WTF Is WRONG With Liberals?

I haven't watched it as yet, but from the promo I saw on YouTube, it looks brilliant!!

I wish you were this passionate about mocking disabled people when Herr Trump was out on the campaign mocking a disabled reporter.

But you're a far rightwing hack, so that's not to be expected of you.

Keep up the poutrage though...let's see how it works out.
There are times when you appear to be a bright guy...then there are other times when you succumb to the 'stupid' that effects the rest of the Hillary/Obama loyalists, forcing you to resort to ignorant, childish personal attacks and the abandonment of real evidence.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal. The FBI declared it to be so. Comey admitted it.
The US IG pointed it out in his report. The US IG also pointed out the fact that 6 foreign entities acquired classified data illegally located on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server - none of which was investigated by the FBI that was protecting her from indictment and prosecution.

The only one proven by actual evidence to have colluded with Russians is Hillary Clinton.

Aside from the fact that she should have been indicted prior to the election, both the release of DNC e-mails and the DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile herself came out and exposed Hillary for rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, violating election laws, and breaking campaign finance laws.

Democrats have become so mentally unstable as to call the idea that 12 Russians hacking and stealing classified from Hillary's server is not only Trump's fault but also is as bad as 3,000 Americans being killed by Al Qaeda on 9/11/01.

And you want to attack ME for pointing out something - a fact?! REALLY?!

If Democrats really gave a damn about this country, about national security the scope of their investigation would not be the size of the inside of a paper towel roll and have a 'Nothing Related To Hillary / Obama' filter on it. After 3 years a plethora of evidence proving crimes committed by Democrats and Obama administration Cabinet Members and Agency Officials goes completely ignored because none of it fits the proven narrow goal of those doing the investigating...and you damn well know it...or am I giving you too much credit?

So spare me the condescending, hypocritical, petty bull crap and personal attacks.

You want to talk real, let's talk real. You want to do this 'dance' Hillary and Obama loyalists have done and continue to do go sit in the ball pit and joint their butt-hurt circle-jerk where evidence is not needed.

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