people equal protection of the law.

While I may not agree with the interpretation of the Supreme Court, or think the powers the US Constitution gave to them to have jurisdiction to both law and fact are too overreaching is irrelevant. I guess I could take the page out of another ideal and say that the government should only be listened to voluntarily and it's laws don't apply to me. But I am not an anarchist.
Really, what gives them the power to define marriage, rule on intrastate commerce or assume the powers of Congress and rewrite and reword laws? Just because they assume powers not granted in the Constitution doesn't make them right. You seem to be the one with the magic marker.


The Constitution gives them that power. It hands them the power to have jurisdiction over both law and fact, which is exactly what they used. Same as your gay marriage law example. The 14th Amendment said that no state can limit privelages or deny people equal protection of the law.

While I may not agree with the interpretation of the Supreme Court, or think the powers the US Constitution gave to them to have jurisdiction to both law and fact are too overreaching is irrelevant. I guess I could take the page out of another ideal and say that the government should only be listened to voluntarily and it's laws don't apply to me. But I am not an anarchist.

So everyone knows, I can't explain the quote, but it's way to put together to be mine and I have no recollection of posting that. Anyway, good response but it missed the mark by a mile. Man coughs planting bomb on a statue in Houston Saturday, statue gone in another Texas town on a university no less. The constitution does not advocate terrorism. Here you are using it ( the constitution) to justify an act of terror.
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.

We'll see.


Then the State will have to take that power away from the University.
Here's a fun fact about Texas.

The Constitution of the REPUBLIC of Texas (before Texas became a state) prohibited an individual slaveowner from freeing his slaves without

permission from the Texas Congress!

There's your conservative liberty!!
I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
I for one don't want the statues destroyed but put in a museum called


Put all the statues in each museum and tell the history of those Democrats who wanted to keep blacks in slavery and even after the war, terrorized the blacks with the KKK.. The more you teach people the REAL history of the Democrat party, the more they leave it. I have enlightened quite a few (Obama term) Black Folk about the racist democrats, and they no longer vote for the Racist Democrats ever again.
You know, the con-federates walked away from the Democrat Party in the election of 1860, right?
The Democratic Party is all about control, Hypocrisy and racism... more so now than ever
Nice Projection.....:lol:

How's it working out for you and the GOP with your control of all three branches of government and all those governorships?
That's the biggest difference between a progressive and a conservative, progressives want to control those they Disagree with... the same cannot be said for conservatives
How's all that, I mean...whining?

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