Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL

Only stoooopid people watch the NFL anyhow...........American Footbal has degenerated into...Mah Nigha is better dan yo Niggah...for the most part anyhow...a few token whites...but the overall picture is quite pathetic...why would a bunch of fools pay big bucks to watch a bunch of colored boys play ball?

The negroes should have their own league and the whites back in the good old days....if gorrillas could be trained to play football would they be allowed to play in the NFL...undoubtedly.

The current NFL football situation down here in Tampa is quite laughable....the bucs paid big big bucks for a negro quarterback that raped a white girl but got away with it because he was a star for the local team....then the bucs got the chance to get him and oh they rushed to do it...thinking he was just what they needed.............bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Now the loser keeps throwing interceptions etc.etc. and so on and so forth...despite all the build could see last year how the nfl controls the talking heads...they all kept heaping praise on the young quarterback ---how he was going to be so great....all simply because he was a for the second season in a row he is not living up to the praise...quite to the contrary he is a loser.

Folks need to understand what a lousy greedy organization the NFL by greedy morons who care nothing for sport....only want to enrich themselves.

People need to boycott and demand a return to segregated teams.....teams we could relate to...I have no desire to watch monkeys play any kind of ball nor do I care to watch colored boys play ball.

I would be interested in watching a championship black team play a championship white that would be very interesting. aka brawn vs. brains.
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Only stoooopid people watch the NFL anyhow...........American Footbal has degenerated into...Mah Nigha is better dan yo Niggah...for the most part anyhow...a few token whites...but the overall picture is quite pathetic...why would a bunch of fools pay big bucks to watch a bunch of colored boys play ball?

The negroes should have their own league and the whites back in the good old days....if gorrillas could be trained to play football would they be allowed to play in the NFL...undoubtedly.

Pure ignorance on par with Kilpatrick.

There are more than a few token whites and it is the best of the best. That is what matters. Same with the NBA.
I haven't watched a game this year and won't until they make a course correction on the handling of their "product" (players) and their willingness to sit back and allow their employees to show wanton disrespect for our citizens and country.

My stance entirely
the nfl is laughing .

Are Americans Tuning Out the NFL Over Protests?

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

A sizable number of Americans say they may give the National Football League a pass this year, thanks to the player protests over racial issues.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that nearly one-third (32%) of American Adults say they are less likely to watch an NFL game because of the growing number of Black Lives Matter protests by players on the field. Only 13% say they are more likely to watch a game because of the protests. Just over half (52%) say the protests have no impact on their viewing decisions. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Are Americans Tuning Out the NFL Over Protests? - Rasmussen Reports™
Maybe this season,,,,sooner or later those ad rates will collapse too
after the ratings are absorbed and the contracts expire, they will. They won't advertise where the public isn't. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Remember Target? hahahahahaha, they lost millions upon millions and now are reconsidering their bathroom decision. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
or, true!
The NFL doesn't care if you watch or not because there are 1000 more fans who will

You're an idiot. Of course the nfl cares. They want as many people watching as possible.

Actually, the main thing the NFL wants is to sell tickets and gear. TV ratings are relatively low on the priority list.

That's simply false. Television contracts are responsible for the lion's share of the NFL's revenue, and raitings dictate television contracts.


That is kind of common knowledge bud.

First of all, it would be impossible for you to actually know this, because the NFL does not disclose such financial reports.

Second, you're barking up the entirely wrong tree anyway. The NFL's top priority is ticket sales. In fact, ticket sales are such a priority that the NFL employs blackout procedures to protect ticket sales from degradation due to broadcast access to games. If a game doesn't sell out, it cannot be aired in the home team's primary market area. So even if we momentarily indulge your premise, ticket sales will still remain the first line priority.

Finally, the NFL does not sell TV ad time. The ad time is sold by the broadcasters.
My stance entirely
the nfl is laughing .
sure they are, thanks. not one game.
wishful thinking, you and your buddies may not attend or watch but millions more will, world wide.!
but they aren't and the statistics are there and being pointed out. so? just remember target.
but they are and target is standing strong .
so you're, as always wrong.
The Target boycott is costing more than anyone expected

"A boycott against Target over its bathroom policy seems to be costing the retailer more than anyone expected.

The boycott started in April after Target announced that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matched their gender identity."

Sports was a distraction from reality...that is why so many got wrapped up in the NFL nonsense to begin with. People being basically stupid always look for someway to escape the unpleasant truths of our society.

Now that race and politics is being injected into sports....sports fans are being forced to deal with said unpleasant is quite painful for many.

Do not look for this to go away....the NFL owners have a tiger by the tail and cannot let loose or it would devour them.......they will continue to support those engaged in forcing racism and politics into the games....because if they stopped...most of their black players aka most of their players would rebell and go on strike there is no turning will get much worse. Will the NFL surivive...I hope not.
Only stoooopid people watch the NFL anyhow...........American Footbal has degenerated into...Mah Nigha is better dan yo Niggah...for the most part anyhow...a few token whites...but the overall picture is quite pathetic...why would a bunch of fools pay big bucks to watch a bunch of colored boys play ball?

The negroes should have their own league and the whites back in the good old days....if gorrillas could be trained to play football would they be allowed to play in the NFL...undoubtedly.

Pure ignorance on par with Kilpatrick.

There are more than a few token whites and it is the best of the best. That is what matters. Same with the NBA.

Look here chump, what you do not understand is that sports/entertainment events are cultural in nature....most white folks do not care to watch a bunch of savages play football or any other game....they were gradually led down that path and they went along with it because they saw no way to stop it.

I would go so far to say most black folks are the same way...give the black or the white pop. the chance to vote on segreated leagues and I gurantee you most would vote for segregated sports teams.

People like to associate with their own one but the big boys wanted to integrate in the first place.

Now racism has been injected into the games in a very visible was always there since integration began but never so visible as now. You will soon see fights in the stadiums, on the parking lots etc. as the Negroes become bolder and more dedicated to exhibit their politics, and wishes and desires on white society.

People will eventually stop going and the whole shebang will collapse.
Lol, daws is such a fucking idiot, he thinks the NFL doesnt care if they lose advertising revenue.

In fact they are spending revenue to shore up their viewership, so it is even worse than you might think, roflmao.

The NFL has no "advertising revenue" to lose or "shore up". It doesn't sell advertising. TV networks and local stations do that. What the NFL has in that vein is contracts with TV outlets to broadcast. That's set in stone -- it doesn't change.

But do go on and tell us more about "fucking idiots" as this is most interesting. :popcorn:
Lol, daws is such a fucking idiot, he thinks the NFL doesnt care if they lose advertising revenue.

In fact they are spending revenue to shore up their viewership, so it is even worse than you might think, roflmao.

The NFL has no "advertising revenue" to lose or "shore up". It doesn't sell advertising. TV networks and local stations do that. What the NFL has in that vein is contracts with TV outlets to broadcast. That's set in stone -- it doesn't change.

But do go on and tell us more about "fucking idiots" as this is most interesting. :popcorn:

Yeah but the raitings will determine what the next round of tv contracts look like.
Lol, daws is such a fucking idiot, he thinks the NFL doesnt care if they lose advertising revenue.

In fact they are spending revenue to shore up their viewership, so it is even worse than you might think, roflmao.

The NFL has no "advertising revenue" to lose or "shore up". It doesn't sell advertising. TV networks and local stations do that. What the NFL has in that vein is contracts with TV outlets to broadcast. That's set in stone -- it doesn't change.

But do go on and tell us more about "fucking idiots" as this is most interesting. :popcorn:

Yeah but the raitings will determine what the next round of tv contracts look like.

Not really. They're gonna be football-type ratings. That's about all there is to it.
I haven't watched a game this year and won't until they make a course correction on the handling of their "product" (players) and their willingness to sit back and allow their employees to show wanton disrespect for our citizens and country.

Why the nerve of these players, daring to hold a contrary opinion How un-American. String 'em up. :death:
You're an idiot. Of course the nfl cares. They want as many people watching as possible.

Actually, the main thing the NFL wants is to sell tickets and gear. TV ratings are relatively low on the priority list.

That's simply false. Television contracts are responsible for the lion's share of the NFL's revenue, and raitings dictate television contracts.


That is kind of common knowledge bud.

First of all, it would be impossible for you to actually know this, because the NFL does not disclose such financial reports.

Second, you're barking up the entirely wrong tree anyway. The NFL's top priority is ticket sales. In fact, ticket sales are such a priority that the NFL employs blackout procedures to protect ticket sales from degradation due to broadcast access to games. If a game doesn't sell out, it cannot be aired in the home team's primary market area. So even if we momentarily indulge your premise, ticket sales will still remain the first line priority.

Finally, the NFL does not sell TV ad time. The ad time is sold by the broadcasters.

Feel stupid yet?
How the NFL makes the most money of any pro sport

"Another major money maker for the NFL is its four-year $4 billion partnership ($1 billion per season) with DirecTV—a service that allows viewers to watch every football broadcast on several channels. It attracts roughly 10 percent of DirecTV's 20 million subscribers to the satellite TV service, and is scheduled to end this year. With the acquisition of DirecTV by AT&T, the Sunday Ticket is likely to be renewed by DirecTV (AT&T has reserved the right to call off the deal in the event DirecTV loses the NFL); however, negotiations between the two have been ongoing, and at one point, DirecTV CFO Patrick Doyle said the NFL asking price was too high, and DirecTV would not pay significantly more than the current $1 billion per season."
I haven't watched a game this year and won't until they make a course correction on the handling of their "product" (players) and their willingness to sit back and allow their employees to show wanton disrespect for our citizens and country.

Why the nerve of these players, daring to hold a contrary opinion How un-American. String 'em up. :death:

They are welcome to hold contrary opinions (American or un-American) and demonstrate their personal feelings about it on their own time. I certainly wouldn't pay my employees to go out on my company time as representatives of my business and disrespect my paying customers and the nation that enables me to operate in good faith. It's not a good business model.

These folks can go protest and make statements all they want when they're not acting as a representative (employee) of mine. The NFL should grow some balls and get this situation corrected.

Just my two cents.
If they could punch each other in the face, it'd pass as a semi-interesting sport that isn't filled with girls on steroids.
I haven't watched a game this year and won't until they make a course correction on the handling of their "product" (players) and their willingness to sit back and allow their employees to show wanton disrespect for our citizens and country.

Why the nerve of these players, daring to hold a contrary opinion How un-American. String 'em up. :death:

They are welcome to hold contrary opinions (American or un-American) and demonstrate their personal feelings about it on their own time. I certainly wouldn't pay my employees to go out on my company time as representatives of my business and disrespect my paying customers and the nation that enables me to operate in good faith. It's not a good business model.

These folks can go protest and make statements all they want when they're not acting as a representative (employee) of mine. The NFL should grow some balls and get this situation corrected.

Just my two cents.

NOBODY is paid to keep their opinions "on their own time". That's thought control.

Where do you see a "disrespect of paying customers" anyway? Did some athlete get booed and respond by giving the fans the finger? THAT would qualify.

It is *NOT* the job of the NFL ---- or any other employer ---- to micromanage the thoughts inside its employees' heads. It never will be until we achieve total fascism.

This is the exact same lame argument for thought control that was going on the day I joined this site, interestingly also connected to professional sports, that being the rabid collective drooling by the firearm fetishists that "Bob Costas should be fired" for suggesting we have a gun culture in his commentary. This was accompanied by "David Gregory should be arrested", ""Piers Morgan should be deported" and some newspaper (I forget which one) should be "closed" for speaking out on the same issue and daring to question the gun-PC mentality.

"Fire him". "Deport him". "Arrest him". "Run them out of business". All for not following some party line. That's fucking fascism, it's what George Orwell warned us about, and it's indefensible.
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I haven't watched a game this year and won't until they make a course correction on the handling of their "product" (players) and their willingness to sit back and allow their employees to show wanton disrespect for our citizens and country.

Why the nerve of these players, daring to hold a contrary opinion How un-American. String 'em up. :death:

They are welcome to hold contrary opinions (American or un-American) and demonstrate their personal feelings about it on their own time. I certainly wouldn't pay my employees to go out on my company time as representatives of my business and disrespect my paying customers and the nation that enables me to operate in good faith. It's not a good business model.

These folks can go protest and make statements all they want when they're not acting as a representative (employee) of mine. The NFL should grow some balls and get this situation corrected.

Just my two cents.

NOBODY is paid to keep their opinions "on their own time". That's thought control.

Where do you see a "disrespect of paying customers" anyway? Did some athlete get booed and respond by giving the fans the finger? THAT would qualify.

It is *NOT* the job of the NFL ---- or any other employer ---- to micromanage the thoughts inside its employees' heads. It never will be until we achieve total fascism.

Really? So you are against police officers, teachers or other officials, and employees being fired for comments made on social media? Let me ask, are you okay with employees turning down service for military or police officers at restaurants? Do you think the owner of a establishment should have no say in employee behavior (representing their company towards customers) and operation of their business?

Btw (bonus question), are you against "temperament" being used as a benchmark for being fit for public office?

Do you really understand how business (employer/employee) works?
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