Wow look who is ahead in the pork race

What a surprise. Career politicians creating earmarks, shocked i tell you.

Looks like one thing hasn't changed, the top and the bottom per capita earmarks by state are, as outlined in the link you posted;

Hawaii — represented by Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) — had the most earmarks per capita: $412 million for its nearly 1.3 million citizens. Wyoming had the least per capita and overall — $5.76 million.

same as it ever was
Most earmarks are money that would've been sent to the various states, in the form of block grants, anyways.

Earmarks are easily the least understood topic that a lot of political dilettantes get all exorcised over.
wow because a couple of repukes head the list, let's just sweep it under the rug while you scream at the top of your lungs, no more pork, I got it , you guys are hypocrites , nothing more nothing less
The ironic thing form the OP is that the top guy on the list is republican alright, but the ones that follow him on the list are democrats.

I think the op wanted more partisanship miles from the article, but uit doesn't really fly that way.

Now, how did you get yourself banned in China? meanmouth mao?
wow because a couple of repukes head the list, let's just sweep it under the rug while you scream at the top of your lungs, no more pork, I got it , you guys are hypocrites , nothing more nothing less
I'm not a republican, dickweed.

The vast majority of earmarks are just how congressweasels direct federal spending in their districts and states. Ending them won't necessarily make excessively bloated federal budgets any smaller.

On top of that, I defy you to find any post where I've got all worked up over earmarks.
Earmarks are not a partisan issue, in fact they only have been an issue since congress passed a law to make them public a few years ago. That WAS a partisan attempt by the democrats. But the issue is not one of partisanship, it is an issue of fiscal responsibility.
and no, i am not republican either, nor am i a democrat
no shit dude and I bet you didn't vote for the blowhard cowboy either
I find it absolutely amazing that after 8 years of Bush, no one is a repub, or that at least will admit it
never belonged to any party, been registered since 1976, never been a republican, democrat, libertarian, communist or socailist.
trualy one of the independents you read about.
I voted for carter in 76, big letdown. i voted for reagan in 80, and nader in 84, voted for bush 1 in and nader again in 92, voted libertarian(forgot his name) in 96.
I voted for bush in 2000, to defeat al bore. I NEVER vote for incumbents, ever, so i voted libertarian in 2004, and in 2008.
From the sound of your post you really do sound like you voted for the first time last year, and expect to be instantly respected as a political genius.
good luck
well slack , we are close to same age, carter yes disappointed, braindead raygun the first time , big mistake, Perot, Clinton and it's been a steady down hill slide after that
wow Chmson dickhead, look it up as per captia % and you wonder why no wants to live in those shit hole redneck states
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Chrimsom -you redneck bastards have generations of white trash living off the gov teat, but hey, things haven't been the same since you were forced to get rid of your free labor
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Most earmarks are money that would've been sent to the various states, in the form of block grants, anyways.

Earmarks are easily the least understood topic that a lot of political dilettantes get all exorcised over.

Earmark apologist ?

Good job of it too :clap2:

And the Dems deserve a hand for making earmarks harder to hide.
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I find it absolutely amazing that after 8 years of Bush, no one is a repub, or that at least will admit it

I'll proudly admit it. I voted for Bush - twice. He was a better choice then the other two morons who ran against him. Just think, if Al Gore had of gotten elected President, we all would probably be hand-cranking windmills in our back yard or some other dumbass thing like that... If Kerry had of gotten elected, I hate to think what we would have become. Both of them were pretty lame.
yea dog , gore actually won , but that's neither here nor there, but I bet we would have been in one less war, because he wouldn't have to try and show up the old man
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