WTF Is WRONG With Liberals?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Attempted assassination of GOP representatives practicing softball.

Open calls from elected DNC officials for stalking, harassment, and violence against the GOP for having views contrary to their own.

Calling for the child of the President of the United States to be ripped from his mother's (the 1st Lady's) arms, kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles

Calling for women in the Trump administration to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped on camera for 'posterity' because of a policy enforced / practiced by Barak Obama

...and NOW mocking disabled vets as 'entertainment':


"Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm...“The disrespect of our U.S. military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse.”

“Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night, but HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country”

Obviously Liberals like Cohen considering mocking hard-working Middle Class Americans and disabled American Vets is 'entertaining'

Shame on Palin and her staff for being duped by this pathetic POS, but the real shame is how liberals like Cohen continue to try to make a living / a buck off of mocking hard-working Americans and disabled American heroes.

There is just no line Liberals will not cross....

“Sacha is a comedic genius who shocks you with his audacity, bravery and inventiveness,” Showtime Networks president/CEO David Nevins stated in the network’s press release."

Yes, in the liberal world mocking disabled Vets and hard-working Middle Class Americans makes you a 'genius'.


Welcome to the new, spiraling depravity of the Democratic party.

Sarah Palin Claims 'Evil' Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Her into an Interview by Posing as a Disabled Vet

The right aready doing everything it can to damage control this :laugh:
What's to 'control'? Palin's team got duped by a depraved POS who mocked disabled vets, believing this was 'entertainment'. 'The right' was not the only one who got duped by him, but you would know that if you bothered to actually read the article.
Their mask is off. Hillary is supposed to be the one nominating these Supreme Court justices. They realize that by the time Trump is done, they're screwed for generations. He's destroying the left, and it's a beautiful thing to witness.

Oh, one more thing. These democrats aren't "liberals". Liberals love law and order, the Constitution as written, and respect their opponents right to disagree. These creatures are socialists and communists.
Destroying lives is their utopia. I recently saw a photo in the news of gay men parading publicly in front of horrified children, completely nude.
We are dealing with depraved, soul-less individuals who want more than anything, to pull everyone down into their swamp of misery.
What better way than to destroy a Christian based society with a strong Constitution of equality and overall well being?

I would even go so far as to call it pure evil at work.
Pray, but also be prepared to take a stand.
Attempted assassination of GOP representatives practicing softball.

Open calls from elected DNC officials for stalking, harassment, and violence against the GOP for having views contrary to their own.

Calling for the child of the President of the United States to be ripped from his mother's (the 1st Lady's) arms, kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles

Calling for women in the Trump administration to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped on camera for 'posterity' because of a policy enforced / practiced by Barak Obama

...and NOW mocking disabled vets as 'entertainment':


"Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm...“The disrespect of our U.S. military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse.”

“Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night, but HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country”

Obviously Liberals like Cohen considering mocking hard-working Middle Class Americans and disabled American Vets is 'entertaining'

Shame on Palin and her staff for being duped by this pathetic POS, but the real shame is how liberals like Cohen continue to try to make a living / a buck off of mocking hard-working Americans and disabled American heroes.

There is just no line Liberals will not cross....

“Sacha is a comedic genius who shocks you with his audacity, bravery and inventiveness,” Showtime Networks president/CEO David Nevins stated in the network’s press release."

Yes, in the liberal world mocking disabled Vets and hard-working Middle Class Americans makes you a 'genius'.


Welcome to the new, spiraling depravity of the Democratic party.

Sarah Palin Claims 'Evil' Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Her into an Interview by Posing as a Disabled Vet

Oh. Ha. Well, those people are cultural Marxists. Not liberals.
Notice how the Board Antifa are shunning this thread?

If it does manage to take hold, watch as they get it moved to the Flame Zone.
Regressive Leftists, not liberals. These people are not liberal.
The Democratic party / Liberals were hijacked long ago. They embraced the new entity / direction their party was going when they got behind Barry...twice. They sold their soul - all-in - when they committed themselves to defending and supporting the Felon who could not win her own party's nomination, was given that nomination, then did not hesitate to break any and all laws necessary to win the WH in 2016...and failed.
Regressive Leftists, not liberals. These people are not liberal.
The Democratic party / Liberals were hijacked long ago. They embraced the new entity / direction their party was going when they got behind Barry...twice. They sold their soul - all-in - when they committed themselves to defending and supporting the Felon who could not win her own party's nomination, was given that nomination, then did not hesitate to break any and all laws necessary to win the WH in 2016...and failed.
Yes, for the most part.

Not coincidentally, the GOP has done something similar.

We desperately need a third party for the gigantic middle.
Regressive Leftists, not liberals. These people are not liberal.

I tend to agree. Many if not most liberals do not support the violence. Although many liberals DO support Socialism.
The Progressives are the main threat.

Their ideology is to completely transform (or destroy) America.
Create havoc and discord internally. Then when the time is just right, they can pull a Venezuelan upset.

They know what's coming and what the goal is and what it will take.
And that's exactly why they must disarm you first.

Portraying guns as wild, uncontrolled, baby murdering devices if necessary.
There is no limit to what they will do to disarm Americans. It's omnipotent to their agenda.

It's primarily why they are livid that Kavanaugh is Trump's pick.

Disarming Americans will depend on getting enough Progressive or at least anti-Constitutional Supreme Court InJustices on the bench to fabricate rulings that -re-interpret the 2nd amendment.

That's ALL it would take...5 Injustices (5 people) interpreting the 2nd as meaning only the military can bear arms. That day will be resounding victory for Communism globally.

If that doesn't send chills down you nothing will.
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Regressive Leftists, not liberals. These people are not liberal.
The Democratic party / Liberals were hijacked long ago. They embraced the new entity / direction their party was going when they got behind Barry...twice. They sold their soul - all-in - when they committed themselves to defending and supporting the Felon who could not win her own party's nomination, was given that nomination, then did not hesitate to break any and all laws necessary to win the WH in 2016...and failed.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a choice?

Instead, we often have to choose between 'Paycheck' Republicans and a dimocrap scumbag who will vote with Nazi Pelousy and/or Chuckie Schemer every single time.

Trump isn't just hated by dimocrap scum. He's hated by the paycheck Republicans, too.

But as bad as paycheck republicans are, they're nowhere near as scummy as the scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH on the other side.

And that's how paycheck republicans win. They're platform is basically, "I am not a dimocrap."

And often, that's enough for them to win

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