Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Wow! Another half-baked libtard talking about how stupid others are who still doesn't now the difference between:
  • NEW: Something just created. And
  • KNEW: Past tense comprehension or cogitation of an intellectual matter.
But then there's that keyword: comprehension. Leaves ol' Dean in the dust every time. Mouth moves, but the brain sleeps.
It was completely controlled by white conservatives. Who were the Democrats in the 20s and 30s all the way up to the 60s. That’s when the white conservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans. At least you have to admit that today’s Republicans are white conservatives. And you know Lincoln was never a confederate.

You do know that Lincoln was never a confederate?

Precisely, dill weed. Lincoln wasn't a confederate. Your people were and your people locked up Scopes for teaching evolution which flushes your entire troll thread right down the toilet, so you can shut up now and save yourself from further embarrassment.
But Republicans are confederates. That's why you see the Confederate Flag at their conventions.


History says otherwise, and Democrats are tearing down Confederate statues to erase their history of slavery.

They are still Confederates, who've now adopted Communism, and seek to replace the old slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State.
Why would Republicans want to keep monuments to the enemy?

Are you sure you've thought this through?
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
Is it expanding in all directions or has it stopped?
It is microwave radiation, travelimg at the speed of light. It is electromagnetic radiation that became so red shifted that we now observe it as microwave radiation. Yes, it will, essentially, travel forever.
Microwave radiation IS electromagnetic radiation.

Sorry to bust Professor Indies bubble here, but microwave radiation only travel's at 1C in free space in a vacuum. They are just radio waves. It isn't red-shifted down from a higher state if it was generated as a microwave! And microwaves do not travel forever (maybe in theory but rarely in practicality as they are direct straight line only), the power density of EM waves is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance they travel, so for every doubling of their distance, their power is quartered. MWR is highly reactionary to the medium they travel in, so unless in absolute unfettered free space, often get blocked or absorbed as heat which is why they are so good at cooking food because water molecules resonate well at their frequency!
Was there a Universe or "space" before the Big Bang?

Yes, of course, as the big bang properly refers to the period of rapid expansion of the space that existed at the time. What you mean to ask is whether or not time had a beginning from our perspective, and whether or not "space" existed before it. And the answer is, "we dont know, maybe".
Sorry to bust Professor Indies bubble here, but microwave radiation only travel's at 1C in free space in a vacuum. They are just radio waves. It isn't red-shifted down from a higher state if it was generated as a microwave!
Then you should shut up immediately and go read up before commenting again.

It is called the "cosmic microwave background" because it shines most strongly in the microwave spectrum.

Yes, the CMB has been dramatically redshifted.
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And microwaves do not travel forever (maybe in theory but rarely in practicality as they are direct straight line only), the power density of EM waves is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance they travel, so for every doubling of their distance, their power is quartered.
That's dumb. You could take their energy down to almost zero, and they would still be travelling at the speed of light in a vacuum. Yes, light travels, essentially, forever, until absorbed.
I asked a question earlier. Maybe you could give it a shot.
I'll do my best....repost it?

Prove to me that the universe wasn't created ten minutes ago, with the light from distant stars in transit. Prove to me you didn't poof into being with all your memories of life before already built in. Prove to me the Earth wasn't built with the fossil record already intact.
I asked a question earlier. Maybe you could give it a shot.
I'll do my best....repost it?

Prove to me that the universe wasn't created ten minutes ago, with the light from distant stars in transit. Prove to me you didn't poof into being with all your memories of life before already built in. Prove to me the Earth wasn't built with the fossil record already intact.
Sorry, I cannot disprove magical nonsense, due to the inherent nature of magical nonsense. I can only assume a deterministic universe and then learn about amd describe the processes within, based on the evidence gathered.

So, sorry dude, I can't disprove your magical hooha. Nor would I ever feel compelled to attempt to do so. The very nature of magical horseshit prevents the concepts of proof and evidence.
I asked a question earlier. Maybe you could give it a shot.
I'll do my best....repost it?

Prove to me that the universe wasn't created ten minutes ago, with the light from distant stars in transit. Prove to me you didn't poof into being with all your memories of life before already built in. Prove to me the Earth wasn't built with the fossil record already intact.
Sorry, I cannot disprove magical nonsense, due to the inherent nature of magical nonsense. I can only assume a deterministic universe and then learn about amd describe the processes within, based on the evidence gathered.

So, sorry dude, I can't disprove your magical hooha. Nor would I ever feel compelled to attempt to do so. The very nature of magical horseshit prevents the concepts of proof and evidence.
Yeah, 'bout what I expected. You implicitly trust the evidence you've been shown, when my scenario proves it's inherently untrustworthy.

In other take it on faith.
when my scenario proves it's inherently untrustworthy.
No it doesnt. Your scenario merely tosses determinism out the window. Of course, you have no good reason or evidence to do so, nor could the concept of "evidence" even exist in the scenario you just dreamt up. so all your scenario and comments show is that you have a weak grasp of logic and an inherent tendency to believe utter nonsense.

Let me sum up your stupid diatribe:

"Nothing can be trusted, because magic might be real!"

Wow, you're a real deep thinker, haha
when my scenario proves it's inherently untrustworthy.
No it doesnt. Your scenario merely tosses determinism out the window. Of course, you have no good reason or evidence to do so, nor could the concept of "evidence" even exist in the scenario you just dreamt up. so all your scenario and comments show is that you have a weak grasp of logic and an inherent tendency to believe utter nonsense.

Let me sum up your stupid diatribe:

"Nothing can be trusted, because magic might be real!"

Wow, you're a real deep thinker, haha
Deeper than you, apparently. You can't conceive that what you've been told might not be accurate. You can't conceive that the concept of "truth" might itself be based on fiction.

You believe what you've been told to believe. You lack the wit to question it.

I might be wrong about the creation of the universe by an omnipotent being. I might be right. I won't know for sure until I've shuffled off this mortal coil.

But you? Your mind's made up, and nothing's going to sway you. sure you still want to bitterly cling to your intellectual superiority?
Thread summary:

perish like a dog.jpg
You can't conceive that what you've been told might not be accurate
HahaHaha...oh man. Listen up,you fraud:

Your idea of "maybe, magic!" is not deep or complicated. 3 year olds come up with it all on their own.

Might it be possible that there is magic (and it just happens to align with your personal fetishes and superstitions of course, haha, just like a toddler would think)? Of course. I just see no reason to believe such a thing.

And the biggest problem a quack like you has is that the moment you enter magic into your paradigm, you immediately and forever preclude yourself from any use of the concepts of logic or evidence. You throw determinism out the window. So, you basically, intellectually castrate yourself. You seem to be more than happy with that state of affairs. ;)
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