WSJ Poll: 41% Approve of Biden's Performance, 57% Disapprove

Thanks. I was pretty sure this is who you were talking about. They have nothing to do with the military.
I see that now. The trans thing isn't something I follow closely. I just glanced at a thread at some point. Could this not make it easier for such a thing to happen in the actual military?
I see that now. The trans thing isn't something I follow closely. I just glanced at a thread at some point. Could this not make it easier for such a thing to happen in the actual military?

Not really. There is no connection at all between the Military and those other agencies that are for some reason called Uniformed services
Is the top brass in the military not selected in a similar way?

A Flag Officer would have to work their way up from a Junior Officer, hard to do in high heels, they suck for marching
But they didn't say the 41% who approve of Biden also approve of his criminal family, inflation, military incompetence, failing schools, lockdowns and mandates, chain of supply failures, terrible appointees, overspending and high taxes, exploding crime and dangerous cities, nonexistent borders, a horrendous COVID response, overspending and legislative chaos, packing the SC and fixing elections. That's a lot of really short sighted, illogical, uninformed people.
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Let’s Go Brandon!

Almost 60% disapprove.

81 million!

Meanwhile, he's underwater with independents by 36%.

Only 30% of independent approve, vs. 60% who disapprove. Which means Democrats we’re heavily sampled in the poll.

We have never seen anything like this as far as numbers, even from Trump. Americans have smoke coming out their ears, do not trust the President, and openly dislike the VP on a massive scale. If 2022 happened tomorrow, the Left would lose 100 seats in the House, and 4 to 5 seats in the Senate.

But, it doesn't!

We are all salivating for November next year, and the Left is heading for the hills ASAP. And yet, even if/when we flip both chambers of congress, Biden and the Left will try and govern by EO. This is going to present a problem for the GOP, and that discussion is for another thread.

The ONLY way this is going to work out well for us Conservatives is.........if the chambers flip.......manage to get legislation PASSED to bolster states rights. That will insulate the states from most of the EOs the Left tries to get Biden to put through. That is a tall order for the GOP, since no matter what we think, they will NOT have a veto proof majority, and they will still have Biden or Harriss in the Whitehouse blocking everything.

And so, while the numbers look good for the future of the government as far as getting the Leftists out, I wouldn't want to be in charge of the GOP trying to figure out how to navigate what is going to be more hatred all around for the 2 years leading up to the Presidential election.

At first I thought he was a Navy admiral or something. I hadn't read into it much as this isn't a topic that I find particularly interesting. Still, a four star officer in a uniformed service branch of the United States. I wonder how long it will be before some male born Army general is walking around in heels.

Ask Miley about his high heel boots.
Lame poll run by leftists and Biden is protected by mainstream media, which Trump experienced the opposite where they LIED about Trump 24-7, 365.

If the media attacked Biden like they did Trump, only in Biden's case they could be honest for a change, then Xiden's approval would be 10.
Lame poll run by leftists and Biden is protected by mainstream media, which Trump experienced the opposite where they LIED about Trump 24-7, 365.

If the media attacked Biden like they did Trump, only in Biden's case they could be honest for a change, then Xiden's approval would be 10.

More proof that Bai Dung disapproval is at 78%.

More proof that Bai Dung disapproval is at 78%.


When a poll is that hard in one direction you know its bullshit.

At least 40% is going to vote for Biden. That is just a fact and there is no way around that.

When a poll is that hard in one direction you know its bullshit.

At least 40% is going to vote for Biden. That is just a fact and there is no way around that.

Hah!, It makes Jimmy Carter look absolutely brilliant. Then again you accept the disapproval rate for the 45th president as gospel. Yet, you question the disapproval rate for Bai Dung... Why is that? Biased anyone?
What with the climate of dysfunctionality from the pandemic what in the hell do you expect?
The best I could ever say about Biden is that he's not as bad as Trump, and he is essentially not a horrible person. But the foretellers of doom might want to keep in mind that Obama had 55 disapproval in 02, Clinton 54 in 97, Reagan 56 in 83 (there was a time when he looked distinctly like a one termer, and he was ok with it) soooo people should hold their water. The dems are probably doomed in 22, unless Justices Keggers and Amy bail them out.

And if anyone wonders how Trump lost, it's in the link. LOL
Hah!, It makes Jimmy Carter look absolutely brilliant. Then again you accept the disapproval rate for the 45th president as gospel. Yet, you question the disapproval rate for Bai Dung... Why is that? Biased anyone?
Care to prove that asinine assertion.
The best I could ever say about Biden is that he's not as bad as Trump, and he is essentially not a horrible person. But the foretellers of doom might want to keep in mind that Obama had 55 disapproval in 02, Clinton 54 in 97, Reagan 56 in 83 (there was a time when he looked distinctly like a one termer, and he was ok with it) soooo people should hold their water. The dems are probably doomed in 22, unless Justices Keggers and Amy bail them out.

And if anyone wonders how Trump lost, it's in the link. LOL
However, Biden's numbers do not reflect any of those examples. They are much more like Trump's numbers. We know how that worked out for Trump....
More proof that Bai Dung disapproval is at 78%.

Virginia Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General, and House of Delegates all went from D to R last month. Only reason Senate didn’t flip is they don’t get elected until 23.
Care to prove that asinine assertion.
Poll numbers don't accurately measure how well a potus is performing because often times factors (like inflation today) are not really caused by the current potus's actions. Carter actually nominated Volker to the fed and began raising rates to kill inflation, and his admin put the military funding we had at the time into the R&D that benefited us in the 80s and 90s. He was a terrible politician though. Reagan, for whatever else he may have been, was a master at the game. And HW and Clinton in a way reprised that twist of history.
Poll numbers don't accurately measure how well a potus is performing because often times factors (like inflation today) are not really caused by the current potus's actions. Carter actually nominated Volker to the fed and began raising rates to kill inflation, and his admin put the military funding we had at the time into the R&D that benefited us in the 80s and 90s. He was a terrible politician though. Reagan, for whatever else he may have been, was a master at the game. And HW and Clinton in a way reprised that twist of history.
As Harris said, as goes Virginia so goes the nation.
Clean sweep for Republicans.

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