WOW I am Shocked!! 0__0

Trump isn't that smart... Know many like him...

Joe is far smarter... Joe operates on a different level.. Just listen to them talk, Trump sounds like a 13 year old...

Trump rarely has the background knowledge of a topic to speak on it...
Trump has limited reading skills and shows little interest in learning the details of critical subjects
If it can’t be summarized in bullet points on one page, Trump has no interest

Biden has repeatedly shown detailed knowledge of complex subjects
Trump isn't that smart... Know many like him...

Joe is far smarter... Joe operates on a different level.. Just listen to them talk, Trump sounds like a 13 year old...

Trump rarely has the background knowledge of a topic to speak on it...
Sure, Joe Biden is a rocket scientist. C’mon, give me a break man.


Leftists haven't figured this one out yet. One thing the left is good at is they recognize how deeply inept their base is.
At least they are consistent, don't forget that.

They see what is quite clearly a man in a dress and call it a woman. They see fires raging, burning down the businesses of innocent people and call it "peaceful". They see people caught up in the moment strolling through a building and call it an "insurrection".

When their Emperor is running around naked, should we expect anything less from them than their complimenting him on his new clothes?
Republicans throw out legitimate votes in the name of imaginary voter fraud that they don‘t even try to prove.
Now they are empowering partisan State governments to overrule votes because of imaginary “fraud”
Republican assault on Democracy
1. Link to where Republicans threw out legitimate votes, or you are a LIAR.
2. How do Republicans "empower" State Governments? They don't, LIAR, duh. States run elections, read the US Constitution.

All democrats have are LIES.
Have any evidence of "democrats' voter fraud machinery. "?
We won't like to think you as a gullible fool...
Can you show us any proof of mass voter fraud...
On the flip side we can show:
Voter Suppression
KYZR, time to open your mind and educate yourself... This is called the Big Lie for a reason... The GOP knows it can't win on policies, there is only so many times that you can say we need to give the rich more money...
1. I agree with you that the GOP tax cuts are bad policy. Didn't the dems just reverse them?
2. Both parties gerrymander.
3. Evidence of democrat's voter-fraud machinery? Sure, the PA SC illegally extended the voting deadline 3-days, IMHO to "find" enough votes. Then there is this, as another example, I'm sure you can find many more using google. Years ago their motto was "Vote Early - Vote Often".

4. Voter suppression is total bullshit because BOTH Rs & Ds have to follow the exact same rules.
4. Voter suppression is total bullshit because BOTH Rs & Ds have to follow the exact same rules.

But it is Republicans who are changing the rules to make it harder to vote
No, they simply want the vote limited to people who are A) actual citizens and B) still among the living.

I hope that helps!

Yet you have no evidence of non citizens or the dead voting

Except with Trump Republicans trying to steal the election
Not harder to vote, just harder to cheat.
The exact same rules apply to both R and D voters.

Yet it is the REPUBLICANS who are cheating

You have ZERO proof of Democrats cheating
And the reason why I am shocked is because I can't believe they didn't know we didn't already know this.

I hope so, that way I can win the bet with my wife the Joe will not be POTUS in 2023.

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