Y2Kyoto: Tortured Temperatures


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
While media outlets scream “hottest ever” for the world in June and July (it’s summer) and opportunistic climate crusaders use those headlines to push the idea of a “climate crisis” the reality is for USA is that so far most of 2019 has been below normal, temperature-wise.

Little known data from the state of the art U.S. Climate Reference Network (which never seems to make it into NOAA’s monthly “state of the climate” reports) show that for the past nine months, six of them were below normal […]

The data, taken directly from NOAA’s national climate data page, shows not only that much of 2019 was below average, but that the US Temperature average is actually cooler now for 2019 than we were in 2005, when the dataset started.

Lots of data at the link.

‘Hidden’ NOAA temperature data reveals that 6 of the last 9 months were below normal in the USA – and NOAA can’t even get June right
But but its the end of the world unless we bankrupt ourselves to pay Gore and others large bucks so they can keep flying their private jets, personal limos and afford their large mansions.

Seriously though imagine how everyone felt during the end of the last ice age when they were upset that sea levels were rising, glaciers were receding, woolly mammoths were dying off. I bet they were wishing they had more electric trains and less large SUVs.
Dumb ass Progressives (Democrats) have been used a tools of these MAN made climate change alarmists. Sold a myth that they will "Save the Planet", and give their lives meaning that the so desperately crave. Useful idiots to be used by the elites like Gore, and the Democrat leadership.

All for a wealth, and income redistribution scheme to further consolidate wealth and power.
Both European "heat waves" were less than five days and short duration at or just below previous records. They were also localized to city locations where UHI was the primary driver and poor station siting.

These people dont remember that 50 years ago the average heat wave lasted 9-14 days but today they last no more than 5 days.

Regional weather events that balance the temperature of the hemisphere.

So many fools so little time.

June was -0.14 deg C below the data sets average and July is shaping up to be -0.78 deg C (depending on temps today).

The idiots are screaming AGW, while the earth is cooling over 73% of its surface area....

Source of graph, NOAA, available here

‘Hidden’ NOAA temperature data reveals that 6 of the last 9 months were below normal in the USA – and NOAA can’t even get June right
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