Yankee fakes ump into bad call


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Video: Yankees' Dewayne Wise makes disputed catch in stands

The play occurred with two outs in the seventh inning, when the Cleveland Indians' Jack Hannahan hit a pop fly toward the left field stands. Wise ran toward the ball and tumbled into the crowd in his attempt to catch the ball at Yankee Stadium.

What happens next would make five-time Academy Awards host and Yankee fan Billy

Wise was helped out of the stands and immediately ran toward the dugout as if it were the third out of the inning. Umpire Mike DiMuro was fooled in thinking Wise made the catch and called it an out when he actually dropped the ball.

"What was I supposed to do, run back to left field?" Wise said. "I saw him looking at my glove so I just got up, put my head down and ran off the field."

Wise pumped his glove like the ball was in it and met shortstop Derek Jeter for a high-five.
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That's part of the appeal; a human factor. Humans make mistakes, but they make them randomly.

In this case....some are just stupid

When have you ever seen an ump not ask for the ball?
This play is just another very sad example of the state of "major" league umpiring.

One of the most BASIC of umpire "responsibilities", beginning in pee-wee league baseball, is for the umpire to VERIFY that a catch was made BY LOOKING IN THE GLOVE OF THE FIELDER!

This umpire had his head up his ass TWICE on the same play!

Not only did this idiot NOT verify that the fielder had the ball in his glove, but he also didn't see the fan HOLDING THE BALL UP HIGH IN THE AIR after he retrieved the ball that the fielder dropped!
And the ump compounds the bs by kicking the guy out of the game. They do the same thing in basketball. The refs make a terrible call and then they T up the player for arguing.

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